Best DPS Classes in WoW Cataclysm Classic - DPS tier list

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Are you excited to raid in Cataclysm Classic? Before you go Check out this video where I'll detail the best DPS you can play in WoW Cataclysm Classic.
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0:00 - 1:55 Why do a DPS tier list
1:55 - 3:45 Boomkins
3:45 - 4:53 Paladins
4:53 - 6:22 Priests
6:22 - 7:21 Rogues
7:21 - 8:28 Warrior
8:28 - 9:42 Warlock
9:42 - 10:39 Death Knights
10:39 - 12:24 Shamans
12:24 - 14:00 Hunters
14:00 - 15:36 BEST DPS CLASS

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Thanks for including some notes about 10 mans, i know my guild is completely done with 25s so good to have that info. I am running a hpally but still fun to watch the videos


Awesome Video Bro really helped me to decide ❤️


Therazane enchants will be BoA according to Blizzard, quote:

We’re working on this. We agree that it would feel better to have this reward for reaching exalted with Therazane available to your alts.


Weird to talk about Ele being easy vs fire mage requiring perfect play. Ele is prolly a tad easier, less proc reliant, but outside of cooldowns/combust, Fire Mage is pressing two buttons and maintaining a single dot. Feel like if you were comparing Ret/UH damage to Ele it would hold up better as those classes are pretty difficult, but mage is pretty easy mang.


The therazane rep shoulder enchant is account wide now, so alts unite! Nice vid bro.


Glad I decided to main Survival Hunter in Cata. Although I have a feeling we will slip down the tier rankings a bit as the expansion progresses


What is the site you use to show off the gear is it an armory site? looks so much better than the normal Sixtyupgrades one


Playing combat in P3 of wrath was the most fun i've ever had in WoW cause of blade flurry, im so excited to pump in perma blade flurry fights


Fun fact. As a blood DK, I went into my first raid with full tank gear, no offspec and they needed me as DPS. I was in Unholy presence, and managed to finish at 11th place DPS wise. That's nuts. (Maybe the raid group was just bad tho)


Hi, would this ranking change based on recent phase 1 raid logs? Or is this based on the raid logs?


imagine an extension about dragons, where bosses are literaly filled with magma, fire, ... they are made with that, this is their elements and the best DPS, the class who deal the most damage to them, is actually fire mage.

So you throw fire on fire elemental and you kill them... lol


I’m really curious to see how it all plays out in raids en masse when they open — just having Heroics isn’t super indicative of raid performance but I’m eager to be surprised by an Elemental Shaman coming even remotely close to my Demo Warlock on large AOE pulls. Meta w/ Immolation + Demon Soul + Felstorm + Shadowflame + Hellfire is pure comedy. Ripped about 117k DPs on a large Grim Batol AOE pack.

I think a Mage could outperform with lucky procs but having reliable, monstrous burst of a Demo Lock may be more desirable.

Single Target with major cooldowns (e.g. Doomguard) I’ve yet to be beaten either — I’ve seen a lot of Demo Locks vary wildly in Heroics with similar gear but their Doomguard is doing about 30% of what mine is — they’re not doing proper snapshotting for sure

Excited to get ready for raiding!


Out of Black Wing Decent and Bastion of Twilight. Which raid is easier on raid launch day ?


Destruction warlocks didn’t get any love from you! We still be putting in work!!!


As a kitty player I’m hoping they get buffed again like they did in wrath. I find it enjoyable and a few minor tweaks like giving back glyph of omen of clarity to have the rotation not feel so clunky would do wonders. Until then it’s bear and boomy. 😞


Thing is you don’t recognise loot distribution in 25 mans, why not. Problem is high end guilds like mine go for loot council so this means officer loot as priority. So this vid doesn’t matter if I don’t the gear but officers do….pls address this e.g. what is the best best loot distribution system.


As single target my ass rogue when using a proper opener sits nicely up the board, not always top but it's up there


Wait till you see the mastery snapshotting SunKin spec druids will be rocking.


Do I actually have to buy the expansion to play it? I find it little annoying to be honest... and how much would level boost cost?


I remember when i wasnt allowed to raid in cata the first go around cuz i was SV everyone said MM was better but one day they needed a 10th it me and the MM hunter was neck and neck on the meter one is just as viable as the other
