9 UNCOMMON Book Marketing & Promotion Tips (That I've Used to Become a Bestseller)

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Book marketing and promotion is more than just writing a blog post & tweeting about it. Here are 9 uncommon tips that I've used to turn my books into bestsellers, including my self-published Wall Street Journal Bestseller, Will It Fly.

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Here's a quick guideline of the tips from this video:

👉Tip #1 (0:17) - Promote Early

👉Tip #2 (1:33) - Build a Street Team

👉Tip #3 (2:59) - Build in Marketing

👉Tip #4 (4:20) - Go on a Promo Circuit

👉Tip #5 (5:04) - Create a Book Club

👉Tip #6 (5:56) - Create a Podcast

👉Tip #7 (6:35) - Raise the Price

👉Tip #8 (7:36) - Offer it for Free

👉Tip #9 (8:59) - Create an Event

-=-=-=Links and References Made in This Video=-=-=-

(note: some of the links below are affiliate links to products on Amazon, which means I earn an small commission if you choose to purchase anything through those links. Thank you in advance!)

-=-=-=A Question for Team Flynn (that's you!)=-=-=-

Which one of these 9 book marketing strategies is the most interesting to you? Comment below and let me know which one you're going to use to push your books into the hands of those who need it.

Cheers, and all the best!


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New and updated: "Podcast Marketing in 2020 (Top 5 Podcasting Tips that Get More Downloads and Subscribers)"

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Wow! Thank you for the brilliant info! I just subscribed, and I'm going to try all of these tips. Thank you! Happy New Year! Happy New decade!


To me, the most interesting tip is the first one. I usually like to keep big things a secret because I believe that if you tell many people your project may go wrong. It sounds silly, but in my house, I was always taught that. Now I can air my big project out so people can be aware of it. Thank you, Pat! Great video.


Love this video Pat! I'd say your tip #1 is one of the biggest mistakes that most new authors don't follow. They work hard on their book, and then, after hitting publish, they ask themselves "Hmm..how should I market this." Creating a plan the day you start writing not only helps you to sell more books upon launch but also helps you write a better book too - marketing isn't just a sales push, it's research too and understanding how to best serve your market. Knowing that, you'll create a better book for them.


Im the worst at Social media. But everyone who knows me and my book I'm writing are saying social media strategies will get it out to my market in a big way. Thanks for this video. Great information.


your videos have zero dislikes or very few. I believe it's cause your giving real advice, not trying to sell or push anything on your audience, you connect so well with them. That's why you appeal to me.


These are so good! Two years ago I had that momentum built up so well! I started writing a children's book with a goal to write, illustrate and self-publishing a book each month for the 100dayproject. I did most of the first book in the first three weeks! It was so exciting! Then some things came up and I wasn't able to finish it. Then many other things happened and I couldn't get my focus back on it to finalize it. I was so sad that I missed it. Now I'm back! I told people that this year I'm going to finish my open-ended projects and mentioned this particular book. I see the same people responding that did before! In the last 3 day I got as far as submitting it to KDP and I will be getting my proof copy soon. I can't wait to see how things go with it!
I definitely see why letting people see it first and write reviews, or set a starting price low, such a good idea! I will definitely do that! :)
And I agree, sharing the progress is really helpful! :) People naturally enjoy behind the scenes and then are more likely to buy a copy.


I have been watching how to videos for (ebooks books) promotion/marketing for months this is by far the best and most realistic one of them all, I’m watching a second time to take note. Thank you so much .


Thanks Pat. Such an honor to have helped you launch your book with the Street / Launch Team. Great tips in this video overall too! Well done.


The first and last tips were amazing. I just got a publishing deal and I want to get a head start on promoting. This saved me. Thank you!


Great video! And a little side benefit of Tip #1 is that you'll be less likely to quit this project half way because you've publicly committed to writing it (because book writing is hard and most authors I know go through those thoughts of ... should I write this? will anyone read this? who am I to write a book?). And Tip #3 - love that you're asking people to share something fun vs just asking them to share your book with their audience. Way better for starting a conversation as you noted. Love your channel and your podcast! Thank you.


I like the idea of creating a support group. I wrote my novel The Dandelion with followers of Abraham-Hicks in mind and there are many in that group who would jump at the chance to spread the word, so thank you for that!


I loved the sharing of the behind the scenes and raising the price to create urgency. Going to implement the same. Thank you.


This information is pure gold, thank you so mucho for sharing this.


I literally can't pick one as the best tip but keeping the audience engaged via social media stood out to me. I know I like to feel involved in my interests so I will definitely do this when I publish my book.


I am so glad I found you in my suggestions. I will be self publishing my book for the first time. All of your tips were helpful. The one that resonated with me the most was Talking about your book before it even comes out. Give me people something to anticipate, like a movie trailer.


These are super good tips, Pat - thank you. I've gotta say, I especially think #3 is brilliant & know from personal experience that you do this extremely well. Building the marketing directly INTO your book is not only easy to do, it's mega helpful to your reader/listener (if it's an audiobook) by adding value for them, and it's also a great promotional opportunity for you as the author. A total win-win! Thank you for another wonderful video loaded with awesomeness, Pat - you ROCK!


Thanks, I have been promoted many books for my clients by applying my awesome tricks. Have a good day!


I'm launching a metaphysical / spiritual novel in a few days, and I'm going to try the KDP Select "free for 5 days" tactic. I love that idea, Pat! Thank you!


Hi! Just subscribe to your channel. I found all your tips very helpful and sincere. I can see the great importance of marketing a book before publishing in order to build an audience.
Thanks s lot Pat!


All of these ideas are so appealing I am gonna try them all. I am writing a self-help book and will be self publishing it. I was wondering if how am I gonna market it and make it a best seller. I have completed writing manuscript of around 30% of my first ever book and I am glad I ain't too late to watch this video. Thank you so much this is the most wonderful guidance I have come across ❤️
