Prosecutor says evidence suggests Oxford High School shooting ‘probably could have been prevented’

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More information is expected to be released on Friday regarding a shooting at Oxford High School.
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My mom used to be a teacher, she's now retired, and the biggest issue going on at school nowadays is that the parents DO NOT take the teachers side anymore. The parents tendency is to defend their son no matter what and I don't doubt this was a similar case.


why the hell did the school not notify police beforehand? this is the question that needs to answered, gross negligence is at play and people need to be held accountable


From what I’ve read, some parents kept their kids home that day because they heard ‘something was going to happen’. I cannot understand why none of them notified the police.


A lot of things can be prevented with all the stuff people show off openly on social media


This guy keeps celebrating how great the kids responded.i think he is missing the point.the fact that they are kids and shouldn't have to know how to react is tragic!


When you start charging parents you'll probably see a lot less of this.


Finally… holding parents accountable is long overdue


This is heartbreaking on so many levels. Sending love and light to ALL impacted by this horrific act of violence.


“No discipline was warranted for the student.”

But didn’t that call for a meeting that day started with a teacher finding his drawing of him killing people and another with the writing about voices in his head.

If that’s not a sign of trouble, I can’t help you.


There was "clear and unambiguous" warning of this. The parents knew he had problems. The School administration knew. His fellow students knew. The Police and FBI should have been told about a potential terrorist threat. Other students stayed home from school because the level of threat warning reached their personal safety threshold. Yet, no armed guards were onsite, no screenings for weapons, no investigation of the online data which should have led them to the conclusions that there was a credible, preventable threat. A lot of people to be blamed, in addition to the principle responsibility held by the shooter.


The school didn’t want any bad press. Sounds like a certain Virginia school board.


Knowing that his son has serious issues, it is reported that the father purchased the gun on November 26, on Black Friday, four days before the murders took place!
He then essentially handed the gun to the son, by allowing him access. What a shame, it’s as if the father wanted this to happen. At least one of them will be charged !


I want to know what he was doing in class that caused the meeting to happen


sue the school and the administration for


" It is a mistake to assume that everyone, no matter how irrational, can be reached intellectually " if only one knew the right words . " Everyone is not reachable because not everyone wants to be reached. "
-Nathaniel Branden-


Other kids that draw pictures of violence against their bullies get arrested. But a kid that threatened violence against classmates on Facebook that scare kids enough to call off school doesn't even get suspended. Worse allowed to commit that violence. Because not one person in charge felt threatened.


Superintendent seems emotionally detached in a way that I've never seen before in response to a situation like this. Very disturbing. Talking out of the side of his mouth like if four kids were not just murdered. He starts off saying that there was "no administrative concern" with this kid. His legal if the first thing he did after the shootings was consult with the school's attorneys. And his overwhelming concern right now seems to be that the school is a mess. "Looks like a war zone" as he puts it. Not because four kids were gunned down. Not that kind of "war zone". That's what I was thinking when he first said it. But then he goes on to explain what he meant, that it looks like a "war zone" because it's MESSY (!) ... with chairs, desks, etc. all over the place because the kids were trying to barricade the doors to save their lives..Because they followed the "game plan" of their training for situations like this. .Astoundingly, he states it'll take "weeks to clean it up" as if he's more concerned with that than the fact that four kids were murdered . .What a nightmare this guy is. 'Public school administrator' in all the worst senses of that word ...


His dad should be held accountable as well. Why in the hell would a parent let a child know he have that weapon?


I do blame the schools as well. Every time this happens everyone already knows the child involved had made threats and are dangerous.


There's something really wrong with this School protocols procedures for Social Media Threats and conferences with
the student parents the day before the incident, why would you even allow this student back to school the next day,
without any follows ups for his unusual behavior during the school hours . Clearly someone drop the ball , who ?
