'This POWERFUL HYPNOSIS Will Completely HEAL YOU TODAY!' | Marisa Peer

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Build your self-esteem and heal from negative self-image with this powerful hypnosis. Listen to this in a space where there are no distractions, and you can relax fully into the hypnosis session. When you rewire your beliefs about yourself subconsciously, you start to experience freedom like never before. I want to help you break the chains of low self-esteem and self-criticism so that you can reach new heights of fulfillment and success in life.

Marisa Peer is the author of 'I Am Enough' and creator of Rapid Transformational Therapy®️(RTT). Marisa Peer is an English best-selling author, nutritionist, relationship therapist, hypnotherapist trainer, and motivational speaker. She is using hypnosis for anxiety, weight loss, addiction, and overcoming fear.

She has spent over 30 years working with people including royalty, rock stars, actors, professional and Olympic athletes, CEOs and media personalities and has developed her own style that is frequently referred to as "life-changing."

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This is the most powerful hypnosis. I’ve been listening to it almost daily for 10days. My childhood can somewhat be described as a ‘Matilda’. Unwanted, unloved and abused. But that was then. I am 65. Although I’ve been successful I can’t help allowing the past hold me back from achieving fulfilment. Unlike Matilda who’s teacher eventually adopted her and loved her I now have the older me. Thank you so much Marisa. May you continue to be cancer free and live an abundant life. ❤


Guess I was lucky...I have the best mum that gave me the best just loves me....I love her🧚‍♀️


This made me cry, going into the hypnosis did not guess that I would find myself crying and weeping for the little baby in me!
Thank you for this Marisa👏🏽


Wow! I cried through the whole thing. There is something about your voice that is so calming. I immediately started visualizing very heavily. I think my body and soul really needed this <3


I loved myself as a child I was so sweet and innocent I loved hugging her and telling her all the things she needed and deserved to hear ❤


This was very emotional for me, I have never experienced love and didn’t realise just how little I loved myself until I did this. Thank you for showing me how to take the first step towards self love ❤️ Bringing my inner child to my home where my three children live felt beautiful 💗


Wow, I cried through this whole hypnosis session 😥 This was so profound and shows I still have healing to do. Thank you so much Marisa for all that you do! You are a blessing to the world 🌎 ✨️🙏💯


I did this before bed last night, I cried harder then I have in awhile, I had hoped to wake up feeling better, but I actually feel worse, I was the forgotten child, last on anyone’s list, and still am. I’ve been on the verge of tears all day today, and my mind feels frozen.


I broke and snapped out around 8 mins. It was too much and I was already crying. I knew the answers before she asked them


I've been in thereapy for about 5 years so I've constantly been working on my inner child for a while But I haven't had a breakthrough like this in a WHILE. I started to cry, and cried even harder when I was huggging myself, telling myself everything I NEEDED to hear. It's been about 10 mins and I haven't stopped crying- I'm letting it ALL out!!

I've now changed my phone background to myself as a kid so whnever my old negative beliefs come to light, I'll remember my perfect, loveable girl! xxx


When she says to walk in to your childhood bedroom and your childhood self is sitting on your lap...I started balling. I couldn't stop crying, knowing what this little girl would go through very soon and continue to for years and years to come. That little girl was very happy at this time and it was the best and happiest time in her life living with her grandmother. It would very soon be ripped completely away from her soon.
Looking at the audience in this video, I didn't see anyone crying.
Ugh...I was feeling very happy today too lol.
When I'm sad, I always bring myself back to the only happy moments in my life, living with my grandmother who gave me all the love and happiness in the world. The only place I was safe...and I feel so blessed to have that time in my life. I dream about her and that house constantly.


I wept as soon as i started holding the child, me.
Thank you Marisa. Thank you for everything you do 🙏❤


I cried a lot while hugging that child. God bless you Marisa


Thank you for this. I was a bit sceptical to begin with but I let myself go along and believe and I found real peace. I'll listen to this whenever I need some support. The visualisation of the child helped so much. The idea of asking them questions and becoming a parent to them. I love kids and would never mistreat a child, so why would I have such evil thoughts about myself and my child self? Those were never my thoughts. Those were planted by those who should have known better. Thank you again xxx


This hypnosis taught me how much deep trauma I have I was ugly crying the whole time and it sent me into a deep panic attack but it was freeing at the same time I feel like I just let so much go years of trauma I feel like just were lifted off my chest I am so grateful for you thank you for everything you do you’re literally changing lives.❤️😭🥰


Marisa, please reach out to the Empress of Japan. Poor thing has been dealing with depression and fertility!!!! She needs your expertise and kindness. She is highly educated!


I have never sobbed from a YouTube video. And I could not stop crying. In the part where we have to talk to our child self. All I could say is “You will never get hit again. I won’t allow anyone to touch you or say mean things to you. You will never have to wonder “why” your getting beat or “what” you did to deserve it. Your biggest wish will be so much more than eating as a family or going to a doctor.”

And I kept thinking that I would tell little me that all men don’t hit, degrade, belittle and beat. Its not normal. Its not right. And it’s never going to happen again. And it’s scary to say that, because I can’t stop my current abuse.

All I saw was this little girl that was appreciative for everything, wanted so little and was physically and psychologically abused for her entire childhood. And she feels so much shame about it— almost like “well he never broke my bones”. or “I never got hit with a bat” or “that one thing only happened once, and you probably imagined it”

When they say you marry your father it’s true. Because my only association with love, outside of my relationship with my daughter, is endless pain. Physical pain. Emotional pain. Psychological pain. Every person Ive dated, including my ex husband and my now soon to be ex fiancee is exactly like my dad. I think love is pain.

And when I look at the comments, I’m jealous. Because I don’t have any fond memories of my childhood. I was scared of smiling. My dad said I would smile wrong. I just never knew what I did wrong. I was nervous all the time. It’s just me getting beatings and my mother no where to be found. I was petrified of men for my entire childhood. I remember going to my friends house to play and she said “my dad’s coming home” and I could not stop sobbing. I was so scared that her dad would come home and hit me. I thought all dads did that.

My dad would get drunk and beat me. So I guess Im gonna take little me and promise her it’s never going to happen again. I had no idea how Fudged up I was until this video. And I’ve never said the above out loud, let alone a YouTube comment.

This was very cathartic.


I felt a warm tinglingly sensation when I brought my self as a child home to the place I stay now. Thank you. It made me realize ❤️❤️❤️


Hi Marisa this is the most beautiful piece of wisdom I have ever heard in my entire life, and I am 68 years young now I listened to your hypnosis video.It made me cry in a compassionate way to the child that was never loved by his parents.
This has cured my feelings of being no good. I now look after that little boy, and am showing him a great and happy future.
Thank thank you thank you Marissa. You are an angel.


I got to my childhood home part and immediately started crying. I had resistance to going in there, I wanted to stay outside the house. I also don’t think I was in hypnosis but hopefully this helped some. I come from an abusive home and it felt better taking my child self to my current home.
