11 Signs Of An EVIL Woman | NEVER Become This Kind Of Woman

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The danger that an ungodly woman presents. 11 signs to look after! Never be attached to this kind of woman. A Godly woman is a wise woman. They fear God, and fearing God is the beginning of Wisdom. All Christian women should strive to walk in God’s will and allow Him to use us for His perfect plans and purposes. Other than being described as kind hearted in Scripture, a Godly woman is a woman who is after God's own heart, strives to serve others selflessly and build up those around her. A Godly woman is a daughter of God.

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Men, take heed to what is being said in this video. Save yourself trouble from dating a Jezebel.

And thank you God and for using Marc your messenger. I have to search my heart and soul to see if any of these are found within and ask God to work in me and obey Him to turn from these things.


"You cannot build a kingdom with a woman who likes attention from the village" Marc.
This is words of wisdom brother.


When I turned away from God, and became ungodly, I went through everything Marc is saying here. Issues with submission, drinking / smoking a lot, wearing attire to make other man lust and women jealous, etc.

It took prayer to overcome, it took the holy spirit to come back.

Now I’m married, have a 3 week old baby girl and I submit and get better with God everyday. I really feel like I’ve been saved! And this is what I want for every women. To find fulfillment.


Thank you for this message. My baby brother is in his grave because of a narcissistic sociopath, very evil and had him killed because he was about to leave her. He was 31 years old and a police officer and was about to start law school. He would have graduated law school this year, I love and miss him so much 😢 😭 😔 my only baby brother 💙. RIP NUPE!


To realize how much I have backslid into the world is so disgusting to me. I have become what I used to hate. Please forgive me God for I knew not what I was doing. I am currently on the path trying to get back to you in the name of Jesus Amen. Thank you, brother Marc I really needed to hear this!!💯🙏❤️


As a 25 year old virgin and Christian, this is just more confirmation for me. Thank you my brotha!🙏🏾💯


My ex is ungodly. She’s out having fun when she has responsibilities to deal with at home. I chose God over our relationship and I have no regrets whatsoever!


This only proves how much my life has changed … literally in 0 time 😮 3-4 years ago I used to be all of that … The power of Jesus is absolutely amazing! Thank you Marc!


Pray for my daughter Sadie. She is of the world. She dances to make enough money to feed her kids. It's so sad. She can't survive on worldly wages. Oh God, save my daughter!.


I’m 15, that wants to submit, fear, and love God. Keeping his commandments. I’ll definitely be praying about this to strength my spirit


I do admit that I am the weaker vessel. 😞 I used to get offended hearing this until I started picking up the Bible and reading it. I’ve had to humble myself and still do daily. That I Now understand myself more as a woman and my emotions. I do believe now more then ever why I do need a Man who fears God in my life.


I was once an ungodly woman a drunkard and a fornicator until the holy spirit had to slap some sense into me and I never want to go back because all I fell into was hurt after hurt and destruction after destruction, it's like no matter how many times I thought I was living my best life something went wrong. But thanks to jesus he saved me I fall sometimes over small things like overeating but I'm praying against every unclean spirit currently and thank you mark! Always on time!


100% truth. Many women are like that 😔 I was like that too. It was very exhausting, every day competition with other girls for attention and fame and love and likes, full of pride and lies that they just do it for themselves but inside they want attention from men. Praise God He saved me ♥️🙏🏻 I pray that they will too will be saved 🙏🏻


I been battling addiction my whole life and the good lord delivered me and I got clean for a couple years and completely changed my life for the better. However, instead of giving thanks to the lord and dedicating my life to him, i left myself open to attack from the devil who came in the form of a beautiful woman of this world. Relapsed, lost everything and ended up back on drugs and on the streets. I’m just grateful God didn’t allow me to die and I’m currently bouncing back and repenting, this time I’m giving Jesus all his glory. Amen.


Peace and blessings bro I was just living with an Evil woman just the other day had to let her Go cause she was not Worth the drama and lies


Hey yall stay blessed on this sabbath! 🙏


Shabbat Shalom brothers and sisters! I’m currently helping someone who is dealing with this. Alcohol and nicotine addiction. I used to have this addiction myself, I have been sober for a year and half now! I understand how hard it is to be sober, and sometimes never enough to say to someone to get them to stop but to be patient.


Proverbs 31: 30 Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised


Jezebel is a spirit. She can be in men too.


I was an ungodly woman… I felt possessed in my marriage… I did all these things and emotionally abused my husband….that evil spirit tore my marriage and family apart. 😢 I changed for the better, I seeked God before the evil one took away my soul and my love for Jesus is stronger more than ever now. I pray for my husband to seek the Lord. 🙏🏼 he is lost in this luxurious life and I want God to show him that me and the kids still love him and pray he opens his mind spiritually 😢🙏🏼 please help me pray for him… ❤
