Xbox One vs PS4: 4 Months Later - Who's Winning? (Review)

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Xbox One vs PS4: 4 Months Later - Who's Winning? (Review)

So 4 months after the initial release of the Xbox One & PS4, what console comes out on top? Kevin brings you his opinion on the two consoles and tells which one might be best for you!

Interested in an Xbox One or PS4? Check the Links!

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It's been about 4 months since the release of the Xbox One and Playstation 4 so we're back with an update on what's new and what's changed between both consoles! 

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Who cares who is "winning"?  Just play your games and be happy, whichever platform you play on.


I'm planning to get a ps4 in October or November.But its sort of late.should I wait till the ps5 or get a ps4? HELP


PS4 is and always will be better so shut up Xbox fanboys trying to defend their lower quality, more expensive, lesser performance console that watches and listens to them all day everyday


I like this dude, he states nothing but facts and not a fanboy of either console,
I cant say the same about me im a fanboy of ps4 lol i prefer playstation because exclusives and controller, been playing playstation for 18 years since 1996, i grew up on that and all my friends own one, i've tried xbox and didnt like it mainly the controller due to the fact that my brain has programmed the playstation controller in my head, when i was playing xbox my left thumb keep going to the bottom like its the joystick, but xbox is a good console, im getting used to the controller now


I started gaming since the atari. My first games ever where ping pong and pacman. I have experienced the whole game revolution. Got to played  a lot of pretty nice games on literally anything you can think of. And to this day I still enjoy it when I finally get to play a good game like infamous or titanfall.

But it's so pathetic to see how you children now not just can be able to appreciate what you got. No now you need to make a point witch console is better. Like who cares ?? And when a new game released then we all started bashing the game how bad it is.

You kids are screwed up and have no idea how to just have to enjoy your games.
Who cares what you find better Is the same discussion with what you like for dinner.

PS4, Xbox or PC Who cares just give me games so i can enjoy it alone or with friends. Time to grow up kids !


I wouldn't care if most of my friends have xbox consoles. Sony has always been ahead on each console anyway. Even the PS2 which was release earlier and less powerful than the xbox original.


It should be Xbox One and PS4 vs PC. They're both gaming consoles. Who agrees with me?


Do you read a script or do you actually just talk?


My Xbox One is a piece of shit but I am a super big fan Halo and I have no fucking clue what I should do! Any suggestions from anyone?


This gen, it seems the ps4 is where its at.


For all you Xbone fanboys the PS4 is more powerful (specs wise) than the Xbone. Plus PS4 users can record up to 15 min of gameplay, on the other hand the Xbone can record 5 min of gameplay. Playstation plus is $50 for a year and you get full (new) games for free for PS3, VITA, and PS4 every month, on the other hand Xbox live gold is $60 for a year and you can't access most of the features without Xbox live gold. The PS4 UI (User Interface) is much more beautiful than the xbone's UI. The PS4's controller has a headphone jack, touch pad, and a share button, on the other hand Xbone's controller is basically the same as the 360's controller. So for all you Xbone fanboys saying the Xbone is better, it's not, the PS4 is far more much better.


My "Next gen" dilemma
1. Has no friends/Friends can't afford (0/0)
2. likes exclusives on both sides (1/1)
3. likes XB1 UI and features better (XB1=2/PS4=1)
4. likes PS4 symmetrical analog sticks better (XB1=2/PS4=2)
5. still doesn't have a decent gaming PC (2/2)
6. still doesn't have own internet, borrowed internet i'm on sucks (2/2)
7. broke as hell (2/2)

WTF do i do?


I really want to play the Xbox exclusives, but all my friends are on PS4! What should I get?


I have both but to be honest I prefer the ps4
Graphics are better in my opinion
Better controller
More friends are on it
Cheaper online
And overall better experience


Which is better? That's entirely up to you to interpret. 

I own both, I still can't decide but I'm leaning towards XB1. 


Xbox is better. The only good thing about ps is the resolution, and it is not noticeably different from the xbox. Xbox has better exclusives. Microsoft is run by professionals while Sony can barely keep servers up.


Ps4 has better hardware, runs at 1080p, has better exclusives and is cheaper. Why would u even buy a xbox?? its crap.


i tryied ps4, xone and ps3. and guess what

PS4 is the best one!!!


If you say 720p is better than 1080p then youre saying xbox one is better than ps4 =.=
