Signs of a True Twin Flame Relationship Vs Trauma Bond

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Have you found yourself in a romantic relationship that is full of intense highs and dramatic lows? It’s possible you are experiencing a twin flame or trauma bond, two vastly different types of relationships.

A twin flame relationship is a soul connection with a spiritual and emotional bond unlike any other. As divine mirrors of each other, both partners have an unbreakable connection and a strong desire to help each other develop spiritually. Despite disagreements and hardships, there is an unconditional love between the two that cultivates an undying desire for union.

Although the connection is intense and triggering, it is intentionally catalytic and growth-promoting for both partners. In comparison, a trauma bond is a relationship between an empath and a narcissist and is characterized by a co-idealization of each other which masks both partners’ underlying sense of incompleteness.

The empath often takes on the role of the rescuer while attempting to restore their partner's sense of worth. The narcissist, meanwhile, creates an elaborate facade from which to derive attention and validation.

This type of relationship is often full of unhealthy patterns and dynamics like fear, guilt, manipulation, and power struggles. It provokes an endlessly negative cycle of the same behavior happening time after time, with no true resolution in sight.

While the partner who provides more of the nurturance, care, and empathy can become dependent on their partner’s reliance on them, the partnership is not an equal one with a clear lack of trust between the two.

Ultimately, the codependent nature of this kind of relationship is driven by each person’s need for approval from the other, resulting in an unequal power dynamic that leaves one partner feeling neglected and unheard.

No matter which type of relationship you find yourself in, it’s important to be aware of the dynamics and to understand your role in the relationship. Be aware of the emotions and feelings that both you and your partner are experiencing together, as understanding what binds you together is the key to unlocking the mystery of your relationship.

Are you experiencing one of these life-changing bonds?


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Gabi Kovalenko is a transformational thought leader who teaches a pro-consciousness approach to personal development and mindful living. Gabi integrates principles of noetic science and positive psychology into her philosophy to shed light on the nexus of science and spirituality which reveals the power of consciousness and potentiality within all of life. Her approach revitalizes spiritual concepts by offering a refreshing take on the self-evident truth of universal order that connects people of all ages to their innate wisdom and purpose.

Trained as a holistic healthcare practitioner, she is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in natural medicine and possesses a Bachelor's in Business Administration. Gabi's passion lies in inspiring a fresh awareness of life by disarming limiting beliefs with self-awareness and igniting a paradigm shift towards joy, abundance, love, passion, and freedom to help an individual construct the inner world of their choosing and, in doing so, contribute to the formation of a better one for us all.

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Twin flame pulls you into alignment naturally because of the matched energy. Trama bond pulls you out of alignment. Trust that!


She had me at the end when she said you’re not here to find Love but to be Love ❤️ that was powerful thank you beloved sister


I leveled up and left my false twin…. And have found true twin. Ups and downs but nothing like the triggering with false…. We are mutually respectful, and growing and have unconditional love. Learning to accept myself and I am leading him to open up to his spirituality so he can do his work but he loves everything about me and no matter what happens I can’t shake him lol I love this man with every ounce I have ❤ whether he stays or runs he is love of my lifetime.


Great video, I was in a beautiful marriage before my now ex wife left me, i still love her and most times i cant stop thinking about her, i am doing my very best to get rid of the thought of her, but i just cant, i love her so much, i dont know why I am bring this here for, I cant stop thinking about her.


How I found out my DM (I'm a DF male) is my Twin flame is the fact she triggered a spiritual awakening in me when the separation phase started (Nov 2022). This unlocked psychic gifts I never knew I had. Not only that, but I keep dreaming about her constantly as well. Every now n then I somehow have telepathic communication with her too, n still can't figure out how to control it yet 😅


Twin flame journey explained to PERFECTION. I’ve never fully understood until this video. Thank you 🙏🏼


I was married to a trauma bond, it lacked emotional connection but the magnetism was intense at first like a twin flame. But then I met my twin flame and it was light years beyond even the peak of love with my husband. You will feel magnetically pulled to people you have soul contracts with, this can feel like love but it’s not deep from the soul and it’s also a codependent narcissistic dynamic.

Twin flames will feel immense illogical love from the instant and it’s absolutely endless, time will not dim it. In a trauma bond, the honeymoon phase will end and the “love” you felt will also go away as it’s clear it’s based on primarily attachment and infatuation and conditional love. Your twin flame will awaken your soul because the love is so effortlessly pure and deep that it forces you to find God and heal.


At least for the 'divine feminine', a twin flame will force you to undergo a rapid spiritual awakening during the runner/chaser "phase" to free yourself from the ego's obsessive thinking/desire to keep chasing. Once you've gone along the spiritual journey and made it your focus (i.e. started to detox from the physical person as you're already united on a soul level), the 'divine masculine' tends to come back in so the physical reality matches the soul's reality. Ultimately you stop worrying or caring about being with the other person physically, it's just a byproduct of your evolution. You obviously can still want/desire your DM, but you've surrendered the outcome and simply go with the flow, enjoy the journey, and don't really feel concerned about whether or not you'll end up with your DM or not. 'cause you're just operating on a higher vibration and if the DM isn't able to step up to match you, you'll attract an amazing soulmate instead.

So pretty much the way you know you're in a TF journey is because it'll fast track you right into a spiritual awakening, and then it becomes obvious that the TF journey is really just your own spiritual journey. The other self doesn't matter outside of being the catalyst to trigger your awakening, and they're sort of like a potential bonus prize once you're well along your way in embracing unity consciousness.


Twin Flame isn’t about romance or another person it’s about you. You twin flame is yourself not another person. This is all about learning to love yourself self love brings love for others. But the twin flame is not about meeting somebody else it’s you you will meet your self your future self. That’s your twin flame.


Believing in twin flame is very dangerous. I thought i found my twin flame. She is a borderline who left me, went to her ex and left me with the greatest pain i ever felt in my life. I have to say i became way more Spiritual and Never work so hard on myself and all of my inner childhood wounds came to the surface. Still… it hurts so much i was so so sure she was the one


Excellent! Perfectly accurate! It’s a “been there done that” for me. Been to the darkest lows and the highest highs time after time after time, until I found, embodied, and lived a true Love of Self. A profound series of spiritual awakenings along a very difficult path, the reward is Love.


This is the very first time your channel has come up in my feed and I am so appreciative for this contrast. I’ve let go of him because I’m not sure who he is but I do feel slimed with disrespect. At the very least, it’s important to pause and examine my reactions. I’ve let this person go because I am ready to love me more than anyone else ❤and my spiritual journey is so on point right now, though my heart feels like it’s shattered into a million pieces. I refuse to betray myself ever again


Remember, your inner light shines brightest when you are at peace with yourself!🦋🦋🦋


That was great 😊 I'm in a trauma bond and it's been amazing 😆 i will now call him my teacher. Wounds i didn't realize I still had were all unveiled.. dramatically. They are with bpd... i think i needed some giant messages and drama to really be able to see and learn. The growth I've experienced has been amazing. The biggest lesson I suppose is to give myself the love, kindness, acceptance and advice i give him.
I will continue to be here with unconditional love. But I no longer will chase, obsess or be attached in an unhealthy wayand have learned to let go and go with the flow. It's amazing I've gotten here. I appreciate these lessons even though they've been painful. I am a better human because of this encounter. ❤
My entire life background has been in mental health.. thankfully I've had the tools (enough) to learn how to navigate this. Things could have turned out.... really terrible otherwise.


This is fantastic. I experienced this exact situation and had to spend time working out which it was. I decided it trauma bond and managed to walk away. I felt healed the moment I stepped away from him, it was exhilarating 😊


Facts ! Excellent channeling about twin flames, it’s hard to find quality knowledge about this Union.


Your explanation is the best that I’ve heard about this. I’m currently learning to truly love myself and feel complete without codependency or enmeshment with another.


In my experience that is about 14 years of an intimate relationship is that the empath/narcissist fluctuates. And that is actually very loving and expansive as we get to see the relfection from different perspectives. This has to of course be viewed objectively and can become a challenge in the mist of all emotions.

I beleive that a narcissist is just like anything else. It can be transformed and understood. For some to a certain degree, but I believe that also to be in the will of letting go.

I feel that when a couple supports and embraces each others journey they've come a long way. Just adoration, support, cheering & inspired. Wanting to be a part of it to create even more of the good stuff! Thank you again Gabi.

A soulmate relationship for me is something wholesome & healthy. One anothers fan. With trust and a burning desire to maintain the condition of this miracle of love.
Or better yet be willing together to even enhance the experience by keeping an open heart & a nonjudgmental mindset. Development & expansion together :)

I would also say, don't be hard on yourself for being in a destructive relationship. The people with extremely closed off emotions are fantastic actors. The facade is spectacular.


I'm in so so so so so much pain.

The man whom I thought was my best friend,
discarded me like garbage. He gave me SEVERE PTSD.

(4 primary/core UNHEALTHY reasons relationships break down:

1. Contempt
2. Criticism
3. Stonewalling
4. Defensiveness)

Over four months of this horrific terror.

The PTSD is severe and intense.

The man whom I called my best friend,
ended up raping my soul...


I am paralyzed and traumatized
and debilitated and breathless,
with almost-constant panic attacks.

I desperately pray for healing.

In February of this year (2023),
the man who I thought was my best friend...
Discarded me like garbage.
Replaced me for another.
In doing so...
He gave me SEVERE PTSD.

We're in June, now...
It's been over 4 months...

Please, help me, God!

God, you have has blessed me to be a writer...🙌🏾
I humbly thank you and bow before you.
I pray to make use of this talent/blessing/gift!

Perhaps I write my way to healing?

I also want/pray to make myself ready,
with your miraculous help, oh God...
I want to be healed and purified,
that I may finally meet and spend my life with,
my twin-flame.

Here's what my trust is in: I don’t have to date.
I don't have to do those God-forsaken dating apps!
My kingdom spouse will locate me, he will come for me! 💍👰‍♀
Him, my twin-flame and I, are ordained to be together.
We are magnetized to one another: NOW, ALWAYS, ALL WAYS.
Maktub. It is written. It is God's will. Praise be to God!

Let me remind myself of how loving sex/intimacy can actually be.
(Because up until now, it's only been trauma for me...)


1) He also always (all ways) says he loves you outside the bedroom...

2) He looks DEEP into your eyes, into your soul, during sex/intimacy...

3) During sex: he wants full body contact... Hugs, caressing, hands all over your body

4) Spending quality intimate time together, both: before and after sex

5) Being intimate afterwards: cuddling, pillow-talk, playing, sleeping together closely

6) He prioritizes your pleasure, and attends to your needs and the things that you like

7) He pulls you in, super close and super intimate during sex

8) He compliments your personality, your character, your soul etc...

9) He kisses you with love and intimacy and passion

10) Slow seductive sensual lovemaking

11) He's open/vulnerable, he shows you his body, his insecurities, his fantasies
(without fear of judgement from you...)

12) He wants to meet your needs and he wants you to be satisfied

13) He understands when you don’t want sex and he doesn’t push or pressure

14) It’s not just about sex,
he's interested in conversation and outings and connecting:
outside the bedroom


The gift of rejection positions me for MY purpose!
The gift of rejection reveals what his role was/is: in my healing/destiny (THIS IS ALCHEMY)!
The gift of rejection draws me nearer to you, oh God! (As well as to my own soul!)

Rejection is redirection!🎉

Someone who is healthy is someone who:
1. wants REAL intimacy (and is capable of it, and willing to co-create it)
2. has their life (relatively) in order
3. genuinely likes and loves themselves
4. has healthy values and a healthy lifestyle
5. has deep self awareness
6. has a strong support network
7. is emotionally available and consistent
8. has a healthy vision for their future
9. can navigate conflict well
10. has a strong sense of self respect


Limerence in a twin flame connection is the final break in trauma bonds
