How To Grow a Kiwi Tree or Vine from Seed - 6 Year Update

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How To Grow a Kiwi Tree or Vine from Seed - 6 Year Update
The kiwi vines are nearly 72 months old (they'll turn 6 years in just about 2 weeks) and they are still doing great.
In this video I'll be updating you on the vines. I went ahead and relocated 2 of them since they were starting to tangle with the other 3 in the same area. Every thing I am doing to these 9 plants is an effort to get them to flower and to test different types of pruning practices on the kiwi vines themselves.
Also, I am starting to notice the mature plants struggle with either nutrients or location... I am thinking it is nutrients as the new shoots look great but as the plant focuses on new growth, the mature leaves start to exhibit signs of not having enough nitrogen available. I'll likely add a balanced fertilizer (or one more heavy in nitrogen) to see if that gives them the boost they need.

It's amazing to me that despite the cold, these hardy Kiwi never flinch with going dormant during the winter months and then going crazy during the summer months!
There is actually a small chance that we could see some flowers this year, although I am not holding my breath just yet...

As a reminder:
1) I had trimmed the side shoots off of one of them to promote vertical growth along a guiding post to gain height.
2) I topped several of them to try to keep them lower to the ground for now to promote fatter trunks - eventually looking at letting them gain height.
3) I left some alone altogether and just let them vine like crazy.

I'm learning quite a bit about these plants and I'm happy you are here to join me as we watch their journey.

With kiwi, you need to have at least 1 male and 1 female plant in order to produce fruit. In fact, you only need 1 male plant for every 8-10 female plants. I have about 10 plants growing so I'm hoping that at least one is a male. I'm assuming I have at least 1 female plant.

Here's the link to the whole series from seeds to today:

Thanks for watching!

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The kiwi vines are nearly 72 months old (they'll turn 6 years in just about 2 weeks) and they are still doing great.
In this video I'll be updating you on the vines. I went ahead and relocated 2 of them since they were starting to tangle with the other 3 in the same area. Every thing I am doing to these 9 plants is an effort to get them to flower and to test different types of pruning practices on the kiwi vines themselves.

It's amazing to me that despite the cold, these hardy Kiwi never flinch with going dormant during the winter months and then going crazy during the summer months!
There is actually a small chance that we could see some flowers this year, although I am not holding my breath just yet...

I'm learning quite a bit about these plants and I'm happy you are here to join me as we watch their journey.

With kiwi, you need to have at least 1 male and 1 female plant in order to produce fruit. In fact, you only need 1 male plant for every 8-10 female plants. I have about 10 plants growing so I'm hoping that at least one is a male. I'm assuming I have at least 1 female plant.

Here's the link to the whole series from seeds to today:

Thanks for watching!

PLEASE SUPPORT MY CHANNEL (if you wish) - when you shop through the following links, it helps me continue to put out more gardening content and allows me to pursue my passion!

Heirloom Tomato Seeds:

Jiffy Professional Seed Starter Mini Greenhouse:

Organic All Purpose Fertilizer:

Grow Room Rack:

Grow Room Lights:

Sensei Pruners/Shears:

Gardening Gloves:

If interested in connecting with me on other social media networks, here's my links below:


youtube is full of people growing fruit trees from seeds . rare are the ones who keep posting updates . you are doing an amazing job Bob


7 years of wait would challenge the most patient much respect for you Rob..hope you will get it soon..


Oh god I feel old now cause I remember when you first planted them and I started watching cause it’s my fav fruit 🥶


Hey Rob, thanks for all the videos. They're inspiring!

Here's what I've experienced.

After watching your videos, i germinated some 100 seeds in Jan 2019. They're 3 years old and have thousands of flowers. I have to protect them from frost in the early spring cause the flower buds come in with the new leaves. I now have 48 vines and i built a trellis system for them. Currently the bumblebees are the best pollinators. And out there working hard now🙂. I have them on a watering system, and the Auburn U. Research center told me they like fertilizer with all high numbers.
The dirt I've got them in is well draining forest soil and they get about 6-8 hours of sun / day. I'm in zone 7b/8a.

If it's gets down to 30-32 when the leaf buds are coming in you will not get flowers that year. ( I had flower buds last year when they were two years old, but the late frost got them all).

This year the leaf buds had broken so i covered the entire trellis system with greenhouse plastic and had a propane heater running all night when it got into the 20s.

You may not want to trim them much this year. Flowers only grow on last years growth.

Here is a video of some of mine this year.
( Male Flowers)

Photo link
(Both male and female flowers)


So happy to see this update. This was how I found your channel 😊


Hi Rob, I just want to say thanks for this series of videos. I have a Kiwi plant that I've grown from seed due to your help in the vids. The leaves on my one are huge too!!


Your kiwi grow got me hooked! Kiiara’s music brought me to search everything kiwi. It’s a bird, it’s a tree, it’s a singer!


This big kiwi plant looks so healthy. Finger's crossed you'll have some fruit next year 💪


I am so happy to finally see an update!! I was worried perhaps they had been lost after the 5 year update after stress from the snowstorm. Following your videos I have managed to germinate several from seed. And 9 of them are surviving. The seeds were started January 1st of this year. I do not know how to post a picture comment or else I would show you my plants. I should add that I live just North of you in the Southern end of Grimes County.


Very nice the way you have intertwined the Kiwi. I just recently got an Australian Finger Lime, and it's going really well, even has a first bud!


Man, those vines are beginning to look sturdy. I’ve been following this one since the beginning.


You have balls for growing these by seeds and playing years with the unknown.


I have some trees growing in my raised bed and already prepared two of them to be planted elsewhere because I wanted to make one of these the "life tree" for our baby (planted on the placenta).

I also placed some Kiwi seeds into soil a few weeks before giving birth - not actually expecting them to grow. But when we returned from the hospital after birth everything sprouted - even the Kiwis!

Now I am gathering information to find out if it's a good idea to have a Kiwi as a life tree. Therefore I am happy that I found your Kiwi playlist here!


Hi Rob, great update. I’ve been watching the progress since 2020, in fact I started my own kiwi fruit on the back of your videos. They survived the winter here in the northeast of England. Hoping to get some more growth etc this year. Keep up the good work! 🍻


Great job mate, thanks for the valuable information learnt, keep it up 👍


I'm starting to grow my own kiwi vine and it's really helpful to know about how they grow.
I hope you make a new update soon.


I love you seriously for the video. I love kiwi.


So cool you're still updating us!


Nice Kiwi plants. Look forward to seeing if you have a male and female plants that you can pollinate.
