The BEST Specs To MAIN & LOSERS To AVOID In The War Within | DPS, Healer & Tank

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In The War Within, there are a ton of amazing classes out there.
But what are some Specs that are just BETTER overall? In todays video, we are going to be looking at some AMAZING classes you can MAIN in The War Within. This is gonna be super fun so LETS GO!
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00:00 - Intro
00:24 - Winner DPS #1
02:15 - Winner DPS #2
03:20 - Winner DPS #3
04:18 - Winner Tank
05:21 - Winner Healer #1
06:25 - Winner Healer #2
07:35 - "Loser" DPS #1
08:53 - "Loser" DPS #2
10:09 - "Loser" DPS #3
12:16 - "Loser" Tank
13:30 - "Loser" Healers
13:30 - "Loser" Healers
15:09 - Thank you ALL!
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Remember, these are specs that got THE BIGGEST Improvements from the states they were once in.
Every spec is playable, we just believe some need some extra work and want to make the community aware of that.



Numbers will change. Play what you Enjoy if you are not one of the 1% Top Players in PVP/M+/Mythic. Remember Comparison is the Thief of Joy.


While I agree with a lot of the info, I think it is good BM is simple. There needs to be low skill specs for people, and BM is a perfect match. It comes with a tank built in. I do agree the hero specs feel like they should be flashier. But overall the spec is perfectly fine.


Until blizzard nerf your class and buff one of theses losers. Just play what you like


Every class doesn't have to have a difficult rotation, BM Hunter being simple is completely fine. There are lots of people that enjoy the simple gameplay.


A little confused on your videos lately, I know things are changing a lot but just a couple videos ago you were saying some of those loser specs were safe picks or top picks. Again, I understand things are changing a lot but it would be nice if it was mentioned that your recommended specs from recent videos changed and why.


These videos are reason why community is toxic, picky in LFG and elitists even those videos are valid only if you are pushing top 1% ...


The best spec to play is what you enjoy, and the spec to avoid is what you don’t enjoy. Simple as that. I really wish people would stop taking this game so damn seriously.


no one will care about their tree being boring if they see their name first on the damage meter.


You should avoid using terms like "Safe pick", things can change in a day - like today. Moral of story people is play what you enjoy like countless others have said.
I also think more passive specs, less interaction is neccessary for the game and some players. More choice nodes in these specs would be nice to add flavor but I don't think it should be the surperior talent. Not every class needs to be high APM with multiple procs and cooldowns. Putting specs like Fury and Beast Mastery in your "loser" section because of this seems silly especially since the first spec you mentioned is Arcane... because it was made easier to understand and play? 🤨


The BM hunter segment is showing mm gameplay?


Zucodruid (the footage of guardian bear) said feral is one of his favorite specs and despite some energy regeneration issues, is a blast to play. So don't get discouraged out there, ferals!


u can make any class work really, join a good guild and run dungeons with them. if ur not pushing 25 keys then it really doesnt matter, have fun


Fury warrior might be very passive and beast master as well but sometimes it’s just good to have the most bang for your buck when it comes to pvp, to be able to unload without having to manage a zoo of abilities - I like the flair of shadow priest but hard to get off all those abilities when you have an unholy dk slamming you in the face with 12 minions


Awesome job editing this video honestly, all of the sound queues and visuals honestly impressed me. Happy to have stumbled across the video. Jumping back into wow and I like to just have stuff playing in the background but this peaked my interest and before I knew it. I was glued to the video watching. Consider that sub button. Mashed.


I’ve been a paladin/druid main for years but I played mage the other day and frost feels so good.

It may not be the “top spec” but it’s comparable and I’m comfortable with it. May be time to swap.


In regard to prot pally, unless it has changed recently or changing in TWW, Hand/Word of Glory has always healed based on % of health missing. Or maybe it's an automatic talent that has always been taken that provides that, but it certainly exists. Thank you for the video though!


'PlAY wHAt YOU LikE!' does not help classes that clearly need help. Rogues need a reboot, badly. Outlaw's two potential builds have gotten nerfed instead of buffed for TWW.


Been playing Arcane mage since BC regardless if good or bad. there have been points where I have pondered that I might actually be the only one playing that spec. Now the big time in the spotlight is coming, I'll take it and enjoy it, but I'll keep on my Arcane when that time is gone again.


I disagree on hunter being too simple making it a loser, that is exactly what makes it so popular a lot of people just want to take it easy and not execute some insane college degree rotation when you can just play casually and still compete well with others
