FIX Media Offline Problems! - DaVinci Resolve

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DaVinci resolve for expert NOW i learned so much through your short YouTube😂


Bro, you just saved me once again!!!!, YOU JUST SAVED ME 4DAYS OF EDITING WORK😭😭😭😭.Almost quited davinci on the spot bro💀, I wasn't able to export my video. But I kept searching and searching until i found this video, man😤. Remember me when you hit a million subs, I know you can. Once again, thanks and keep making these shorts bro👊


Thank you so much for uploading this! I put files in a desktop and was wondering how to prevent this as I am still new to the editing software. Thank you for this!


Idk how many times I moved my files learning to organize my folders and then moved into external hard drives etc. Always a great learning experience. OH I HAVE A TIP! On my windows 10, I can rename my external hard drive names, so when I plug certain hard drives into various ports, it's easy to find! Helped me out and I'm a noob for life lol


Another very helpful tip. I had this issue a month or so ago. Glad to see you covering it.


Good things to be mindful of. Keep it organized in the first place and it's one less issue/stumbling block to deal with. Thank you, Daniel. 😊


This is exactly what I asked for. Thank you very much sir ❤


as always you're a god! My case was that the file was not supported. I changed to MOV and it worked properly! Thanks!


Awesome I had this issue so many times Daniel thank you for the info 🙏🏻


With external drives it’s best to change the drive letter to something towards the end of the alphabet to reduce the likelihood of the letter changing when swapping out external drives.


The archiving feature saves lives. It's such a comfortable feature. You can collaborate on things MUCH easier now. Especially if you're like me and have a nightmare fuel level file system structures. 😂


some crazy thing, I had it on my NAS, copied it locally to edit faster. imported the new files to davinci resolve, deleted the original files and wanted to relink them. messed it up, couldn't. The only way was, reimporting the old files from the nas and relink them with the local ones. did the job.


Good plug for your own music video in the middle there. 😉


another reason could be that inserting a clip into a timeline and then deleting it from the media pool


In my case I have to convert the file. Thanks for sharing.


lol yeah I was not using 8 bit! I figured that out last night. I’m having problems finding out what music I can use to overlay my videos, copyright laws seem very weird. I want to use more mainstream songs and I see mixed controversy over if content creators can use these “remixed” versions and be able to upload without problems. Seems you know music and editing so please share your wisdom! 😅


For me, it was due to the source file Bit depth. I spend a lots of time and finally I found out that it was due to the Bit Depth of the source file.
Davinci resolve (Free version) will not work if the source file bit depth is 10 and that will work only in the studio version.. Whoever is having this issue, request you to check the Bit depth of your source file, if you are using the free version. I hope this will help someone. Thanks.


hi im totally new in davinci and was about to upload the videos however it was straight to media offline. i didnt start any editing yet


Hey i have another question, how can i mask off like in anime amv edits, smoothly without needing original clip in media pool, instead editing it in the timelines clip


Hi Daniel, a Noob say to you thank you :-) I use free version on both device and after exporting archive with the iPad, I send the files to MacBook Air via airdrop. Then I try restore archive but some added video i can see but iPad screen recording videos I can't see, I see just Media Offline. iPad screen recording format is HECV. I can edit but not restore archive. Because aff free version?