
How did Yoystan from Men of the West become interested in Tolkien?

Who Were the Most Powerful Elves in Tolkien's Works? Middle-earth Explained

What is the Afterlife in Tolkien's Works? Middle-earth Explained

The Drúedain of Middle-earth

The Complete Timeline of Middle-earth

Why I Will Continue to Watch/Review Rings of Power (& New ROP Rumors)

The History of Minas Anor/Tirith - Region Spotlight

The History of the Silmarils - Artifacts of Arda

The History of Osgiliath, Citadel of Stars - Region Spotlight

The New Shadow (Tolkien's Unfinished Story) - Building a World

The Tragic Love Story of Amroth and Nimrodel

New Lord of the Rings Movies Announced! - My Thoughts

Tulkas, Champion of the Valar - Epic Character History

How Did Sauron's Plans Change Over the Ages? Middle-earth Explained

Where Were the Nazgûl From? Middle-earth Explained

The War of the Last Alliance - Wars of the Legendarium

LOTR: War in the North - Lore Review

The History of Isengard - Region Spotlight

the Magic of Tolkien's Middle-earth #MiddleEarth #Tolkien #FantasyWorld #LOTR #lords of the rings

Tolkien Books Reading Order - Building a World

The History of Narsil & Andúril, Blade of Kings - Artifacts of Arda

What if Gil-galad Survived Fighting Sauron? Theory

What's Different? - The Fellowship of the Ring (Part 1)

Why Weren't More One Rings or Silmarils Forged? Middle-earth Explained