how I saved hundreds of hours in ableton...

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For mac just change CTRL to Cmd
Downloading the full picture above gives you the easiest Ableton shortcut list to use. It has levels from basic to intermediate to master. Shortcuts are ordered from MOST useful to lease so that you learn the best first. it also comes in different versions.

ive wasted hundreds of hours not making music while making music. finding out these shortcuts took me months. At the end I show how to make it 304% easier to learn them
Space for playback only starts where the playhead is within arrangement view.
Editing Midi or audio can be quite a pain because of the need to click in the arrangement every time

Use CTRL SPACE instead to Play from the playhead within the midi or audio clip,
taking away the need to click within the arrangement at all.
using ctrl space with a selection instead of just one spot with the playhead is
will play the selection once then stop
Quite similar is shift space. Which lets you play from where you stopped. The Home Button moves the insert marker to the beginning. Double clicking on most knobs and sliders will reset them to default or hit delete typing in the search bar will search within the folder you are clicked on. Instead Hit CTRL F to search all folders. Ctrl Shift w Toggles a Second window. If you didn’t know this you gotta start using this if you want to be as efficient as possible with a second monitor and if you aren’t using one use some old crappy monitor it really helps with the viewing room.

Left Click the like and subscribe
Zero Deactivates or mutes whatever is selected. Great when you want to only mute a small part of a track but keep the rest playing. CTRL L to loop the selected area. Hit again to toggle looping off. CTRL D duplicate or CTRL Left click and drag instead of click, drag, move, duplicate use CTRL SHIFT D to duplicate the selected time across all tracks. This is great because it not only duplicates but also inserts itself creating space. If you are like me and only use arrangement view I encourage you to use tab to get to session view for the Returns. Itll save you time versus using a manual send track or grouped tracks for effects. SHIFT + Tab Toggles the Device and Clip View

Most of the time you may use Ctrl u to quantize but for better control use Ctrl Shift u
This lets you edit the time grid it will snap to and the quantize percent being able to edit the percent quantized is very important to get the off beat feel so you get a feeling from the instrument but also gives a bit more help sticking on time for when you suck at playing
When renaming items use tab to move to the next one

CTRL-ALT-F - Creates a Fade or Crossfade. Keep in mind when crossfading it will always push the second clip to the right if the selection includes the second clip.
CTRL T inserts an audio track and
CTRL SHIFT T inserts a MIDI track
CTRL SHIFT M inserts a MIDI Clip

CTRL 3 toggles a triplet grid which is very nice for make some more unique drums
Ctrl and numbers is all about the grid CTRL 1 narrows and 2 widens grid. CTRL 4 snaps to grid
and these are also somewhat useful to know Ctrl 1-9
In Session View You can duplicate only the playing clips and put them on a new row below

Finally Download a chart like this to have on your second monitor or printed out for everytime you use ableton. all of these shortcuts are from a cheat sheet that I decided to make its free to download full quality its got three levels so its not daunting to learn and its sorted by most useful to least useful something I don't ever see in other peoples cheat sheets or the ableton website for shortcuts the link is below with different versions as well


How to get a faster workflow in ableton live 11 or 10 or any abletons plenty of tips and tricks to speed up you music making time. Download the music shortcut sheet on our website and keep it on a second monitor.

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This may be one of the most useful production tutorials I’ve ever watched and not a single note was played


This is the most effective 3:49 of video I've ever watched.


yeah I just saved this cause I learnt a lot. seeing it in action is also a better visual aid than reading in manual


the double window one is a game changer


After 10 + years of using Live, I felt validated by knowing most of these commands (minus a few which I will definitely be adopting). Thanks for sharing!


how the HELL didn't I know about ctr+shift+D, bless you.


This is probably the most important Ableton video I've ever watched. Great work! Recommending this to all my friends.


incredible cheat sheet, I feel like a better producer just having this in front of me while I work. Every time I feel like there's something I could be doing with a shortcut, I find it on the sheet and remember for next time. ctrl+shift+d is a lifesaver. I would love to see more workflow tutorials like macros, effects racks, sampling, layering


I just love you. The cheatsheet is genius. Your concise way of putting things is a belessing. Hope you get to 100.000 subs sooner than later.


Thank you! I'm 30+ hours into learning ableton and I'm finally starting to get more fluid with it. These shortcuts will help tremendoulsy.


i didn't know about ctrl + space in the piano roll and holy shit that's cracked and i feel extra stinky stoooopid for not doing that
11/10 my guy got all the infinity stones of ableton all laid out for us


I installed this DAW yesterday and I don't know what is up with Youtube to recommend me this hell of a god damn nice and quick tutorial that has solved all the problems I had with Ableton Live. Thank you sir!


Good shit I can't believe I didn't know ctrl+space that was like my biggest frustration


I already watched this but I saved it to my watch later so I remember to watch it over and over again to not forget a single shortcut.


The quality of this video is astounding


i've been using ableton for over a decade now. i still learned heaps from this. A+


Just dropping a huge thanks for the double window and renaming tip. You the man


You just saved me hours of my life ❤️ Such a large chunk of my time in Ableton is finicky nonsense. Thank you!


Been a Ableton user since Live 5. Nice visual manual video you got here 👌🏾


This video is so important and I’m about to watch it over and over and over again. So many little things I’ve been meaning to learn for sometime, workflow goat
