BlackRock Doesn't Own The World, Here's Why

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If, like me, you're frustrated with the lies and misinformation surrounding BlackRock on YouTube, then you've come to the right place.

In this video I explain what BlackRock is, who they are, and what they actually do. I also respond to the claims made in massively popular videos about them, including ones that call BlackRock 'evil' and 'owners of the world'. There's also a robot... you'll see. The truth is that BlackRock doesn't own the world. Here's why.


Images and icons from Freepik, Surang, Vectors Market, Kiran Shastry, Maxim Cherednichenko and Chanutis Industries via Flaticon.

Videos, articles and other sources are attributed in the video itself.
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This is one of my all time favorite videos. You went against the grain of hating on BlackRock for a quick buck, and instead did your own research about them and presented it in an enjoyable and convincing way. Great video man I hope you post more!


unfortunately, true and well researched videos get worse engagement than fearmongering 'SKYNET IS HERE' type videos


these videos say more about the danger of misinformation in the format of slick, highly polished videos than the danger of shadow organisations.


Well your points are dishonest. Owning the most shares actually do meant something like the media. You ignored Larry Fink running bank bailouts, his involvement of money printing. ESG is a way to control corporation.Where you do get your money for this channel?


Does not addressing the ESG score mean you find no issue in how it is presented? Wouldn't that mean that BlackRock has significant influence over how big companies behave? Shouldn't you mention that, at least admitting that BlackRock has this kind of influence?


So let's unpack this, because it's 2022 and we should all strive for a similar level of truth in our understanding.

1. BR has the most assets under management of any corporation, fund, bank etc.

2. BR is a not insignificant stock holder ITSELF in every company on the Fortune 500.

3. BR manages stock portfolios for the same companies as above. So they are allowed to make decisions independent of what the stock owners want, because they are the managers.

4. They are one of a handful of companies buying up residential real estate by the 10s of thousands.

5. They have a voting, decision making influence in every single, TV, radio, finance, retail, real estate, fossil fuel, clean energy.

And you want us to believe they are as inconsequential as 7-11? The fact that you made a video downplaying them is enough of a reason for people to be worried about they have done and what they are going to do.



How the hell does this video only have 15k views when it's literally the only video I've see that tells the truth 😞
the algorithm is truly broken

Side bar im not trying to be creepy but this guy's teeth structure is fucking cool


It is a complicated subject if you are learning about investment, not if you consider that government, finance and mass media have major common interests, and none of them is about providing a better life for all, then all you have to do is apply common sense and basic knowledge of human nature to have a better grip on the way these interests are being protected at all costs.
what this video does, it tries to conceal what is most probable outcome of concentrated financial power on economies and governments by repeating the official narrative and providing text book definitions of financial jargon. BlackRock is still growing, what will the world look like in 10 years? When there will be zero competition and a few suppliers who control the markets.


Also, since black rock just lost 1.9T


here's a comment for the algorithm, yw


I dont agree with your whole argument but it's good to hear an opposing view.. So I've subscribed to your channel because I think it's important to consider other points of views.. and you make a pretty good one.. I look forward to furthering debates. BTW, Great Video


How much were you paid to support them?


Cranium capacity does correlate with intelligence. Look at the differences in race's brain size and IQs if you think you are brave.


That's exactly what black rock would hire you to say 🤣


I disagree that simply because Blackrock does not have majority voting rights in these companies that means they do not hold influence over them. Corporate soft power is self evident in the world of investments, as speculation on the stock market by smaller name players following the steps of Blackrock can either make or break a company which Blackrock invests or sells the shares of. Moreover, saying that Blackrock is merely for-profit is intriguing considering their ESG integration ratings would hardly show an overall predominant desire for profit, without any form of ulterior motive whatsoever. It feels incredibly wrong to me to think that Blackrock do not wish to push a political message through their investments. We cannot simply look at their influence from a political lense of a company that owns 5-15% of other major companies. We must understand that this is a company that exerts insurmountable levels of influence in the financial sectors that contribute heavily towards trends and company 'values'. As shareholders, while their main legal rights may be to vote on replacing a member of the board, or to amend the directors' powers as a whole, it is within their soft power where we see their levels of authority over the corporate and financial world. I refuse to accept that a company with such a dominant part to play in the investments of public companies, and one which openly has its own version of a social credit scoring system, would only work towards the end goal of profits for its beneficiaries.


Pretty weak video.
Would have better off making a basic economic video.

So what I got from this video.
Blackrock is expending it's influence and forces it's standard's on publicly traded companies. Despite not having majority ownership.
Sorry what was supposed to be debunked ?


I comment so the YouTube algorithm shine upon you.


Ok, very good video. Very insightful and necessary, even, to counterbalance the narrative that's out there right now. Especially helpful was the "asset manager" clarification which is a far cry from "asset owner". HOWEVER, your video presents a very clean text-book definition of the whole scenario. Again, while it is very insightful and helpful, is there not a whole other dimension that at some point needs to be taken into account? I'm talking about the very exclusive club these people are in (and that we definitely "ain't in it"). They meet in Davos, they meet in Bohemian Grove, they meet at Bilderberg, etc. And yeah, they LITERALLY put on black robes and perform fake human sacrifices. These people are all friends with each other and I can bet you an arm and a leg that they DEFINITLY talk business and money at all those meetings in private conversations. We're not gonna suspect that they are making agreements to steer the financial markets in certain, favorable directions for themselves???


I find it fascinating how people more and more have the need to defend the richest and most powerful entities on planet earth because mere mortals pointed out what they actually do. It's almost as if.... $$$


He may object to being called a paid shill, but he certainly smells like one. (Look at his collection of videos on this channel).

This particular video is laughable as are the comments on it supporting him.

The notion that BlackRock doesn't have the influence people say it does is mind-boggling.

For one thing, he doesn't even mention ESG ratings. How can you dismiss BlackRock when you haven't even talked about that?

This guy is manipulative and dangerous. He tries to come across as reasonable and educated but all he's doing is spewing misinformation in a way people who crave stability will lap up. There are too many cowards on this planet who want to believe that everything is going to be okay and people like this guy pander to them.

My favourite part of this video was him dismissing the concept of getting your facts from YouTubers who make 15 minute videos. Okay Erin, we'll just get our information from YouTubers who make 27 minute videos then, shall we?

I know there are people who will say that I haven't given any reasons in this post for people to fear BlackRock. The truth is:

a.) I don't have the time or space here to write a 50, 000 word essay carefully refuting every one of his nonsense points.

b.) You wouldn't read it if I did.

c.) You're going to believe what you want to anyway.

All I can say to anyone reading this is use your own eyes and educate yourself about what is going on out there. Don't listen to the media or people with an agenda who make YouTube videos.

If like me, you live in a country where people are getting knocks on the door from the police because they misgendered a man who woke up and decided he's now a woman and the government says we have to agree with him, then you know that the notion of some shadowy cabinet ruling the world through proxy companies like BlackRock really isn't that far-fetched at all...

(Also, anyone with facial hair like 12:42 should get a knock on the door from the police).
