Ideas For Moving Bathroom Plumbing Drains And Water Supply To Other Side of Wall In New Room

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Sir! You videos have saved me $50-100k in the last 3 years not having to hire a contractor.
I bought a time for which the inspector missed many structural issues. Using your videos as a initial jump points for certain issues and topics, it allowed me to understand certain structure and engineering of such. Also, viewer comments are always helpful too. One structural repair, I used your video(s), formulated a repair and hired a structural engineer to approve or provide feedback.

Most of my repairs and work I had/has been inspected and far exceeded requirements and local code. I was showing one inspector your YouTube channel and he was enthralled with your content.

Again, these were needed repairs and would have been out of pocket. I wanted to let you know that content creators like you unknowingly help people to this level.

Thank you 🙏🏻


If you're using that lavatory as the horizontal wet vent for the toilet, you can't have other fixtures draining through the wet vent. You would need to tie other fixtures down steam of the wet vent. It goes back to the theory that waste is on the bottom of the pipe and air on the top. I don't have a code# but that's how I was taught. That's for the upc. But since it toilet is between two wet vents not sure what an inspector would say but it would probably be fine.


Thanks for your videos, they are of tremendous value! I have a question - Why the sink drain is in a 45deg angle? Thanks again!


i vent huge mantions with an 1 1/2 vent. no 3" vent stacks requiered


Can I connect a new sink line to the existing sink line vent pipe in the crawl space?


bs. toilet flange glued directly to a 90 will not cause an isue if its vented properly


What’s your email, I need some help with my kitchen
