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Hello dear folks! 🙂 Welcome to yet another episode on this channel. Since we managed to give you our review of many GTA installments, we believe it's time to talk about GTA San Andreas - the game-changer in the video game industry. When this game came out, pretty quickly everyone got addicted to the famous "All we had to do was follow the damn train CJ!". GTA San Andreas brought up the biggest amount of features that we players could ever imagine. A great storyline full of constant action, an amazing soundtrack, and the neverending possibilities of modding that led to the existence of MTA SA and SA-MP. It's a game that was the most controversial and the most ambitious. These are just some of the main points, thanks to which some people still prefer GTA San Andreas over GTA 5, the latest title. What else can be said about this magnificent game and why is it the best? You'll find out in this video😎

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Playing San Andreas as a kid it made me feel like a grown man, now when I play San Andreas, I feel like a kid again. Thank you Rockstar for the experience 😊


I am not a big video game player, but GTA: San Andreas is just one of those games that I keep coming back to. The progression of the story line, the rags to riches element, the mini games, the open world, the animation, the atmosphere. To me, it is the best game.


I played the hell out of this game til i got sick of it. I remember just cruising around country sides with "All my exes live in texas" playing on the radio.


This game basicaly solidified itself as one of the masterpieces of video games


The vibe, the gameplay, the music, the story. Everthing was just so legendary


The first time i played this was some time around my elementary years. Back then the charm was that i can walk around town and can ride so many different types of vehicles.

Then when I was in middle school years, i invested in the mythical side of the game such as bigfoot and leather face. Me and my cousins played this game like crazy, driving around back o beyond and mount chilliad hoping to find something interesting😅

And then when I'm on my highschool years, my english just gets better and i can finally understand the story. It's a pretty good story with so many good dialogue and the characters were either relatable or really well written.

And nowadays whenever I'm playing this game i always got hooked with the radio station, especially WCTR. They put so much personality on the radio station alone and it's incredible. Every year i always have the urge to beat this game again without skipping the cutscene. And everytime i do that i always notice something new from the game.

So to answer your question: Yes, san andreas managed to last that long despite it's a very old game, it's rare to see an old game like this can still be very enjoyable to play. I think the only game that can match that is the Mario series, even the OG Mario is still enjoyable (at least for me). GTA San Andreas is definitely the best on the series from the series


It was the:
Simple but interesting storyline
The sound track
The NPCs
The small, small details and just a clear indication that the team poured all they had into this game and we all saw it and loved it.


San Andreas was the main reason i bought my PS2 and i will always have a lot of love for this masterpiece of a game


Personally, my favorite GTA Game is Vice City but there is no doubt that GTA San Andreas is the best GTA Game so far. The fact that how the game devs put so much heart in this game says it all. From its small details up to its features makes it the best. Not to mention, if you know all the removed alpha and beta contents of this game makes it to a whole another level. And in case if you didnt know, most of those alpha and beta contents of this game was later reused in GTA V. So yeah, that's how amazing this game is.


Nobody can deny that GTA SA is one of the best Games ever made!


Re installed this classic. can't believe how much more difficult older games are. GTA V was a piece of cake meanwhile i'm struggling following the damn train.


GTA San Andreas has a vibe that i don't find in other games, which makes it unique, mixed with a good mechanic, gameplay, and a very dense amount of content, they care about details, small or huge.

Overall 10/10 for me.


random npcs on the street roasting CJ will always be a classic


This is by far THE MOST superior not only on the franchise but in all of its genre. No modern in game physics and graphics could surpass this game. Sometimes simplicity but more quality is enough. This game will forever be legendary 🙌 .


It wasn't R*'s final 3D GTA game (that would be Vice City Stories) and yet it was their most ambitious one. There's so much content packed into the game and almost all of the activities and missions are fun to do. The customization was also insane and so I think this is why people love this game so much. I'd say it has aged far better than most games from the times. I've gotten the Platinum trophy in it on PS4 and I've also got 1, 000/1, 000 on the 360 version. Fantastic and fun game.


I think it's the best game ever made. Because it was set in 1992, and was made by a bunch of fellow Brits who watched too much late night TV and movies from the time, and I was 12 at the time, I knew all the references and Easter eggs as I grew up watching the same late night TV and movies as them. So it was an instant hit of nostalgia for me right out of the box. Everywhere I turned I was hit in the face with nostalgia. Same with the music, it's all classics from the time. And I got all the British humour and slang that's hidden all around the game world. It was always funny coming across a British swear word or phrase that i hadn't heard in a long time, it tickles ya. And i was into black American culture at that time so the setting and vibe was right up my street. Then the fact the map and all the missions were brilliant as well, it all adds up to make this the best game of all time for me. 👍


This game never gets old. Rockstar got it right when they released San Andreas! I have it on PS2, PS3, and mobile app. 😂

I'll still be playing this when im 70! 😂


GTA San Andreas was and still is my favorite gta game.


This is what you can call perfection .
I still play it .


Yes. Best one hands down. The fact that gta 5 had to use practically everything that was planned for this game says everything.
