Made in the USA Martin D-28 vs. Made in Mexico Martín D-13E | What's the difference?

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Martin Guitars builds fantastic instruments in both the United States and in their facility in Navojoa. With the introduction and growth of the Road Series guitars Martin has proven that they can build great playing, solid wood guitars in Mexico that offer a tremendous value to musicians. The obvious question is, how do they compare to their USA counterparts that are still manufactured in Nazareth, PA? Martin's USA made guitars are superb instruments that continue to evolve, bridging the gap between vintage sound and appearance and modern playability. The new D-28 has lead the charge on this and we wanted to compare it to the new Road Series D-13E. Both guitars are solid wood Dreadnoughts with straight bracing. The tone woods have a similar tonal response and yet each brings their own voice and feel to the playing experience. So here are two tremendous Martin guitars. Martin vs. Martín! ** POLL AT THE END***

*D-13E Features :43
*D-28 Features 3:00
*Playing Demo 5:46
*Recap 9:41


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Just received my D13E. Been playing on and off for 40+ years and have played everything from low end Asian to high end American made guitars. Not only is this guitar one of the best sounding, the build and finish is top notch. And for those cork sniffers out there, richlite finger board is awesome. 😊


I live in South Korea and play in the evenings in a Live Café here in Daejeon. I became tired of carrying my go to guitar a 1969 D-35. I also worried about it being damaged when enthusiastic customers wanted to play it. I decided to purchase a Martin guitar and give it to the café. I tried many martins and ended up with this D-13E because it had good action, was solid wood, and also had an very good balanced tone. It is now the guitar I play at the beautiful café and I do not have to carry my D-35 on the bus there. I am amazed at the action and tone and the owner, who also plays flat top style, loves playing this guitar too. I highly recommend the purchase of this guitar. It even reminds me on my father’s 1945 D-18 for the punch and projection. I am still in shock that this Martin made in Mexico would be one of the best martins I have never played in my 68 plus years!


I bought a dcrsgt a few years ago and I love it! I just keeps getting better every time I play it. Thanks Martin!


I’ve had my D13e for three weeks now, and it is AWESOME!!! The tone is deep, rich, crisp and balanced. I saw a comment that it has no soul in this video. Two things to rebut that comment. One, countless guitars that are put up against the D28 will sound soulless. Two, I got a D13e that clearly had not been played (Right out of the box), but after a couple weeks it has begun to really open up! ONLY A COUPLE WEEKS!!! And yes, it most certainly has a soul. The playability is incredible, and the neck feels PERFECT in my hands. I have sat down and played Martins all the way up to a D41 (My dream guitar), so yes, I know the difference. But, I am not rich or a snob, and as far as it being made in Mexico...the quality is TOP NOTCH!! Last thing!!! I want to give a big shout out to my boy AJ from Alamo Music!! This is the second guitar he has sold me, and he is a great dude! Some guitar techs are freakin lame, but AJ is on the level...and the ENTIRE Alamo Music Fam!! That’s my place for life!!


The D-13 sounded brighter, but thinner with a little less sustain. On the other hand, because it has electronics and depending upon the amp, a player might be able to thicken the sound of the D-13 with a touch of reverb, for example. The D-13 sounded a little like a mahogany backed guitar. The D-28 is quite simply the ultimate dreadnought and sounded like one: dark, heavy, resonant with a lot of natural volume and sustain. Some people won't appreciate that thick of a sound.


As a girl with a Martin D28, I will always pick that over anything. My mom’s 66 D28 is a treasured part of my guitar family. I have other guitars for the sole purpose of preserving mom’s guitar, including a mexican 000x1 that I picked up for very little. For special occasions and safe no people around picking, I use mom’s guitar, for anything where I have no control of the environment or people there, any of the others.


Great video, just bought a Martin D13 E from PMT in Cardiff, very happy. I am a gigging musician and this is perfect for me. When i retire with my millions ill get a D28 to play round the fire for the grandkids! Great video as always, thank you


My son just purchased the Mexican manufactured Martin. I have been playing for years, and other than the place of manufacture, I'm telling anyone out there the sound is superb and the fingering wonderful.


Mart-ene . . . instant like and subscribe. Been watching for a while and not sure why I haven't subscribed until now, but that was awesome.


I have both of these, and while sound is subjective, they both play and sound great... But different nonetheless. The highs on the 13 are crisp, while the low end depth of the 28 really shines full


I'm a Gibson man but I also love a Martin so I've added a little bit of Mexican fire with a D-12e and I absolutely love it. The D-28 is a pipe dream for now.


That Martin vs Martine joke earned you a like, my friend. Lol


I'm using headphones and think both guitars sound incredible.


I decided to listen to this with a pair of high end over the ear headphones instead of watching. My first Martin was a D45, since then I've had the D28 and D18 models. After listening carefully to this audio twice through I was surprised to find that the D13e resonated better with me. Ordered mine.


the first 2 pieces he plays it was hard to tell but on the 3rd I could really hear the quality of the D28 coming out


Great demo Chris! So my big dilemma is actually between the D-13e and the new DC-13e. I cannot make up my mind. I absolutely LOVE the tone, feel, look of the D-13e but they don’t make it in a cutaway. The D-13e uses a siris back and sides vs the DC-13e which uses mutenye back and sides. There is quite a tonal difference. The DC-13e is a little more bottom and mid range and the D-13e a brighter sound overall. If they made the D-13e in a cutaway I think I’d be sold


This is easy, the Mexican Martin only plays songs in Spanish while the American Martin only plays bluegrass.


When I went to the Martin dealer here, I was essentially looking for a d18 . I wanted mahogany back and sides. I had a solid rosewood guitar already. This, the D 18. And I should say this; the only Martin in the shop that I couldn't afford was the 45. So I played the 18 and I didn't like it. it sounded plane or unimpressive. I played almost all the Martins looking for something I would be happy with. Then I played the DRSG and the hair on the back of my neck stood up! No lie. I play mostly country music so I played on it for a while. Bought it, then saw that it was made in Mexico. But you know what? The bar is so high that I think they try harder to please in Mexico. I've had it since '18 and its opened up beautifully with the top taking on a darker, warmer colour. Call it whatever you want, it's a damn Jewel and everyone who plays it wants to buy it! But that ain't happening. Cheers from Ontario Canada.


I'm having a bad week. My favorite guitar had a bad accident today. It was a gift for surviving stage 4 cancer. I've played for decades. Playing relaxes me.


Well... you sir have a new subscriber. This is excellent. I have sat down many times and did similar experiments and the fact that I can hear the differences, IN A VIDEO, to me tell me you guys are doing it right! I’ll be watching your other stuff now for sure! Thank you!
