Dependant Personality Disorder EXPLAINED (DSM-5)

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Dependent personality disorder (DPD) is a type of anxious personality disorder. People with DPD often feel helpless, submissive or incapable of taking care of themselves. They may have trouble making simple decisions. But, with help, someone with a dependent personality can learn self-confidence and self-reliance.

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Hi there, I'm Syl. I'm a Junior Medical Doctor from Sydney, Australia. I'm new to the YouTuber space, so any feedback would be very welcomed!

Disclaimer: These videos are my opinion only and should be treated as such. They are not medical advice. I try my best to avoid any errors but if you feel something I said was incorrect please let me know. Please remember you cannot diagnose any condition based on YouTube videos and should see a healthcare professional if you are at all concerned. Finally, if anything in the video made you feel distressed consider seeing your healthcare professional or, in an emergency (if you're in Australia), call 000 or Lifeline 131114
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I have DPD. Thank you so much for talking about this. There needs to be more information out there about this disorder.


Idk why I never knew about this disorder or why it was never brought up to me by therapists because this is my entire life since childhood. I’m def going to get myself an evaluation.
Thank you for this video ❤


Im pretty sure my dpd stems from trauma, my parents (especially my mom) are strict and my mom would yell at me and hurl death threats whenever I would try to defend myself to her disliking and my parents made me feel like nothing i do is good enough, every time i did something to what i thought was their expectation, it wasn’t done to their expectation somehow. When i made a decision, It always seemed to be the wrong one. Now my mom gets mad at me for depending on her so much to make simple decisions, so that feeds even more into it. I hate my dpd so much, i hate not being able to defend myself, i hate not being able to express my opinions anymore due to fear of someone not agreeing. I hate it that my reflex is to go radio silent when someone says something i dont agree with. I hate my parents for making me this way.


A worked with a supervisor with DPD, it's wasn't a good work environment. She finally quit because people started to set boundaries with her


The hard part is when you're in a relationship that you're anxious, attachment style kicks i, andt youcan'tt control it.and paradoxically you choose unhealthy relationships you prove youre anxiety and feel youre realety testing right, so you get to abusive relationship couse you know you can handle abuse and the only thing that you can't handle is been alone😢


I have DPD, and I have a proposition... that is kind of self evident.
And that is that DPD goes hand in hand with Inattentive ADHD.
I have them both, so I made the connection.
It's kind of obvious, when you think about it, because they are dependent on other, because they FOR REAL are incapable of every day tasks. Because as you know ADHD makes your brain quite literally close to incapable of doing every day things and "Grownup" tasks, because of the lack of working memory and executive function.
-Aka people with DPD do NOT have false fears of being unable to take of themselves. But very realistic ones, people just assume it's false.

DPD could just be the result of someone having Inattentive ADHD, and legitimately unable to do "life things".

-I didn't put hyperactive ADHD here, because they are a different type, more extroverted version of ADHD, who are often more aggressive and self reliant.


What does it look like when a person with Dpd lives alone? They’re forced to make certain decision on their own, such as feeding oneself. Do they just fall back on what they know they DO like? Do they call someone to ask? Are they paralyzed? Unable to formulate a plan? What about cleaning, and making decisions about organizing or letting go of clutter?


Someone very close to me has symptoms of this so I recommended he start assertiveness training after watching dIs vid!!!;) He's my homie and I love him, hope he goes!!!;)

Thanks Doc!!!;)


I feel like this is me! AND MY DAUGHTER. 😢😢


"Might I suggest, that learning to identify(as I have done years ago)why you're feeling a certain emotion, writing on paper, such symptoms to an M.D., and / or to your'self might help alot:It had helped me with that moments satisfaction":3-12-2022'


I have been diagnosed with DPD. My husband is my person and he goes away a lot for 3 days trips, especially in the summer. I also have schizoaffective disorder and would not feel safe travelling with him even though i am invited. This leaves me with an impossible decision as often as every week or two. My husband is going away tomorrow and i am planning to go to my parents’ to help cope but they are rather toxic. I am in therapy and got some great insights last week but i just don’t know if i will ever make progress. I’m so terrified that my husband will die and i am always after him to check his life insurance policy and will but he just doesn’t get around to it. On top of everything, i can’t work and my husband provides a nice lifestyle which i could never figure out how to manage alone. I’m afraid i will be homeless if anything happens. What can i do? I don’t even like it when he is down the hall in his office!


I used to be so dependant to others, I didn't even realize it till one of my friend pointed it out


Thankyou for video..its help my study so much❤


Hello, I am employed with a very, VERY, VERY disturbing individual. Im not a medical professional, although this person drove me to study all of the characteristics in which they displayed from a professional standpoint. This is my conclusion, please bare with me.
This individual suffers first and foremost from : DPD, histrionic disorder, aboulmania, anosognogia, sociotropy, histrionc disorder, persecutory delusions disorder, avoidant personality disorder and BPD. There's even a himt of marty syndrome. While it is truly disturbing it is fascinating as a study and also causes an introspective effect. I am employed by a company that has to target and hire people with severe mental illness and severe mental retardation, ptsd, spinal conditions etc... everyone who works there does not have these issues. There are supposed to be vocational rehabilitation counselors on site but there aren't any, only rarely.
Thank you for your video.


Sorry love. I couldn't get more than 2 mins in because of the music. Completely unnecessary. You are great though 😊
