Mass Effect 3 - Pick Me! I Wanna Go! (Citadel DLC)

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Liara, Javik, Wrex, Ashley, Garrus and Tali are the only ones who are jealous, hahhahaha!
I was hoping to come...when we get in my captain's cabin, you can come...
I know what you mean, I never seemed to get picked...
I had hoped to come along...
Same here, I almost never get picked...
I wanted to go...
You and me both, I never seemed to get picked...
Thanks for the likes! Glad you enjoyed the video! :)
Even though the game thinks I don't pick them enough, I've always picked them. Garrus, Tali, Wrex, and Liara, are always with me, ever since ME1. I just think they all have an equal amount of "picks" to be in my squad, that they all want to be, the "pick." There is no one, or two favorites. They're all my favorite. "I wanted to go" Wrex lol :)
I was hoping to come...when we get in my captain's cabin, you can come...
I know what you mean, I never seemed to get picked...
I had hoped to come along...
Same here, I almost never get picked...
I wanted to go...
You and me both, I never seemed to get picked...
Thanks for the likes! Glad you enjoyed the video! :)
Even though the game thinks I don't pick them enough, I've always picked them. Garrus, Tali, Wrex, and Liara, are always with me, ever since ME1. I just think they all have an equal amount of "picks" to be in my squad, that they all want to be, the "pick." There is no one, or two favorites. They're all my favorite. "I wanted to go" Wrex lol :)
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