Flashpoint Interview: Prosecutor Karen McDonald talks latest on Oxford High School shooting

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Oakland County Prosecutor Karen McDonald joins Devin Scillian on Flashpoint to discuss the latest details in the tragic Oxford High School shooting.
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When schools see the warning signs like the note, the student should be suspended immediately until it’s deemed he/she is no longer a threat to themselves or others.


Charge the school for neglect as well. They had the opportunity to search his person and back pack. Yet as always they don't discuss that. Weapon found would have prevented the shooting. But wait again schools that are neglectful gets a slap on the hand. It's time for schools be held accountable as well. For these issues have been going on for decades.


The school also dropped the ball on this one. The teachers reported both incidents and Admin did NOTHING! This is ONE reason why I left Public Education in 2011 at the High School level here in Michigan. Nothing has changed since 1999 when Columbine took place. When are buildings going to be safe?


We put these kids in an un tenable position yet they behave with heroism. Its time we start to protect these children with the same fervor we protect a fetus. Glad the parents have to take a look a their behavior. I admire the prosecutors courage.


If he was suspected of having weed on school grounds his backpack would have been confiscated and the police called in.


Ethan’s classroom note stated he was looking for help, and everyone that was aware of this note FAILED. I give credit to the teacher that was observant of their students in class to have discovered his note and take the first step, but after the teacher handed Ethan off to school officials is where the FAIL occurred. Those officials could have easily said take Ethan home for the day and let parents discuss the situation at home in a non treating location and seek help for him.


As a gun owner, I agree wholeheartedly that the securing of firearms in a house with or without children is the responsibility of the owner. It is ABOUT time that a prosecutor went after the parent in those cases.
Also the interviewer's question as to the prosecutor trying him as an adult yet going after parents for keeping the weapon out the hands of minor was brilliant... thought provoking. And why was the police not involved? Something tells me a patrol or resource officer would have searched his backpack AND locker... Or at the very least a staff member...


Why didn’t the school suspend him based upon what they knew? He shouldn’t have been permitted to attend in that mental state.


For the parents that you can’t rely on. There will always be red flags with the those kids. The staff seen the red flags but the top person made the wrong choice. Protective services should’ve been brought to that meeting. You can blame the parents but the school was also supposed to keep kids safe.


When are charges going to be brought for the faculty that did not notifying police after identifying this kid?


Apparently the parents had a meeting with the school administration regarding Ethan's behavior that morning of the shooting. Then there were a few students that reported Ethan's behavior in a classroom. Those students stayed home the day of! The school administration knew all about Ethan's long list of behavior issues! He should been kicked out! Instead he was able to return to his classroom with his "early " Christmas present from his parents. So tragic! This will all come out in court!


This Local 4 interviewer is excellent! Asks unbiased questions to get the Prosecutor’s answers that are not swayed or directed by the interviewer. Thank you for real news!!


Wow, I'm impressed ... This is my first time watching this channel and I have to say that @Devin Scillian is refreshing in his approach to the news. It's been a long time since I've seen anyone connected with the news (journalists, newscasters, reporters, etc.) ask questions that were aimed at actually informing the public, rather than simply trying to slant it towards the left or right. Thank you Devin Scillian, new subscriber here :)


The people in that meeting who allowed him to go back to class should also be charged! Everyone in the meeting failed all those children! The People in the meeting with mom and dad should have searched his LOCKER, did a PAT DOWN, Called the SRO and searched his belongings.


No the protocols weren't followed, the schools counselors did not call law enforcement about their concerns.


What she could have said regarding a double standard of him being charged as an adult and the parents being charged as their answer is that even if his parents were not related, they did what they did. If a next door neighbor purchases a gun for a minor, takes the minor out to learn how to shoot it, then finds out that the minor is showing disturbing signs with obvious drawings showing he is having issues, then sends a text to just not get caught (searching ammunition on his phone), the neighbor would suffer the same fate as this kid's parent's currently are. And yes, this is terror.


The school also needs to be held accountable. The school had enough info at the meeting to search the shooters backpack & locker. The school had enough info to suspend him & not allowed to return until cleared by a psychologist. The school is responsible for protecting the students.


The principal is just as responsible as those parents. He is the one who is supposed to ensure each and every student’s safety while at school.


All they would have had to do was search his backpack. He sat there in that meeting with that weapon in there the whole time. I'm thankful that finally, parents are being held accountable and charges are filed in regards to the terror and trauma that those injured and others in the vicinity went through.


It seems the parents were made aware of the issues with Ethan by the school administration officials. Where are the criminal charges against the schools employee's? It is not difficult to believe the parents lack an objective viewpoint about their child, we see it every day, nearly every parent has blinders on when it concerns their child's behavior. At school educators are presumably educated in spotting, objectively, issues in students, if not, we have much larger structural problems in our education scheme. They are boasting about their preparedness in dealing with an active shooter situation, what about prevention? It has to be covered as well. The prosecutors office needs be that 3rd party reviewer and bring the appropriate charges against administrators.
