6 Reasons Why People Ghost You

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Have you ever heard of the term “ghosting,”? If so, are you familiar with what it is? Ghosting is when someone suddenly ceases all contact with another, often ignoring their attempts to reach out without any explanation. Whether you are ghosting someone or ghosting people, or the one being ghosted, can leave both parties in a lot of pain. If you're looking for answers or comfort to why someone might have ghosted you or why you might have ghosted someone (whether intentionally or not), hopefully, this video can give some answers.

Writer: Chloe Avenasa
Script Editor: Riley Lin
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Anthony Plantyn
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

Thelen, M. H., Vander Wal, J. S., Thomas, A. M., & Harmon, R. (2000). Fear of Intimacy Among Dating Couples as a Predictor For Relationship Dissolution. Behavior Modification, 24(2), 223-240.

LeFebvre, L. (2017). Ghosting as a relationship dissolution strategy in the technological age. The impact of social media in modern romantic relationships, 219-235.

LeFebvre, L. E., Allen, M., Rasner, R. D., Garstad, S., Wilms, A., & Parrish, C. (2019). Ghosting in emerging adults’ romantic relationships: The digital dissolution disappearance strategy. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 39(2), 125-150.

Freedman, G., Powell, D. N., Lee, B., & Williams, K. D. (2019). Ghosting and destiny: Implicit theories of relationships predict beliefs about ghosting. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 36(3), 905-924.

Manning, J., Denker, K. J., & Johnson, R. (2014). Justifications for Ghosting Out of Emerging or Ongoing Romantic Relationship Anxieties. Journal of Relationship Psychology, 31(27); 114-125.
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Are you left with unanswered questions, and wondering why they 'ghosted' you? Or why you ghosted someone? Comment below.


Ghosting is so selfish. You should just let the other person know why you’re not interested, instead of making them wonder what’s happened or if you will communicate back. Rejecting hurts but at least there is clarity.


I'm getting ghosted rn with someone I had a deep connection with. They just stopped responding


being ghosted hurts a lot and especially when they reassured they wouldn’t leave or made you believe how happy they were with you


Being ghosted has pretty much destroyed any shred of self confidence I had, has given me trust issues with people in general. Already had worsening depression and anxiety over the past few months, being ghosted just amplified it and pushed me further down since she was the one and only person I ever trusted enough to talk about these things with.

So yeah, don't ghost someone you claimed to love.


1. They don't feel safe
2. They want revenge
3. Fear of intimacy
4. It's the easiest course of action
5. They're going through something in their personal life
6. They're afraid of confrontation


This channel is really good at bringing up uncomfortable memories.


I've had so many people ghost me, I might sign up for the Ghostbusters.


My back literally hurts from carrying the whole friendship.


Time to show this video to all the people that haven't talked to me since Corona started.


The painful realization that you're the one initiating most of the interactions and when you stop they don't notice


I have literally zero friends right now because I had to cut all of them off. All of my "friends" would constantly ghost or flake on me or were super unreliable; but then I would be the one to always come through for them. I only kept them around because I didn't want to be alone and the small times that they did come through, it felt good.

One day I woke up and realized enough is enough. I blocked them all on social media and deleted their numbers, I'd rather be alone than feel like a doormat for another second.


‘Once you feel you are avoided by someone, never disturb them again!’👈❣️🙏💪❤️


Because it's never been easier to connect with people, but it's also never been easier to discard them. People are now treated as highly disposable.


I can’t stand people that bring up wanting to see you again but when you reach out to them - those liars end up ghosting you 😤


It’s so hard not to internalize ghosting. And when it happens in a pattern, it just makes me feel like what am I doing that people feel like they can’t tell me? It’s painful and confusing.


A person I thought was a "friend" ghosted me, and found out how great I was doing in life and wanted to be friends later. I laughed at them, and I feel so free without that person in my life.


Mature, healthy people don't ghost unless their safety is a concern. No other reason justifies the lack of closure.


If you notice of them ghosting you, just walk away. Let them appreciate your absences and move on with life, I learn that the hard way in my last relationship


I've been ghosted in almost every friendship and relationship I've had the past year or so. Being the type of person that appreciates and strives for open and honest communication I lack the ability to understand why a person couldn't just end it with a short explanation but this video has given me a bit of perspective at least!
