DESTINY 2 Shadowkeep Full Game Walkthrough - No Commentary

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DESTINY 2 Shadowkeep Full DLC Walkthrough Guide Played and Recorded on PC.

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Destiny 2: Shadowkeep is the fourth expansion for Destiny 2, a first-person shooter video game developed by Bungie. Shadowkeep is similar in scale to the original Destiny's fourth expansion, Rise of Iron, and features a "full campaign", two new multiplayer PvE strike missions, and one new PvP Crucible map, as well as two reused ones. The expansion features the Moon as a returning, playable destination, where it has been reprised and expanded upon its original patrol mode from the original Destiny. Bungie claimed that the Moon would be twice the size of its original iteration, featuring major changes to the lunar environment, including the erection of a massive Hive fortress on the lunar surface that serves as a key area for the expansion.

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Рекомендации по теме

Hey how come you didn't use your hunter charachter


I like you didn't do it as your hunter bro.👌🏽


What a stupid dlc .. but thats bungee 🤷🏼‍♂️😂
Nice gameplay BTW 👍🏼
