The Problem of Those Who Have Never Heard of Christ

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When Christians claim that Jesus is the only way to God, an objection is often raised: If Jesus is the only way to God, what about those who’ve never heard of Jesus? Is God unfair? Are some people just unlucky - born at the wrong time and place in history? They can’t possibly be saved … or can they? This brief animation addresses these objections to Christian particularism in a way that affirms divine justice and compassion as well as human free choice.

Reasonable Faith features the work of philosopher and theologian Dr. William Lane Craig and aims to provide in the public arena an intelligent, articulate, and uncompromising yet gracious Christian perspective on the most important issues concerning the truth of the Christian faith today.

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I live in North East India, a part of the world people hardly know of, and yet the Gospel reached us and most of us are Christians. Our ancestors were tribals and nature worshippers. So I truly believe that God has his ways of reaching everyone that will be receptive to being saved :).


Here’s the scripture on this topic for anyone who is wondering.

Romans 2:13
“For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law.”


reading the comments here makes me understand why most of these types of videos have the comment section disabled. all the trolls and ''experts'' come out the woodwork, causing strife.


My goodness this is very well executed! Glory to the Most High!!!

Edit 2021: Didn't expect all these comments but let me clarify. There's only one Most High. YAWEH forever.


My friend asked me this question, and it stumped me:

"If people are judged by what they know, and not what they don't know, why do ministry? Why put the option in front of them for them to potentially reject it, if they might be better off not knowing?"


There where testimonies of people from people who had never heard of Jesus and unbelievers experiencing dreams and visions. I believe that God also make himself known through miracles, signs, wonders, dreams and visions. It is up to people to accept or reject Him and their experience with Him.


the key is that they should be aware that they're sinners and seek for forgiveness, and if they truly seek him, then God shall surely reveal him! They may or may not get a revelation of Jesus, like Isaiah did (in Isaiah ch 53) but it doesn't matter you know the name/person of Jesus, all that Matters is whether they repented of their sins and trusted in God or not.
God bless!


John 6:44
"No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day."

Don't this verse explain this question?


Who decides what person “would or could” believe in god? Is it god ? Then god sets some folks up for failure!


“Our eternal destiny truly lies in our own hands”.

Is that biblically defendable?


0:15 - There're some people in third world country, when being forced to abandon their faith in the LORD by the dictator government, rather die (literally) than deny the LORD.
And there's in America, which prospers because of the LORD, some feel "deeply offensive" because of the LORD - Is it because Christian in the USA failed to defend the LORD? They rather choose to please the human instead of please GOD? Just like Moses failed to defend the LORD at Meribah and thus couldn't set his feet into the promised land.


No mention of original sin, federal headship? Or even man's deadness in sin?
This question/problem stems from the presupposition that everyone somehow "deserves" salvation, when in reality, all that we as fallen sons and daughters of Adam deserve is the wrath of God. If we truly understand what grace means, as being totally undeserved, we see that it is a remarkable thing that God would grant any of us salvation at all!


I've been searching for a video to send to someone who had exactly that question. This is by far the best video! It's easily understandable, vivid and compact. Thank you!💖


God works in misterious ways.. the revelation reaches every heart. I am confident that Jesus is the way because at my weakess moments He works.


"To be sure, sin was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not charged against anyone's account where there is no law." Romans 5:13


This doesn’t make any sense, if you can get to heaven based on your own sense of morality without ever hearing about Jesus then what’s the point of hearing about Jesus? You’ve just negated what the Bible says, that a person must accept the gift of Jesus’ sacrifice to be saved. If you say that just believing a god exists and follow you inherent sense of right and wrong then what’s the point of Christianity? There is no point. You’re getting to heaven regardless if you accept Christ or not in that scenario. You’ve just walked right into the problem in the joke about a missionary who tells the native tribe about Jesus. When they ask “would we have gotten into heaven if you had never come?” And he says “yes” they then ask, “well then why did you even come here? “ willian lane craig has once again tied himself into a philosophical conundrum by out-thinking himself .


Can you quote more scriptures to back your statements? It will make the videos more “valid”


I think there is a plausibility problem with Dr. Craig's claim that all people who reject, or never hear and understand the Gospel (necessarily including people who are killed before they are born and people who are mentally disabled) suffer from a condition according to which there simply is no feasible world in which they would freely accept it during their lifetime and be saved. When I think about this, is seems to me to be massively implausible. I just cannot get myself to seriously believe the suggestion that someone who never heard and understood the gospel before they died would positively never have freely responded to it in any circumstances- any circumstance. Any? Really? The vast majority of people who have ever lived on earth have never heard and understood the Gospel. Also, we all know some people grow up being horribly abused by their own parents or brainwashed from childhood to become child killers/warriors. Very sad. Maybe they grow up with a distorted view of God. Are they too, people who would never have believed under any circumstance? To be fair, Dr. Craig does mention it is a "possible" answer.
I think Dr. Craig should stick to his belief which he mentioned in a debate in the 90's that after death, presumably on Judgement day, if someone repented and believed honestly in Christ as their risen Savior, they would be saved then- yes post- mortem. From what I understand, Craig does affirm this on God's part but he also thinks nobody would repent after they die. I happen to think that, of course, many people would. I can imagine many of the people I have known who were right on the "fence" so to speak before they passed away. They were becoming more and more open to Christianity but then were suddenly killed in an accident. I'm sure many viewers can imagine people like this who they've known.


Wooow! Such a beautiful, creative video discussing a difficult topic with Scripture-based arguments and respectul answers to possible questions is not that easy to find. Congratulations!


1 Timothy 4:9-11 KJVS
[9] This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation. [10] For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe. [11] These things command and teach.
