Sexism is the Big Problem With School Dress Codes

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The irony is if you wear TOO MUCH clothing or too little clothing, it is deemed inappropriate.
Have fun getting dressed.


India and countries in the Middle East have higher incidents of rape and sexual harassment, than here in the United States, and those countries dress very modest. The reason for them having higher cases of rape is because there aren't many laws against sexual harassment and rape. We need to stop blaming rape and sexual harassment on what a girl wears, it's not her fault. I've worn a tank top and shorts around my father, brother, male cousin, and male friends, and they all control themselves just fine. If all the gentlemen in my life can handle seeing me in clothes that show some skin, then my clothes aren't the problem.


I got dress coded for having slits on my knees. My teacher said "I see your knees!" As she sent me to the dress code office then I spent the rest of my day in school suspension ... writing the schools dress code over on paper, wasting time where I could be in class LEARNING would my knees distract someone .-.


1:06 what does losing virginity have to do with clothes that are "inappropriate." He's the one suggesting it.


We go to school to learn, not to be sexualized

As a teacher I preach to that. It's about time to stop acting like harassment will stop if you go to school in a long skirt and an oversize shirt. We really need to educate boys and everyone really that harassment is not good and also what a woman wears doesn't define who she is. Dress codes as stupid. I mean of course we need to keep things under control (you can't go to school in high heels and shorts) but other than that I don't see the point. When I was in school we had dress code for both boys and girls and it was legit but as the years went by I noticed some obscured behaviors. Teachers were freaking out for skinny jeans (I seriously got called out for wearing leggings when I literally wore black jeans and when I point that out the teacher said she was sorry but I had to wear more loose pants from this point forward) and girls would fight back by being more and more provocative with their clothes or makeup just to rebel against this.It's a nonsense that it is about time to stop.


in my school, girls aren't allowed to show their shoulders or bra straps as not to distract the boys, yet the boys can come to school showing like half of their underwear above their jeans.
why are bra straps distracting? like, oh, god forbid, girls actually wear bras?


At my school, freshmen girls aren't allowed to wear skirts above the knee but Senior are allowed to wear whatever they want which is even worse because they are teaching us that after certain age its okay for men to see you as a sexual object and not just a women, they say they do it because they are older and therefore they can take care of themselves and manage their sexual life but in reality a women's body changes a lot in those 4 years which means those senior girls are not only responsible for their sexual life but also are seen as better targets for harassment .


I've seen guys in high school wearing super open sleeveless shirts and nothing under them so chest and stomach were visible. They were never told it was a problem.


I think both genders should taught on sexual harassment not just boys


sexual harassment will happen no matter what the person is wearing they say person because it can happen to men too also it is hard to find clothes that fit the dress code and fit us for a reasonable price


They do that to stop sexual harassment but my school has a uniform and that still happens


I've went to school wearing shorts, being afraid I was going to get dress coded. The reason? The shorts I was wearing were kind of short, and they were the longest ones I could find in the store that would fit me. The shorts weren't revealing anything, I was just afraid also because my shirts are always on the longer side and from certain angles it looked like I wasn't wearing pants. I don't get why schools have these dress codes for girls if girls can't even find clothes that follow it.


"Don't teach girls what to wear, teach your sons how to behave."
fortunately in my highschool we don't have any dress code, so the school isn't forbidding us to wear anything, but unfortunately, the students are.
Students are forbidding students to wear certain clothes by judging very hard what you're wearing, and so We, students, (well not me) are basically creating a dress code of what's acceptable and not "whore" "slut" "weird" looking, and this is completely fucked up, i hate that


the dress code is even racist sometimes, in some schools black women get sent home for wearing their hair naturally.


I got sexually harassed in Middle School wearing jeans and a t-shirt when I got to high school and started to wear more revealing outfits I wasn't it's not always about clothes


I don't think that dress code it's a bad idea, but just if it's used in the right way. I'll try to explain myself: The dress code it's good if its purpose it's to make kids understand that school is a serious thing and not a red carpet, so you just have to go there in order to study (ok and socialize, whatever) and not for doing a catwalk like sometimes some kids think it is, desperately trying to look cute and being accepted. Some schools adopt uniforms in order to make ALL the student EQUAL, that's the point of that.
If the reason behind a dress code is instead that GIRLS have to be less sexy in order to not distract teachers (that's a creepy thing) or male student, well, that really sucks.


The "fingertip-rule" is BS if you're tall.


The key word is modesty. In schools such as these, both sexes should be required to dress modestly. There should not be a double standard.


Guys are given so many excuses for harassing and the objectification of girls and we are blamed for it which is so not fair. teach guys that objectification of women is not right
