Best Free To Play MMOs 2023 ( F2P MMORPGs)

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In this video, we're going to be sharing with you our picks for the best free to play MMOs in 2023. These games are all incredibly popular and offer fantastic gameplay experiences that you won't find in any other game.

Whether you're a fan of traditional MMORPGs or you're looking for something new and exciting, these free to play MMOs are sure to please! Be sure to check them out and see which one suits your gaming style the best!

albion online, maplestory, lord of the rings online, star trek online

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0:00 Intro
0:29 Guild Wars 2
2:37 Lost Ark
4:00 Neverwinter
4:49 Sponsor: Manscaped
6:18 Old School Runescape
7:39 Warframe
8:56 Eve Online
9:50 Destiny 2
11:23 Final Fantasy 14
12:43 Star Wars : The Old Republic
13:48 Honorable Mentions
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destiny 2 is NOT free. If you want to do anything in that game you gotta buy the expansions


I came back to GW2 recently after many years away. I’m having so much


I would suggest avoiding Lost Ark as a new player, the game is still full of bots constantly spamming in area chat and once you reach end game after hours of mindless grinding to hone your gear you run into gatekeepers that won't invite you to groups unless you are the highest gearscore. Those gatekeepers are the ones that swiped their card 100 times, it's an awful player experience.


I'm glad SWTOR is on this list! It's hands-down my favorite MMO ever. They have done a few things I don't like, such as taking away the ability for companions to hate you and automatic quest completion for some quests misses some great dialogue. But it's hard to beat 8 unique and fully voiced stories. It's so good, I spent about 9 years playing the game and made my own fanfiction about my characters. lol


For those complaining about GW2 trial mount..the mounts didn't get released until PoF (2nd expansion) which means the base game, lw 1, 2 and 1st expansion is VERY doable with no mount.


GW2 is utterly fantastic. I played it when it launched and stupidly stopped. I returned 2 years ago, and haven't been able to stop playing. Just an amazing game. With great challenging combat.


LOTR online man. What vibes. That game was my first PC MMO ever as a kid and I loved it. Had genuine fun with a clan I joined people in that game all of them just super kind and sweet. Music is gorgeous too In rivendell, bree, shire you name it


No real surprises on this list (except the Manscaped MMO), but well crafted and well described, thank you


I personally recomend guild wars 2, warframe,path of exile and albion online my favorites games of this gnra


Guild Wars 2 is probably the best choice if you want a well written and high quality adventure MMO with pvp and dungeon elements.


You forgot to mention how Warframe have actually started evolving into something more of an MMO with several big Open-world areas where at least in the hubs you can meet ton of people at the same time.


The last MMORPG I played was MU Online, if any OG's remember it? Which MMORPG today would you recommend? I loved MU, definitely ahead of its time for a free MMORPG


Warframe not to forget besides you can absolutly play for free, the main currency Platinum that you can buy you can actually earn by farming for example prime parts, sell primed mods, etc. It takes farming but it's worth it.


Free or not free options, GW2 is the best option, by far


Guild wars 2 was fun but it def pushes u to buy expansions. That "free" mount you mentioned is timed so you only get it for 10 hours and makes you want to spend $ because running everywhere sucks


I'm only playing ESO but installed GW2 days ago planning to start it (never played it before)


The more I hear and think about Warframe, the more I realize that's where our military advances might be heading.
Not gonna explain it because of obvious spoilers, but it's something interesting to think about.


Just one important thing to know about Destiny 2 - as someone who has played thousands of hours. The content you are showing is not in the game. You are showing The Red War which was Destiny 2 on launch. Bungie removed A LOT of old content and vaulted it - something that has a lot of us veterans of the game pissed because it was content we played for. You really can't get a lot out of the free version of Destiny 2. I would not even say hundreds of hours. There is very little in it.


Just a heads up for anyone thinking about jumping into Guild Wars 2 free-2-play. I recently started the game and quickly discovered that I can level 0-80 in about 2 days (or 18 hours playtime). For me personally, that was just too fast. I really wanted to take my time and stretch my legs in the world. The leveling process actually felt irrelevant to the game as a whole. (So don't be tricked by the idea of "oh I can level all the way to max level for free". This hardly counts if "max level" is equivalent to level 20 in another MMO).

I'm now 1 month in and I kind of just find myself logging in every day, doing the dailies and then feeling at a loss. I'm not always in the mood to team up with guildies on discord and go do fractals for 3 hours. Sometimes I just want something fun to do solo. But once you've leveled to 80 and done the story there really isn't much to do solo that feels either challenging or fun.

Mounts - There is a free running mount you get at level 10 but only for 10 hours of gameplay time, then it expires and you're back to slowly running around - watching all the p2p players on their flying, leaping, hopping and skimming mounts as they zoom straight past you.

I realise I have only pointed out negatives, so to be fair, it is a solid game.
- The combat is mostly well done and feels appropriately challenging (even though I hate tab-targeting).
- You have access to lots of good content with (almost) no "pay to win" elements.

I will almost certainly buy the Path of Fire / Heart of Thorns expansion package eventually, since a one-off payment of $30 US dollars ($15 if you catch it on sale) seems pretty frikken good value considering I've already put 100 hours into the game and I expect to play a lot more once I gain access to mounts and new content.

My point is, think of it as a REALLY amazing demo rather than true free-2-play.
Real MMO play time is measured in thousands of hours (not 50 - 100 hours) and true free-to-play has ZERO gated content (ESPECIALLY access to something as basic as a mount in 2023).


I wish the B-roll footage used was your personal time spent on the game. Some of the games listed didn't have much game play footage to show so I didn't get the vibe from the visuals that id need to pick a game.

Using personal footage also has the added benefit of squashing any doubt that the games listed are free. I saw someone insisting Destiny 2 isn't free.
