Interview with Melanie Reinhart about Chiron and the Healing Centaurs
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Melanie's bio:
Melanie Reinhart B.A. D.F.Astrol.S. is a patron of the Faculty of Astrological Studies and a prize-winning holder of their Diploma (1979). She also trained in Horary with Geoffrey Cornelius (1990-91) and Deborah Houlding (2012). Astrology has been central to Melanie’s life since 1959, and she has been a professional astrologer since 1975: writing, offering consultations and teaching internationally. Since 1989, she has presented original material on new celestial objects, notably the Centaurs. Books: ‘Chiron and the Healing Journey’, ‘Saturn, Chiron and the Centaurs’, and 'Incarnation'. Melanie has a special interest in contemplative experience both as a healing process and also as a learning modality.
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