SONG STRUCTURE 101 (Pt. 1-C) - OPTIONAL SECTIONS: Themes, Breaks, Solos, & More!

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Song structure is one of the most important, yet most overlooked, aspects of #songwriting. If you can master the most effective ways of putting together the various "puzzle pieces" (song sections) used in all subgenres of popular music, then you will take a giant leap toward greatness as a songwriter! And in this video series - Song Structure 101 - I will teach you everything I personally know about the secrets of good song structure. Here, in video number 3, we'll cover a handful of optional song segments: Breaks, Solos, Themes, Super-Choruses, and Codas. I'll explain what their functions and roles are in a song, what they (should) do for the listener, how they typically connect to other key song sections, and why organizing those song sections in particular "tried and true" ways makes sense to our ears, brains, and hearts. In the remaining parts of the Song Structure 101 course we'll get practical by dissecting and analyzing a bunch of hit songs - first, classic tunes from the 1980s in Part 2, and then modern hits in Part 3.
So, please stay tuned, and I hope this series on one of songwriting's foundational topics will help you take your songs to a new level! Thanks for watching, and please LEAVE A COMMENT letting me know anything else you would like to learn about songwriting here on The Ghost Mall's channel. Keep rocking!



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[DISCLAIMER: This page contains some affiliate links, which means that if you purchase one of the listed products I may receive a small commission. This helps support my channel and allows me to continue to make music and videos, like this one. Thank you for the support!]

Thanks for watching, retro-lover!!
Рекомендации по теме

Ghost - where is the 80s vid?? It’s time to hop back on this channel and continue with the songwriting niche. Let’s do this!


Praying one day you’ll continue this series


Hey friends! Thank you for your patience with the dearth of videos this month. I've had some health concerns which have been taking up a lot of my time and attention. But I'm back now, and have a lot of exciting videos planned, so please stay tuned. Thanks, as always, for the support! - Ethan


eagerly waiting for the part 2 and 3. When are they coming? Are they going to? Please make them>>>. Part 1 was really helpful!


When started watching the first video in this series, I thought this was part of an audiobook. You should turn this into a book.


Ethan - As an old rock-and-roller who's just now venturing into modern songwriting I find your series extraordinarily helpful. Your observations are crystal clear, and the examples you provide are very helpful in understanding the concepts presented. Please continue your quest to help the rest of us along, and Thank You!


I'm new to learning about song structure and this series was the best one I've found so far on explaining the different sections. Incredible content!. I was excited when you mentioned parts 2 and 3 because I was trying to go off and do that on my own now. Any plans to still release those?


Hi fantastic vids many thanks, i'd like to second the comment That was a great video, very helpful. When is part 2 coming?


Fantastic! Part 2 would be awesome. Although it's been a while so I can understand if you wouldn't want to continue this series.


Ethan thank you so much for this series. I had no word for "theme" but when you described it I was able to put a word to those catchy motifs I kept hearing, and am able to place it in my musical knowledge. Also great to see that you're a (vapor)wave artist too, it's nice to see someone explaining from a genre I'm familiar with!


I've learned a lot from this series. Thanks for sharing.


Welcome Back, Ghost! I'm really appreciating this series so far, these videos are very informative and I'm learning a lot about what goes into a song's creation. Also, please don't hesitate to take care of yourself if need be!


From what I've heard before, solo have two types :

interlude = have the same chord progeression with the verse, the melody may or may not the same. Beat it by Michael Jackson is the example.

bridge = the solo section have function as the bridge, it introduce new chord progression or even new beat different from any other parts. Jump by Van Halen is the example.


Really well done!! Thanks, I am already waiting for the next lessons :) going deeply in the argument, I watched the 3 videos of yours ... ciao!


Thank you for this knowledge, I will be using this information to the bet of my abilities.


so happy i found your channel, i’ve written poems and lyrics for years and now i’m getting into trying to turn them into music and i’m just shocked you don’t have more followers!


Love this info all of the sections were so easy to identify in the examples you gave. Thank you :)


Where is part 2 & 3! Part 1 delivered so much value! Please make the 2 & 3!


I vote that you do more videos about song writing


That was a great video, very helpful. When is part 2 coming?
