My Top 6 Favorite GoPro Accessories | GoPro Essentials

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In this video, I go over my top 6 most used and favorite GoPro accessories. These are the basics that I think anyone setting up a GoPro kit should consider. If you are new to GoPro and wondering what accessories and gear you should start with I highly recommend all of the following items, they are general purpose and you will make good use of them when capturing content with your GoPro. Some of these items are universal and can be used with any GoPro generation, while others are GoPro model specific.

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#GoPro #TopAccessories #BestAccessories
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Perfect timing - I just got my first GoPro.


max grip that is about 600 inches long is great. Looks very sturdy and solid when placed on the ground


Great to see that we made the list! Thanks so much Shawn for including us and so glad our mounts make your capturing amazing content easier!


As a new Hero 9 owner, I thank you & consider you the go-to source for everything I didn’t know I need to know 👍🏼


Great job explaining the Go Pro
I’m waiting for mine


Great job Sean keep up the great reviews and also your unboxing videos making the GoPro simple for beginners.


I switched from Sony FDRx 3000 to Hero 9 and starts watching your videos... thank you very much


Got my snap mount today love them. ordering more extra mount


Nice round up of some must have accessories for the latest GoPro's. I'm kind of a minimalist when it comes to the GoPro, but you did show a few things I would like to have. Another great video Sean. We need to get you on live show sometime.


I’ve been using snap mounts for awhile now and absolutely love them.


For my first GoPro I got a hero9 black so far loving it thanks for the tips


I really like the idea of the snap mount lanyard so that I can use my GoPro in the chest mount configuration
without using a chest mount.


Excellent video👍😊. Really informative and easy to understand👍. Just off to order some bits and pieces😊


awesome video!!! ive been loking for some new accessories and i didnt kow which ones to get now i do thanks to you


Another great video tutorial with some great tips, thank you!


Hi, I love your videos and I am getting a gopro so thank you for the advice and the tip


Perfectly time video as I treated myself last week to the GoPro.. Thanks..


Thanks, Sean!
I hadn't seen the magnetic mounts before. I'm going to get some.


Brilliant! Super helpful video for me as a new GoPro user, and i’ll be purchasing some of your recommendations. Thank you so much for putting it together, especially the very clear, well lit filming with no shadows so i could see all the details i was needing, and also re-put-together some of the accessories i DO have....which has been a nightmare because GoPro (which i hadn’t known before i got for holidays) how very poor their pamphlets are, and their website is no better! I mean seriously, i don’t want to join a group or wade through the publics comments! That’s super lame, and LAZY, and cheap, of GoPro to do! My husband’s fire department which he is purchasing and logistic Chief for, would have brought in GoPros for their work like when they practice and train on home burns, media events, general training and documentation, and more! But i had not checked with him, until i already got it, and he said his dpt all found it incredibly difficult to use and they never figured it out...and they are smart guys too (yes, almost all have at least 4 yr college degrees and all that, some more. This was a couple yrs ago but still, it appears GoPro still has the same issues and i do not know if this is by choice, or, they are so geeky about GoPro that they all believe all of these things should be “obvious”, but that shouldn’t matter. I used to be an engineer in high tech semiconductor manufacturing for the in-line defect / yield dpt, and i’ve written many manuals instructing company employees specific analysis and excursion containment protocols, standing dispositions, how to operate tools or write recipes on them. It must be that GoPro just doesn’t have much competition or people haven’t complained enough, but I personally find it unacceptable to not be able to find information needed to use a product properly. And they need to warn people, this stuff takes Herculean “MAN HANDS” to even open or put together! I seriously was so afraid i was going to BREAk something! I had to get help to know for sure before i pried the camera open with a butter knife!

They’re documentation/ pamphlets that NEEDS TO COME INCLUDED WITH EVERY CAMERA AND ACCESSORY, should not just clearly itemize each part in the accessory kit, they need actual photos and detailed written instructions listed in steps, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4c, 4c, 5, 6, etc! We need steps broken down and described, and if there is a video to ALSO walk someone through how to do it, like open the dam thing, they need to list that too with the EXACT LOCATION WHERE IT IS TO BE more searching everywhere and wasting time, watching video upon video trying to find the part you are looking for, nor do not refer me to a 45 minute intro video by some random blogger please (even though i thankful for them but Go Pro - do y0ur part and help people get this operating and used, IN AN EFFICIENT WAY FOR THEM.

AND they also need to use “universal part numbers” and CLEARLY MARK EACH PART AS SUCH on both the item itself, but also refer to it clearly on the pamphlet / operating accessory instructions and information that should come with every accessory and camera purchase. This way people can not only take inventory better of what they have and don’t have, but much more quickly and easily just put together (or PACK IN YOUR GEAR BAG) the “accessory/accessories of interest”, and also quickly sort out accessory parts that ONLY go with specific cameras vs universal, and their part number system should allow everyone, including themselves, be able to ID from site of the specific name, to know if it is only for a particular GoPro model (because a lot of people have more than one of different models).


Thank u bro I got the snap mounts n I love them
