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Social curiosity is talking, listening and watching others to learn what they are thinking and doing. “Human beings are inherently social animals, and the most effective and efficient way to determine whether someone is friend or foe is to obtain information.”

In the real world of arachnids known as the "spiderverse", camel spiders are often misunderstood. Internationally called camel spiders, sun spiders or wind scorpions, these animals are shrouded in many myths and legends, such as the fact that they are venomous and capable of easily killing humans.

These fictions gained strength in 2003, during the US war in Iraq, when American soldiers, who had invaded the Arab country in search of "weapons of mass destruction", began to report the existence of thirty-centimeter spiders. , which laid eggs under the skin of camels, ran at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour and emitted high-pitched screams. The truth is that, although they are arachnids, these animals are not spiders, being closer to scorpions. Camel spiders, as they are called, live in dry and sandy habitats such as deserts, but they avoid exposure to the sun as much as possible, which is why they are also called solifuges.

As for the behavior of camel spiders, it is important to note that they are not aggressive towards humans and only bite when they feel threatened. Their name derives from the arched shape of their backs, which resemble a camel's humps. There are more than 1,100 species of camel spiders spread around the world, although they are mainly related to desert ecosystems. Like any self-respecting solifugus, most camel spiders are nocturnal, hiding during the day in logs, under rocks and even inside termite mounds, with some of them being able to dig their own tunnels.

What's real about camel spiders? Although not as frightening as is believed, rarely exceeding three inches in size, camel spiders are agile predators and pose a threat to their prey, which include other arthropods and small vertebrates such as frogs and lizards. This is due to the fact that their chelicerae, a kind of pincers, are extremely strong and sharp. In addition to being used for hunting, these impressive structures are also used during courtship behavior during breeding and make noises that intimidate competitors, known as stridulation, which have frightened US soldiers.

However, it is important to point out that although they can cause pain, punctures or lacerations in human skin, camel spiders do not have venom. Because they pose no risk to humans, this spider must be preserved, as it represents an important element of urban pest control. Many of them are unjustly persecuted and killed solely out of fear of their horrifying form and sheer ignorance.

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