Adult ADHD girlies pls stand 🙋🏼‍♀️😫 #CleaningVlog | Single Mom Daily Routine

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My favorite adhd cleaning routine is inviting someone over the next day, forcing myself to panic clean so I’m not embarrassed 😂


I feel you girl! I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult and I struggled with EVERYTHING, which is one thing that led to my addiction. I now have 2 1/2 years sober from heroin/meth and my ADHD is now medicated, which has made a HUGE difference. I'm a full time college student (my 2nd year in the Addiction Studies program, on my way to becoming an LADC ❤) and I finally have a good, solid routine down, which helps my mental health tremendously! 🙂 Medications aren't everyone's preference, but each situation is different, so do what is best for you. ❤ You're doing great Abbey!!! 💖


One thing that has helped me is putting shoes on whenever I have to do chores or work etc. it signals to my brain that it’s time to be in work mode and then I take my shoes off when I’m done. I know shoes in the house aren’t for everyone but I bought one pair that don’t leave my house and that’s what I wear. Give it a try, it’s helped me a lot!


Yup I struggled with the same thing about being sober and taking meds. I was trying to take antidepressants and it was ok for like a year and then one time I went out of town for 2 days and I forgot them and I STARTING WITHDRAWING… I had not been in withdraw in 3 yrs at that point and I said absolutely not!! And starting weening off that same week. Everybody is different but when you were an addict and just never ever want to have the feeling or shame that comes with withdraw again, you won’t want to be on ANY meds of any kind. Thank you for always inspiring 💜💜💜


Try “eating for ADHD”, foods to avoid and foods to incorporate into your diet. Lion’s Mane Mushrooms.


i have ocd not adhd, so slightly different, i HAVE to clean up the ENTIRE mess as soon as it’s made. i CANNOT let it sit the clutter genuinely makes me nauseous. for example- im dog / house sitting rn, i got a bit of mud on the floor from my shoes. i wiped it up, noticed ALL the floors were dirty, so i spent a hour cleaning every inch of the entire kitchen floor. all the tile. it’s perfect n beautiful now 😌 i cleaned under the oven under the fridge under all the cabinets. i cleaned around the air vent, noticed it was dirty UNDER the vent, so i took the vent out the floor n cleaned the whole vent out 😀 my ocd is so bad i get stuck doing things for hours on hours. if i get a lego set (even the entire huge hogwarts castle one) i have to immediately that day sit there and build the entire thing start to finish in one sitting. if i don’t- i will 100% never do it.


Girly I love you so much!! I have been subscribed for a LONG time now and have just fell in love with your content!! Seeing you clean and organize all your/mylas stuff just made me so calm and relaxed! You are always just so inspirational in your videos and it’s just amazing! Keep up the good work! ❤❤


Hi, I have been diagnosed with ADHD since I was 6 years old. I took meds in high school and uni. I only took them when needed because addiction runs in the family so I'm preventative sober, I made that decision because I noticed that getting drunk was a bit to relaxing for my adhd brain.
When my husband and I knew we where going to start our journey to parenthood i stopped medication completely and I won't go back on them until I'm done having babies and by then I probably wont see the need anymore.
For me it helps to have a routine for waking up and going to bed, a small one that can extend if I have time. Like for me a goal is to to brush my teeth the second I wake up and put a moisturiser on and in the evening aswell just before going to bed, it's very minimal right now because I have a new born. What also really helps me is to plan my day the evening before so I know what my goals als when I wake up. I use the ABC taks system
A: tasked that need to be done that day, I do max 3 of these
B:things I would like to have done this week max 3
C: things I would like to have done this month max 5

And a other golden rule for me is finish what I have started. So finish cleaning one room before I go to the other.

Hope this helps


YESSSS I struggled all threw school and didnt get why, my mom just told me i was bipolar, few years later in in a psychward at 20 and getting diagnoses, by 23 i found out i had ocd AND adhd. The ocd kicked in when i got ptsd and unaware of my adhd, so i got hit with both at once. Ive always had it under control but its nice to know WHY and be able to catch myself sooner. Its a blessing but you just gotta keep taking responsibility but remind yourself to breathe too.


You're 6.5. I'm 4.5 ❤I can't wait til I get to 20 years ❤ We've got this girl 😊


Fellow sober, non-medicated ADHD girlie here and I feel this! I was heavily addicted to adderall for years so that’s a hard NO for me! The struggle is real but I wouldn’t have it any other way!


My favorite way to clean my room is separate my room into different sections and do what that section needs (it’s usually about 3-4 things per section) but as I go along section by section and I can tell the difference each section

I learned it from a YouTube video a few years ago on cleaning a house and I adjusted it to my needs


I'm also ADHD and choosing to be unmedicated. I don't restrict myself to a set routine. Every night I spend 30 minutes going through my house and just picking up or tackling the worst bits. I set a timer for myself. One room is never perfectly in order but even chaotically doing a little bit in each room makes such a big difference. And when you do it everyday it eventually snowballs and soon you don't have nearly as much to tackle. Hope that helps! ❤️


Discipline is the hardest part of working for yourself. I'm a housekeeper. I work alone most of the time, but my business is growing quickly, and I'll need to hire soon if I wanna keep growing. The last thing I want to do after work is clean my own home, but cleaning other people's space and then coming home to a mess is even worse. What works for me is doing 15-30 minutes each day of cleaning. I do little things during the week. Countertops light switches door knobs and outside of appliances one day, tub, toilets, and sinks the next, vaccuum and mop the third, and so on. Dusting and laundry takes longer, but I find doing everything in rotation makes it so nothing gets so dirty that I have to spend all day cleaning. I always deep clean my house before switching out my holiday decorations. That's when I do my baseboards, light fixtures, and windows. When it comes to organizing, I never leave a room empty-handed, and everything gets put back where it belongs, so it never gets out of hand.


Thank you for being brave enough to share this knowing you’d get blasted. My first thought was to judge you as well tbh, thinking, you don’t even have to work full time, like she needs the help, more rich girl behavior. But now I can see I’m just bitter. Especially considering I have ADHD I should understand. Thinking more on it I actually love this idea. Can keep you motivated as well as learn how “normal” people approach it!


Sis! Thanks for always sharing your journey… Your authenticity is awesome… And thanks for sharing around your your challenges, you have faced with your body… You are looking very healthy. Keep it up!😊


Always do a morning and evening reset!
Morning jobs such as: empty dishwasher, put drying up away, make beds, sort dogs, put wash load on and hang it out
Evening jobs: pick up entire house with general tidy, straighten blankets ect, clean kitchen every night dishes and bench tops and get in, fold washing and put it away.
I know it sounds like a lot, but I promise it’s half an hour in the morning, 45 minutes at night for a grown up family of 5. Get yourself into a schedule and routine that works for you x


After watching so many ADHDers come out on SM, I knew it’s what I also had. I thought about getting formally diagnosed but then thought what would be the point, I hate and am bad at long term meds. And I also resent having to medicate a condition that’s not going to kill me just so I can fit into a society that expects me to conform to it instead accepting me as I am. I’ve masked successfully for 43 and have made it just fine.


Trust me on these!! So I clean houses for a living so my best hacks are to buy really good cleaning supplies. It will really help u keep motivated to clean since it makes it way More fun and a lot faster. Also coming From someone with adhd as well i would reccomend having lil boxes and baskets for EVERYTHING so that if u just can’t orgaanise everything as well as you’d like you can put them in their box/basket and have a clean is environment. Then u can tackle cleaning each basket or box individually with the house still being overall quite clean. Hope this helps🥰


I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD for 20 years and only medicated maybe 2 of those years. Lots of non medical interventions can work really well!
