How to build a portable WALL (COOL IDEA) | DIY Creators

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I needed a creative background, so I made a double side movable wall.

Written article

Tools Used

Materials used
- Lots of pallets (see below for how to get them)
- (7) 2 by 3 by 8ft Lumber
- (4) Sheet of 1/4 by 4ft by 8ft Plywood
- (1) 2 by 4 by 8ft lumber
- Masking tape
- Paint

*** Where do you get pallets? and pallets alternative ***
- You can find pallets at local stores (Ask the store, some will be happy to give them to you)
- You can find them on the side of the road

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I love this man . He is really creative and he is really courageous . He has lots of potentials and lots of ideas that can inspire people and give people ideas that can be used to improve their space . Really good glen . Watching ya all the way from 🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺 Mauritius. Love all your contents 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖


One of the COOLEST YouTube vids I’ve watched in the last 2 years! Thank you sir!


I've made a wall like this before. The idea with the wheels gave a great idea to combine both ideas to make a walk in wardrobe.


Realistically I am looking to build a wall to attach some ikea furniture so I just need the plywood and tools. But as a art historian I love the craftsmanship in this project and your attention to detail! Also if you ever decide to change the green color, you can always use a light pink or red to tone the green down on that panel. The beauty of being an art historian is I had to learn color theory. So you do not have to repaint the whole wall you can just switch the led colors around on that green panel to red or pink to tone the brightness of the green down and soften it so it is less harsh on the eyes and it will blend the two colors but the led light will make the wall still pop out.


Damn! That looks amazing! My wife is on Zoom all the time with the same cheap fabric background for the last year. Cant wait to make a wall for her. Brilliant.


I've been looking for apartments and studios are more in my budget...I could make this and feel like I have a 1 bedroom. I love that so much.


Love that neon/lime green color. It pairs very well with light to medium grey (think battleship grey) and dark blues. For anyone building this at home you can cut about an inch off the width of the 2x4s to lighten them up. Instead of plywood cheap wall paneling is even thinner and very light but not as strong so the wood glue is a good idea. Don't skip it. Also if you wire in electrical box and outlet to an extension cord running outside the wall before you close off the wall would give you a point to add additional lights later or to be able to use the wall to power your devices.
This is a great project idea he had


OMG! This is why I want to learn how to use every tool that exits. This Guy! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Congrats on the home depot sponsorship!


This was such a creative build! You did an amazing job at utilizing a few simple and easy to obtain tools and turned them into something versatile that so many people could use and build themselves. Keep doing what you do because you truly are using your platform to educate others and are doing it very well if I may say so myself. Thank you!


I have always enjoyed your work. You make me feel like I could build my own projects. Thank you!


And some of us are sitting in our chairs, working from home...wishing we could be this guy. Another great build!👍👍


Might I suggest wiring the wall for power, with a cord to plug it into house power? Either actual wiring or an outlet strip near the bottom. That would make life easier trying to plug stuff in, especially if the wall ends up covering the normal outlets or blocking the rest of the room.


One thing about this man, he gon find a way to put LED lights in


Thanks man! It’s so refreshing to see someone in a DIY video get right to it!
No blah blah blah..
I really enjoyed it.


Great idea for panels. They can be used by combining panels into one big white board for drawings and comments, diagrams, graphs. Then removed and set aside for room separation use. Coasters allow white board to be hidden by turning hung whiteboard panels around towards the wall. Paneled whiteboard also allows transportation offsite, (3 parts) in a vehicle. Use is endless.


I need the floating shelf video! This is a great addition to my streaming room. Gonna build it today with my daughter. Thank you! ❤️


I was actually working in my head a way of doing the first panel without having to drill that many hole into my concrete wall. The plywood panels are the answer. Thanks, bro!


Love this project. I like how you keep it simple with just a few tools, and the flexibility of it as you walk us through all of the options. The pallets are gorgeous, and I wasn't sure about the green but it looks so sharp. I love how you can change it up to give totally different looks in one item- great ideas!


Very cool! Moving into a smaller apartment and this may be my saving grace.
