Umbar, City of Corsairs - Region Spotlight

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Umbar was the city of Corsairs in Middle-earth, let’s explore its history! Thank you all so much for watching, let me know your thoughts about Umbar! As always, a great thanks to the online artists whose visual works made this video possible! If you are one of the artists, please let me know and I will post your name and a link to your work in this description!


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What Was East and South in Middle-earth? Middle-earth Explained:

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Last time I was this early, the two trees were still around.


Ah Umbar! Beautiful this time of year! And the Orcs are especially friendly


"Not just orcs, but men as well."

A region where everyone knows the location but not many know its history. Really enjoyed this spotlight 😃
Feel light a show showing the conflict between here and Gondor would b a great story or show to watch. It's so foreign and different from anything we know in the north or west. Endlessly fascinating.


Can't wait for this new region to come up in LOTRO !


I sometimes wonder how much of Umbar had been converted to the worship of Melkor by the King's Men by the late Third Age, versus how much of the city's population resented Sauron's dominion more than any grudge against Gondor.


Thank you for Sharing, Umbar is being released in the 16 years and counting Lord of the Rings Online video game this November, as well as a Corsair inspired class, the Mariner. Exciting to learn of its history.


Come to Umbar for your next vacation! Tired of endless rainy days in those green forests and wet mountains? Umbar is the place for you! What happens in Umbar, stays in Umbar! Gambling, girls and pipe weed are all available in our flesh dens and weed hovels! Win big at our hot spots! Watch a gladiatorial fight in one of our many coliseums! Fights to the death! Blood sports between the best fighters in Middle Earth! Orcs! Trolls! Men! Dark Elves! Monsters from the Dark Lands! If you crave excitement and decadence, you’ll love our shows!


I've always wondered about umbar

How big it was
How fortified it was..

It must've been a really tough nut To crack by land and sea like Carthage or Constantinople


Umbar is one of those places that I wish we knew more about. We only ever see history from a combined Elvin/Westernesse perspective, but like the saying goes, history is written by the victors. I have to imagine that Umbar, in its own way, thought it was "doing the right thing" by fighting Gondor so bitterly. Their side of the story, whatever it may be, is probably quite fascinating!


What a missed opportunity from Amazon! They could have portrayed the beginnings of the people who inhabited the coast of Harad. There is a writing by Tolkien from the point of view of the people of the south: Tal-elmar.

And how they fought against the colorization of Númenor. They could show the resentment of the tribes in the region and how Sauron took advantage of this to corrupt the people of the south. But I bet they won't do any of that.


Btw, interesting theory, is Thorongil's attack on Umbar's fleet a reflection of the famous attack by Francis drake on the spanish fleet which preceded the Spanish armada?

What was called at the time the singeing of the King of Spain's beard.

Famous mariner and explorer, also known as a battlefield commander? Lightning attack on a rival, shortly followed by a main fleet attack in a time of war; a main fleet attack which failed miserably!

Obviously the parallel isn't perfect, Aragorn didn't' sink the corsair ships at sea in the war of the ring, but it was an interesting thought I had when you mentioned the prior rade on Umbar, and particularly Aragorn's attack on the ships.


With Sauron finally defeated for good, his malign influence would wain and I suspect there were many in Umbar happy to see the old rulers gone. I think eventually Umbar would be fully integrated into the Reunited Kingdom. I wonder more about other settlements that were likely ruled by the descendants of the Kingsmen that were farther south than Umbar. There had to have been more down there.


Always wanted to know about Umbar excellent vid Yoystan


I've always imagined Umbar as a gray area, a midway point between the far southern lands of Middle Earth and the northern kingdoms. I also imagine Umbar featuring in a Middle Earth series like Rings of Power, but with better writing and characters, of course. For instance, traders from Far Harad--some who have traveled to Gondor and beyond in the past, could stop at Umbar (or work to avoid it) as they go north. I picture an expedition ala Marco Polo. A young man of Far Harad recounts his tales and, being a stranger in a strange land, can ask questions for the show's audience.


I always found the relationship of Gondor and Umbar very similar to the relationship of Rohan and Dunland.


Oooo yea I love me some nice good Umbar. Down under in Umbar where the nights be hot


I beg you for Rhûn and the lands further east for your next video 🙏 thank you! Great content!


Excellent video as always keep up the amazing work!!


If we do get more middle earth movies/shows/games it would be cool to explore the east of middle earth a lot more.

Doesn’t need to be cannon it would just be cool exploring Rhûn.


Interesting and still common in today's world. Enemy neighbors from the same roots. Unsolved problems are simply postponed to later generations. Thank you for nice narrative
