Ensuring Inclusive Research Careers - Part 1

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This conference on 10 January 2023, co-organised by the RIA and the HEA, explored the challenges to inclusivity in research careers and the influence of issues such as research assessment and the challenging economic climate on the diversity of those pursuing and succeeding in careers in research.
Introduction and welcome: Anita Maguire, MRIA, Chair RIA Diversity Committee
(University College Cork)
SESSION 1: Chair – Grace Mulcahy, MRIA (University College Dublin)
10.15–10.45 Diversity and recognition in research teams
- Dr Nicolas Robinson-Garcia (University of Granada)
10.45–11.15 From academia to industry - career story of a postdoctoral researcher
- Dr Dagmara Niedziela (Ardigen)
11.15–11.45 How to assess for diversity in research
- Professor Bert Overlaet (KU Leuven)
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