Game of Thrones Poem | When Winter Comes

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When Winter Comes
You'll Hear No Lions Roar
No Stags Grazing The Fields
No Roses Growing In The Meadows
No Snakes In The Sand
The Krakens Will Freeze Where They Swim
The Flayed Men Will Rot And Wither
No Trouts Swimming in The River
No Falcons Flying In The Air
Not Even The Dragons Breath Will Warm You In Your Halls
You Shall Only Hear The Wolves Howl
And Then You Will Know
Winter Has Come

#GameofThrones #GoT
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When winter comes for war,
You shall hear no lions roar.
When winter forces you yield,
No stags shall graze upon the field.
When winter creeps upon you from the shadows,
No roses shall bloom from the meadows.
When winter wreaks havoc on the land,
You can bet there'll be no snakes in the sand.
When winter brings to life all it finds grim,
The krakens will freeze where they swim.
When winter sets and the land begins to shiver,
The flayed man will start to rot and wither.
When winter fights to the last sliver,
No more trouts shall swim in the river.
When winter ravages and all despair,
No falcons shall fly high in the air.
When winter shows you what happens when snow falls,
Not even dragons breath shall warm you in the halls.
When winter comes with all it's might,
Only the wolves shall howl in the night.


The people we have supported since the beginning


I added some 2 extra lines that involve House Dayne and House Mormont to the poem

When winter comes for war,
You shall hear no Lions roar.

When winter forces you to yield,
No Stags shall graze upon the field.

When winter creeps upon you from the shadows,
No Roses shall bloom from the meadows.

When winter wreaks havoc to all the land,
You can bet there'll be no Snakes in the sand.

When winter brings to life all it finds grim,
The Krakens will freeze where they swim.

When winter sets and the land begins to shiver,
The Flayed Man will start to rot and wither.

When winter fights to the last silver,
No more Trouts shall swim in the river.

When winter ravages and all despair,
No Falcons shall fly high in the air.

When winter is cruel and breaks us all,
Even the Stars above would flicker and fall.

When winter is rutheless and spares none,
The Bears in their caves would hunger till they are gone

When winter shows you what happens when snow falls,
Not even the Dragon's breath shall warm you in your halls.

When winter comes with all it's might,
Only the Wolves shall howl in the night


At the beginning I thought "ok he just used a good music and a good poem and made a kind of slideshow with that" but it turned out this is fucking great.
It really reminds us that all these plotlines, all these houses fighting each other, all these thousands of deaths are meaningless. Winter has come.


You need to remake this masterpiece with the new seasons


is this where this poem came from?? Because it's mad surprising to see so many people repost this poem yet this video has so little views. Still not sure if this was were the poem originated tho :0
