Save Hundreds of Hours with One Decision

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🖤 Favorite Books of Blinkist:

- The Lazy Genius Way
- Checklist Manifesto
- The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up
- Atomic Habits
- Eat That Frog
- Let if Go
- Digital Minimalism
- Outer Order, Inner Calm
- Essentialism

🖤 R E L A T E D V I D E O S

🖤 P R O D U C T S S H O W N

Our Bedspread: was from Target, discontinued
My Sweaters: From the Anne Taylor Factory Store

Favorite Make-Up Products:




This takes place in a private Facebook group. Here's what you can expect:
- 5-10 minute videos each weekday with guided decluttering tasks
- monthly themes, weekly challenges
- 1 hour live guided decluttering sessions twice a month for accountability
- encouragement & support from other members
- cost is $15/month

This is ideal if you're looking for more motivation & accountability.

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My Mom put squishy comforters on all our beds and taught us to "make snow angels" when we wake up to smooth out the covers and roll out. Plop, plop, four little kids dropping out of our perfectly made beds. When I had kids I taught them the same trick and even adults can do it. My Mom always said that "done is good enough" and I try to live that way. She only lived to be 41 so I am glad she did not take life too seriously and was happy.


One year the kids arrived for a birthday party and I had not finished decorating the yard. The kids were thrilled
to blow up balloons and race around with crepe paper. The y told me it was the most fun thing and we agreed to let that be the opening activity for future parties too.Sometimes the things we worry about are missed opportunities for fun!


I love how you kept repeating "in this season.". It's so important to remember that if something stops working it's ok to change it.


“I just made [my bed] because you were coming over today.” Aww 🥰


Dawn, I’ve developed a Pavlovian response to your voice. 😅 I put on your videos and I IMMEDIATELY get up and start organizing, cleaning, or decluttering! You could sing the alphabet and I’d likely do the same. 😉 Thank you 😊


I've automated and simplified by buying 7 pairs of the same socks. Laundry: I don't have to sort or pair (I put them in a tiny bin). And in the morning, I grab any 2 socks.


Deciding once to have sugar just on holidays and special occasions helped FREE me from a lifelong sugar addiction once my brain chemistry reset. I started naturally craving more vegetables and healthy foods and effortlessly lost over fifty pounds without dieting! Huzzah! 😃


We've simplified life by having pizza, salad, and apples every Sunday night. I love it! No brain power needed.


Decluttering for me has involved a lot of difficult decisions about family heirlooms, some of them worth a lot. (I'm almost 80, and many things from my grandparents go back to the late 19th and early 20th century, so no I can't replace any of it for $20 and some not at any price!😆) When a grandchild is getting married I let them choose their wedding gift from a selection of items. I love seeing the empty spot where the treasure used to be stuffed into the curio cabinet, knowing that a family member starting out will enjoy it and hopefully pass it along.


For Christmas I did auto subscriptions from Amazon. My son gets a bag of his favorite coffee beans and my daughter-in law gets her favorite candle EVERY MONTH. They don’t need anything but seem to enjoy getting a little something every month that they enjoy. I think it may have a lot to do with someone thinking about them. I’m going to do the same thing this Christmas because they are impossible to buy for.


Very fun video! I love houseplants but they are so much work! I decided that I would only water my plants once a week on Mondays. Any plants that didn't like the routine were exceptions. Now, when people come over they think I have a green thumb!😊


I have lots of routines, I’m 76, so I’ve had lots of time to curate them, and I live alone after raising 4 kids. When I get up, I turn around and make the bed. Then I get dressed for the day, in the clothes I put out the night before. Breakfast and ready to move on with the day. I have a planner, I know if there are appointments, or things I need to do. I also tidy and do any dishes. I take great pride in my simplified home. At night I settle down to relax around 8 pm. Then before bed I tidy, get out my clothes for the next day. I don’t even think about it. Auto pilot!
I love your idea for the birthday cards. I think I’ll work on that.


We just returned from vacation and stayed in several hotels. I didn’t take any small shampoo bottles!!! 😊


What a great concept! I remember when I was a teacher. I came across the idea of deciding once when it came to kids and drugs. I told my students that this is a decision they only need to make one time in their life, even if they are asked multiple times if they would like to try a substance.


My daughter is 4 and in her first year at school and is constantly being invited to parties for the whole class, I went online during the sales, and bought about 25 items for a couple of pounds each (we are in the uk) and a pack of 30 birthday cards from Amazon - the gifts are now all wrapped, when she has a party she just picks one at random and choose a card and we are ready to go, when she starts making closer friends and knows more about people's likes and dislikes I will come up with a new system but I feel so much less stressed not having to rush around buying a gift last minute and inevitably spending far too much.


When the kids were little, I accidentally automated bedtime 😅
I was able to simply say “5 things” and they’d scamper off getting them done.
1. Vitamin
2. Drink of water
3. Brush teeth
4. Potty
5. PJ’s

Made evenings so much easier!


I’m not sure if this exactly fits this theme, but my husband and I have “business” meetings every weekend, usually a Saturday morning after breakfast, where we go over our calendar and budget. We make decisions about attending upcoming events together and things outside of the norm to our budget. That way, we can decide together and are on the same page with our priorities. Then we are also not making decisions when we are tired or in any kind of frenetic way. If someone invites us to something, I let them know we will talk about it over the weekend and get back to them. I add those things to our google calendar event description so that I don’t forget them by the time the meeting comes. It has been such a lifesaver to our communication and we usually make better more thoughtful decisions!


I make very few decisions in my daily life. It's freeing. I alternate everything, including my jewelry, my clothes, my meals. I only have things I like and just use the next one everyday. I alternate 10 dinners, 2 breakfasts and 3 lunches that I love. I am flexible if something comes up. Life is busy enough without having to decide these things daily. I save decisions for the big things! xo


Starting with my husband's grandmother's 99th birthday I give her a family photo and a photo of her great grandchildren (our little family of 4) from the past year. We live a few hours away so usually only get to see this part of the family once or twice a year. This way she still gets a little something special without cluttering her space. For her 100th birthday along with photos I did gift her a small photo album to collect the photos into. She loves it. She is currently 102 years. I figured I'd share in case someone else has a dear elderly family member they want to gift. Love your videos Dawn. Thank you for all the tips. Wishing everyone a blessed life. ❤


I think the most important thing you said, amongst many wonderful points was "automate the things that DONT MATTER to YOU." Perfect.
