#15 Irresistible grace refuted (Salvation Series)

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Grace can be resisted. The scriptures are very clear.
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The doctrine of Irresistible Grace, is just that. That God’s free gift is so great and unfathomable how could we possible reject it. Like it says in scripture, don’t you know that Gods kindness is meant to lead you to repentance. Romans 2:4
“Or do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?”

Let us be careful with our exposition of His word and not simply refute things because we don’t like something but let us see what God says in His scripture.
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The problem is that fallen man thinks he is more highly capable to "make a decision for Christ" than the Bible so says. It just doesn't work in fallen man's thinking that he is dead in sin, Eph.2:1-3. Fallen man and fallen Christians rather speak about dead men doing the things of living men, even in the secular sense. Dead is not dead to today's Christian. All he knows is denominational tradition having never gone on to study the Bible for himself... his pre-packaged belief system is enough. Lazarus called himself out of the grave. Fallen man is faithless, Mt.17:17, but he "places" the faith he doesn't have in Christ, of his own free will, contrary to Jn.1:12, 13, and saves himself. So doing makes a strong case against him but the more so for Satan... fallen man's super-theologian.
