Is kitbashing Warhammer really expensive? And where do I find good Bits?

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I breakdown a couple Warhammer Kitbash projects and show you how much they cost.


Sketchy Recasting Site: I'm not sure I'm allowed to say. Just google around and try not to get your credit card information stolen.

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I've heard that Bitzbox are pretty good ;)


Thank you for this Video, love what you are doing and you have awakened the kitbash monster within me, twenty years ago when i started my first chaos army, we called it converting, but the term kitbashing works just aswell.


i got into building and painting my first army recently and was struggling with finding bit to kitbash with so this will help a ton, thanks man


Your channel is criminally underrated.


I've fallen asleep thinking about my kitbashes more than once XD


I’m one of comments in the video :) The Terminator Lord vid I originally commented on must have really made an impression, cuz without thinking about it I did a very similar conversion for my own Termi Lord/Sorcerer. You channel is very inspirational thank you


I've never been into kitbashing much but ever since I found your channel I can't seem to think about anything else 😭
I'm currently working on a kitbashed blood angels captain and a word bearers master of possession.
I hope to get them done pretty soon !


Thanks very much for the shout out dude. Very much appreciate it 🙏
Also, please keep up the vids and your inspire myself and many others to push our own creations 🙂👍


Very nice getting some insight from someone with a lot more experience in kitbashing, gotta admit that your chaos army (both word bearers and fantasy) inspired me to kitbash my own hero models. Also I had exactly the same idea for that daemon prince with the centurion torso, sooo great minds think alike?


That Freeguild style Kastelan bodysuit thing is AMAZING. Seriously obsessed with that style


I started 40k and modeling in general less than two years ago and I’ve managed to do several kitbash/conversions already. I found a YouTube channel that had tutorials for several Necron kitbashes and was able to follow those very easily with my own little changes in order to make Acanthrites and a Tomb Sentinel/Stalker out of a single kit of Canoptek Wraiths each. I can find the channel and post a link if anyones interested.

I also have done two Necron character entirely on my own. I was looking at the sprues for the Combat Patrol and realized I could make a Skorpekh Lord by cutting the legs off the Overlord and replacing them with legs from one of the Skorpekhs. I gave him a third arm by cutting the blade off of a Skorpekh’s arm and used the extra talons from the aforementioned wraith kit to make a claw on the arm and slapped an extra Tomb Blade’s gun on his other arm. Also currently finishing up the build on an Overlord who I replaced his legs with a Wraith’s tail to make a snake man!

Finally I also gave my Custodes Shield Captains the ability to be run as Blade Champions. I had already magnetized them but got power swords from my friends Dark Angles bits and was able to add those to their weapon options.


a lesson I've learned playing the Greenskins: depends on how many bonus bits your army gives you. Most Space Marines, particularly Thousand Sons, and Orks give you legitimate bits *fodder* while other armies barely have weapon options. You want to make a new Ork character? steal random mechanical bitz from your bitz box to make legs since you'll probably have random heads, arms, and torsos to make the rest of it, and boom, an extra 70 points out of random bullshit. You wanna make an extra Genestealer Cultist? Buy a Necromunda gang. It's cheaper than the actual kit, but not by much. Most armies are somewhere in the middle where you can't just randomly generate a new unit, but you get *enough* bits to at least customize the ones you already bought with bits you already have.


Brilliant video! Your kitbashing ideas are crazy n I love it!!! Thank you for the info on bits sites :)


I love your work. What you do is truly inspiring😊


For my own kitbashing I seek out stores that have bitz bins, and bitz lots on ebay. Typically I find I can get a ziplock baggie (~3oz) worth of bitz for 30-40$. They tend to be fully random, but searching in this way comes up with things like people trying to get rid of huge bags of bitz for pretty cheap. Then my kitbashes tend to be more of a discovery than a specific goal and I get to keep the extras until the day when I do want to be more specific.


I been collecting since 1987 and kit bashing is also my passion. etsy is also a great source for bits. I miss when GW sold every models bits out of a super huge catalog! I build a double decker snotling pump wagon as one of the things i made. I order so much the (placed my orders via phone to England) the staff all knew me when I called in! they also put in a lot of extras like two hand full of snotlings and they were really nice guys ! Sad this went the way of the dodo bird!


Yes this is amazing!! I had no clue about the bits sites, that helps a TON


I just wanted to let you know this I've never seen such unique and creative models in this quantity before.


I usually buy whole boxes instead of separate bits, but from the second hand market and independent stores so way cheaper than actual GW anyway. And then I mix the bits as I see fitting, like you I have a lot of projects at the same time so there's always a use for everything!

Very informative video, I will check the bits stores as my method invariably leaves me with way more heads and arms than bodies to put them on.


I glued a skull to a Crypt Flayer’s shoulder and put Morbheg Knight heads on Crypt Guard so I’m kind of an official kitbasher now.

(Morbheg Knights and Crypt Guard have perfectly interchangeable heads)
