'Three Changes To How I Do Carnivore' with Kelly Hogan

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Here are some of the meaty topics that we cover in the groups:
*Figuring out your TDEE and how to eat the MOST while getting results
*Tips for getting started
*How to break sugar/carb addiction
*Ways to optimize health
*Metabolic Reset Days and how to use them
*Levers for weight-loss
*Understanding hunger cues
*Dealing with holidays and social events
*How to find a slight and sustainable fuel-deficit with appropriate macros
*Possible meal plans and ways to hit those macros

Please like, subscribe, and share the video in order to help spread the Carnivore message.

I'm not a doctor. I don't even play one on TV. Please do not use this video as medical advice. I tell the truth about my own health and my own experiences in hopes of improving other people's health, but have no interest in being sued. So...consult a doctor if you have questions.
And please don't add or take-away anything from your diet that doesn't make you feel good. Your body is always the best judge. Please like, subscribe, and share the video in order to help spread the Carnivore message.

INFORMATION ABOUT Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (which was not part of this video, but I will share this information anyway):

If you aren’t healing and feeling MUCH better after six months of eating this way, I would encourage you to look into other possible causes including Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS).

A TONS of CIRS info: @thecirsgroup
Рекомендации по теме

I am on month two of your coaching group. I have to say that you have found exactly what we need to do to lose weight. Many have gone on a carnivore diet but for some of us, just eating meat doesn't work. I am going to be 57 in May and it has been very difficult with a thyroid problem and my pattern has been to lose a bunch of weight in two months and then stall out. I firmly believe that walking and your TDEE and tracking is the exact formula that we all need. Thank you for constantly searching and caring so much about your group members. You truly care and I learn something new each meeting and with applying it, I am seeing huge


I’ve been walking 30 minutes everyday, which is ALOT for me! I’m so heavy and out of shape that I had to work up to that literally from five minutes up to thirty over a few weeks. And my next effort will be to do 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening. My legs already feel stronger


I still find it amazing that you were actually given REAL advice from a doctor. Very, very rare and fortunate for you.


May I give you some advice Kelly? My name is Kelly too. Careful on too much cardio. I learned a lesson long ago, too much cardio will burn your muscle and you do not want to do that. Swap most of that cardio with weight training and your body will thrive and look amazing. After 30, our muscle starts to decline and bone density starts going down. Weight training full body 2-3 times a week and walking on non-lifting days is truly going to change your body for a lifetime. Weights are where it’s at. Too much cardio is truly very hard on the body over time.


"Low hanging bacon" makes me wish there was a bacon tree.


Wow!! I AM that lady that was undereatimg. I stay full and satiated from coffee all day....never hungry and eat Omad....mine after work around 6. And i only sleep a max of 4-5 hrs a night. I am definitely going to change this. Sure wish i could afford a coaching group but so appreciate these videos
Thank you Kelly❤!!


Another option for people to start walking if they have any issues with getting outside, or live in a sketchy area, or weather is bad etc. I use to do the Leslie Sansone walk away the pounds videos. It's just indoor walking and it's really great for people who are just starting. I'd love a walking pad, but not in the budget right now. So these indoor walking videos you can find on YouTube are really great. Also when no one is watching.... I turn up the music or put in my ear buds and just dance around the house for about 20 minutes each day. You figure a typical song is 3 or 4 minutes long. Load up about 10 of them and just go to town! Don't stop moving, just wiggle jiggle and move your body! ♥


I have lost 250 pounds and an working on my last 20. I have been weight stable for over a year. I know that I am far too sedentary and need to be walking daily. ❤


If you feel amazing, be whatever weight you want!! You will NEVER make everyone happy. If you put the 18 lbs back on, there will be people that say you should lose it. Be happy and healthy!! Tests look great and you feel great! Go with it!!


I’ve been eating carnivore for many years at this point. I came to it with the mindset that it needed to be ketogenic, so I was always putting rendered fat on my meat, unless I was eating something very fatty like short ribs or oxtail. When I would track, I was always getting over 80% of my calories from fat. Then after several years I just didn’t want all that fat anymore. I stopped worrying about being in ketosis and just ate meat, sometimes fatty sometimes more lean, but I stopped adding extra fat. Now when I analyze my intake I’m getting between 60-70% calories from fat. I also eat more meat, which is more expensive but also more satisfying. And 15-ish pounds have just melted off and I’ve settled into a much leaner body. Everyone is different and the same person may need different things at different stages of their lives, but this is how it has gone for me. Good luck everyone, and thanks so much to Kelly for all your awesome energy and content that you share. You’ve been so inspiring and helpful for me!!! ❤😊


I can confirm that having coffee only AFTER breakfast or after any meal is so important. Once i started doing that, my anxiety went i tried coffee on an empty stomach...BOOM, anxiety for 8hs. 😢


Kelly, I am so impressed with how you work tirelessly to find ways for everyone to succeed on a zero carb diet. So many times people just say just eat meat and that will be fine. But for many of us that is not working and so I love that you keep going and keep trying to find all the ways That I can dial things in for my own success and I see how you help so many others in the same way. Keep doing what you’re doing!


I just turned 71 and finished 30 days carnivore. I have already seen some amazing results, but not losing as quickly as i did when doing keto a couple years ago. I've only lost 10 lbs, but confess to not feeling hungry so I'm probably not eating as much as i should. I have a bad knee so walking is out. I am convinced that if i could lose at least another 20 lbs that that will help my knee as much as anything. I thank you for listing other things i can try.
Love your channel!


“It’s not the charcuterie diet”. These words from Kelly keep ringing in my ears! I needed to hear that.


This is difficult to say, but you looked healthier (and better) before losing the twenty pounds. How much of your day is spent maintaining this weight? Just trying to help because I think you are an awesome woman with a very loving heart.


‘Breathe like a safe person’ …I love that!


Love hearing a respected member of the carnivore community discuss calorie deficits and reverse dieting. Excellent information. Too many carnivore influencers telling people to eat as much as they want and calories don’t matter. Huge respect for the message you’re putting out. For the record I’ve lost 115 pounds on carnivore myself.


I have followed you for years on YouTube, as well as other carnivore advocates. I am in my first month of coaching with you Kelly and I can’t tell you how much difference you have made already. The TDEE calculation was so important and something I have never done. My TDEE said 1671 was maintenance so I have gone to 1570 as my daily caloric intake. I’m 5’0”.

Before while doing carnivore, I fell into the add fat, fat and more fat, don’t count calories, etc. Using sweeteners, Diet Coke and white knuckling it through cravings, and giving into those cravings, probably at least once a week. But since joining the coaching group, no sweeteners, some cravings, but they are becoming more faint all the time. There IS light at the end of the tunnel.

It’s not a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, it’s a ribeye.


I’m on my last 10 pounds. Sigh, six months up and down on the scale. I’ve learned from your wonderful groups. I now limit dairy to less than 2 oz per day and my joint pain is low enough now to allow me to walk, walk and walk some more . My walking pad is helping!
I was a chronic undereater and body abuser (I ran miles a day in my 50’s) I’m 62 and loving this lifestyle even with the 10 extra pounds. Thank you, sweet Kelly! I am inspired ❤️🤗🥓


I totally had to go to OMAD to start losing. i was only maintaining w/ 2 meals a day, But, I am a 67 yo woman w/ a messed up metabolic history. Also decreased fat a bit. It took some tweaking, but it's on like Donkey Kong now! Have lost 20 lbs since beginning of the year & feeling MUCH better overall! YAAY carnivore!!! Thx for all your encouragement & info Kelly!
