The Complicity of Geek Masculinity on the Big Bang Theory

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The Big Bang Theory delights in poking fun at its male characters for their geeky obsessions but there's something even more pernicious going on just under the surface. Beyond the mocking of geekdom, the show is relentless in making fun of its male leads for not being 'real men." In their quest to prove their manhood the four geeks then end up being complicit in many of the most harmful aspects of hypermasculinity.

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• Masculinities by R. W. Connell
• The Men and the Boys by R. W. Connell
• The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love
• The Gender Knot: Unraveling Our Patriarchal Legacy


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Writer/Producer: Jonathan McIntosh
Motion Graphics: Jonathan McIntosh
Logo Design: Justin McIntosh
Outro music: Jonathan Mann

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Raj: “I happen to be comfortable with my masculinity.”
Howard: “How is that possible?”
The best summary of the show in two lines tbh.


"Why are nerds who are bullied about not being manly enough turn around and replicate that behavior in their own communities?"

That is the greatest mystery of "gamer" culture, my friend.


This guy ruins show after show and movie after movie for me... and all in all I have to thank him for that. Sometimes it hurts to open your eyes.


So basically, Raj is the only one secure in his masculinity out of the whole show.


Ooomph. Didnt even realize the "haha funny virgin asian" trope in Raj until you pointed it out, but it makes so much sense


The canned laughter is starting to make me feel sick...


It always worried me about how they addressed depression and suicide. Every scene with Stuart in it made me really sad. The group's casual dismissal of his suicidal comments.


It saddens me that so many men reject feminism as something attacking their masculinity, but it's not just helping women get respect, it's trying to help guys live a healthier life with emotional support and friendly touches vital to mental health that so many guys deny themselves because it's too "gay"


Thank you for revealing that nerds and so called “ nice guys “ can be sexist too. They can treat women like objects and nothing more than a “ status “ too. I’m also glad you mentioned how Hollywood loves to mock Asian men for their sexuality.


During my limited time watching the show, the one I felt the most sorry for was Rajesh because of the way the others constantly belittle him for his interests.
He is by no means perfect, and does show some toxic behaviours himself, but I can't help but sympathise with a guy being tormented for being too feminine by is supposed best friend.


The idea of using femininity as an insult is just so disheartening to me. I am whole, fully rounded person with depth and intelligence and the notion that a man being like me somehow lessens his value has its effects. And the idea that Penny being physically stronger or showing more stereotypically 'manly' traits is somehow the basis for a joke is also just as damaging.


As a gay man of colour, I would like to say that notions of masculinity are also present in the gay community. While, in heterosexual hypermasculine settings emotions and anything feminine can be a sign of weakness, the same happens in gay communities. 
It is caused, I believe, by some absurd need or desire by the gay community to mirror the heterosexual world. Gay men who are more masculine and mascular, those who easily pass as straight, are more desired than those who are effeminate. This from both feminine and masculine gay and bisexual men. Also, if you are highly feminine then you basically have the status of a woman in a heterosexual and misogynist world in the gay community. 
I was having a discussion with some friends of mine about how oppressive the gay community is. How, in the gay community, the worst thing you could possibly be is feminine, black, thick (or fat) and poor. For an oppressed group, the gay community can sometimes be surprisingly racist, (can’t think of a word to describe someone who has issues with people’s body size), classist and also embody notions of toxic masculinity. 
It seems that in general society, whether heterosexual or otherwise, feminity is negatively stereotyped and masculinity is always desirable. Sadly


I also hate the fact the show thinks that women can't be nerds.


Honestly I could never get over how they kept raj single. The actor is the most physically attractive guy, and personality of his character was so sweet, funny and genuine. I think any woman would want him over the rest....


One of the most horrible examples I think was the episode in which they mock Howard for Bernadette making more money than him. It was so ridiculous! It made me wonder "Are men today actually threatened if their girlfriend/wife makes more money than them?".

And the shows treatment of poor Raj (and Stuart) was what made me start hating it. At first, Raj was depicted as at least somewhat desirable, like Sheldon's sister Missy obviously preferred him over the others and he got together with that one girl at Penny's party.
In the beginning, I think they also had some heart-felt moments between Leonard and Sheldon, where they comfort each other and it's not played for laughs. This stops to happen at some point and the group becomes a bunch of douchy assholes that beg the question why you would wanna continue to hang out with them, especially if you are Raj or Stuart.


I love how this is feminist pop culture analysis and it's presented by a male writer/voiceover and he doesn't explicitly say feminist, so that makes it totally fine for everyone for some reason.

If feministfrequency made this exact same analysis there would be a million response vids strawmanning it.

Think about what that says about youtube culture.


Wait so enjoying The Princess Bride is unmanly? I don't envy manly men one bit if that's the case.


REALLY enjoyed this video. So many men need to see this. Feminism isn't just about letting women escape from the stereotypes of their sex, it is also an invitation to men to just be who they are without ridicule or questioning their identity.


shoutout to all the boys out there who:

- sometimes hide when they're sad or hurt
- wish they had someone to talk about their feelings
- want to cry sometimes
- or just enjoy sandra bullock movies or putting on makeup

the way you feel is completely okay and doesn't make you any less of a man and i really love you.


Unfortunately the "geeky guys hating femininity" thing is a real thing. It is prevalent in geek culture especially gaming culture.
