How Dumb Are The Black Knights? | Code Geass - Betrayal

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There's been a lot of buzz online about the coup d'etat of the Black Knights lately. Today we explore the age-old question raised by the title. Is it wise for the Black Knights to abandon the leader who has lifted them up from subjugation? Should Lelouch have realized the Black Knights no longer needed his strength? Let us know in the comments below!

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It was really dumb considering they distrusted Lelouch because although he led them to countless victories, he was a prince of Britannia and yet they trusted Schneizel who was also a prince of Britannia that did nothing for them at that point.


It’s fine if they were skeptical of Zero, but the fact that they just trusted their arch enemy so easily is what pisses me off.


The worst part of it was that NONE of the people who turned against Lelouch were geassed. The only one who was geassed, Kallen, stood by his side.


The biggest irony of this is that it ultimately leads to Brittania losing its freedom through mass use of geass. Thanks Schniezel.


Schneizel: Lelouch has magical powers to mind control people.

Oghi: Yes that’s totally believable.

Also Oghi: Is literally banging an enemy baroness. There’s totally nothing suspicious about that.

If the Black Knights used critical thinking skills they would have realized that if Lelouch used Geass on him, they wouldn’t be capable of going against him.

Also Kirihara knew who Zero was and put his full trust in him.


Lelouch must have done *really* well on that history test.


The only betrayal I had problem with was Diethard. He never followed Zero out of ideology, or a sense of right and wrong. He followed him because of the spectacle that he created, and for the chance to mythologize history as it's happening. He also remained loyal to Zero by running away to the Chinese federation after the failed assault on the Tokyo settlement. Diethard has learned never to count Zero out even when it looks hopeless. So I doubt he would give up on Lelouch that easily. I'm not saying he would never betray Lelouch, but after finding out about Geass and the fact that Zero is actually a Britainnian prince. I can't help but feel the possibilities that creates would only entice him to follow Zero even more.


It wasn't the betrayal itself that was irksome, it's that immediately after learning a hard lesson in why you shouldn't blindly devote yourself to a charismatic individual who promises you the world and will likely dispose of you once your use runs out... they go and blindly devote themselves to a charismatic individual who promises them the world and will likely dispose of them once their use runs out


Honestly I wanted to smack the sh*t out of Ohgi when they betrayed Lelouch.
Did they really think Schneizel would honor his words?


The problem that I have with the Black Knights is that without Lelouch, they are pathetic.

Every single time the group has attempted to do something without Lelouch, they have failed miserably and resulted in Lelouch having to save them. They failed to liberate area 11, they failed to maintain their visage when Lelouch vanished at the start of season 2, they failed to kill him after this scene, and they fail to stop him at the end of the anime.

As a result, It makes me personally feel like every last one of these people only exist as pawns to tell Lelouch's story... Which I think he admits to.


Their betrayal was always the most annoying thing I have ever witnessed. Shit got me shook as a kid. But in the end, I like the fact that it happened. They didn't deserve to win, just like Suzaku did not deserve to see his goal come to fruition. They all win in the end, but not in the way they want. Only Lelouch gets to truly win.


I vote to hereon refer to the Euphemia Incident as: The Eu-Fiasco


They really betrayed the man that did more in a month then the whole Japanese military and Tohdoh ever managed to do in 8 years. And Ohgi falls for mediocre 🍑 who manipulates a teenage girl to go into a war zone and spies on teenagers with a child slave soldier.


Just a quick note: Kirihara once hinted to Ohgi, Kallen, and Tamaki how they should trust Zero and why his face should remain hidden (because he was not Japanese).


“His geass can be affecting even me now.”

This line by Schneizel is why the BKs are idiots. Todoh later comes to the conclusion that Lelouch’s forces are under complete control, and yet still think Lelouch might’ve used his geass on them. Absolutely no critical thinking at all lmao


Lelouch didn't keep Viletta prisoner, he didn't even know Viletta was kept prisoner, Diethard kept Viletta prisoner.


Ohgi's betrayal was the most hypocritical thing he could have done in the series.
He betrayed them when he went and took a brittanian woman, a potential enemy without telling anyone, one that didn't have any memory but may have a clue on who's Zero, around a battlefield.
Then, during black rebellion she was let into Ashford, without checking for weapon, thanks to Ohgi himself, he was shot, lost control of the school, giving time to v.v. to take Nunnaly, putting the entire operation at risk.
He did this behind everyone's backs, and now he presents himself with the same woman by his side as a witness, witness that has any reason to condemn Zero.


Oghi is a massive Simp. The dude betrayed the black knights for Viletta and all of us know it.
Another point is that the Black Knights did not even think that if they are under geass why would they be able to disobey or betray him


It's all Ohgi. That was the single most competent he ever was at being a leader, rallying everyone to stab his lord and saviour in the back.

He never repeats that level of competence in the entire length of the story.


I like how Tamaki seems like he is that idiot in group but when shit hits fan and everyone is beliving that Zero betrayed them he is the only one that thinks cleary and wants clear evidence instead of being like "yeah that's true".
