Faith Alone False Theology EXPOSED

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Faith Upholds the Law!
Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid! On the contrary, we establish the law. Rom 3:31

If you’re told that Salvation is by Faith and NOT of Works, how does the Law come into play? Simple answer: ‘It Doesn’t’… least in your mind. But What is Faith? Is ‘faith without works’ dead? As James says or does the ‘works’ he is speaking of ‘FOLLOW’ Faith. Whereas the Faith comes first. So Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him as Righteousness. (Rom4:3)

But what if I also tell you that Abraham WALKED in the STEPS of his faith, doing the DEEDS of faith and thereby OBEYED God? (Rom4:14, John8:39, Heb11:8) Wouldn’t that make faith the following:
A Walk of Faithful Deeds and Obedience! All One in the Same thing. That’s why Faith (real faith) Upholds and Established the law. (Rom13:10) Because it Obeys and Keeps the Commands of Christ! In this the Bible then Makes perfect sense.

As ‘Workers’ together with God, we Work Out our Salvation in fear and trembling, Make our Calling Sure, Run the Race with endurance, Fight the good fight, Holdfast, endure, and obey. It’s no longer necessary for the pastors to explain all these away and convince you Deeds don’t matter. Because the Bible CLEARLY says you will Judged According to your Deeds:
who “will render to each one according to his deeds”: eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honor, and immortality; but to those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness—indignation and wrath, Rom2:6-8
(Also Check: Matt12:37, 16:27, Jh5:28-29, 2Cor5:10, 1Pet1:17, Rev2:23, 22:11-14)

Now if Deeds will determine the Outcome of your Salvation (as these passages clearly state) WHY would you embrace a System of Doctrine that teaches otherwise? James plainly says that the ‘Devils also Believe’ James2:19. Meaning they indeed possess Faith! It’s undeniable that they (the devils) possess the SAME faith your Churches Preach as SAVING Faith. It’s the faith of Slothful, Biblical illiterate, lukewarm hypocrites who love the fun and games of their ‘religion’ but loath the Commands of Scripture.

Faith is WALKING in the Spirit, not the flesh. (Rom8:1-4) Thus it fulfills the Righteous requirements of the law and falls in line with the Message of Christ. When asked what must I do to inherit eternal life, He answered in this manner: “KEEP the Commandments!” (Matt19:16-22) Explained further therefore in Romans 8, The Greatest of all Commandments to love God is KEPT by WALKING in the Spirit….again a WORK of Faith With Power! (2Thess1:11) DEEDS and FAITH…..Synonymous! You can’t have one without the other or you’re nothing more than a ‘Devil’ who ‘Believes’.

What they have done inside the System is highly ‘Spiritualize’ the Bible and make simple truths into big mysterious doctrines only the theologians can understand. Thereby they can easily convinced the unlearned their ‘System’ is correct and the Bible actually does teach that your Sins are Covered by Grace, your Imputed Righteous and Eternally Secure. All by merely ‘Believing’ in Jesus! From there it’s easy to explain away all the Direct Commands and Warnings of Scripture. It’s says ‘Obey’ but Really means, HE Obeyed for you. It says ‘Serve’, but really means HE Served in your place. In fact, EVERYTHING Jesus said about Holding fast, enduring to the end, Taking up your cross, denying yourself, counting the cost, is to show you HE DID it all so you don’t have to!

You see how Slick this Message really is and why it’s dubbed ‘Great Swelling Words of Emptiness’ in the Bible. (2Pet2:18) Rather than you Working out your own Salvation, Making your calling Sure, Running the Race with endurance, Patiently Continuing in the faith, JESUS Did it all for you IN ADVANCE! That’s whey Faith can NEVER be associated with Works or Deeds of any sort, no matter What the Bible says. You Remain a Wretched, Chief of Sinners, Convinced that Sin humbles your heart before God, when in reality you’re growing Harder and Harder by the day in rebellion to the truth.

But that’s another discussion entirely, we’ll deal with later. Here we need to understand the Working Dynamic of Saving faith. It’s really VERY Simple: There is a LAW of Faith, Rom3:27, The LAW of Faith is LOVE, Gal5:6, Faith WORKS by Love, And Love Upholds and Fulfills the LAW! Rom13:10.

Without this Working Dynamic, you possess the Faith of Devils. James2:19. That’s why Faith Without Works is Dead and WHY Abraham was Justified by his DEEDS and NOT by FAITH ALONE! Js2:24.
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Let's keep it simple. Your salvation is not based on what you do, but on Who you know, and then Who you know will change what you do.


"Jesus is the source of eternal salvation to all those who obey Him!"
Hebrews 5:9

"The only thing that counts is faith which works love!"
Galatians 5:6

"We are not justified by faith alone!"
James 2:24

We are not saved by works.
Ephesians 2:8-10
We are saved to do works by faithfulness which is a live working faith in Jesus!
James 2:26

Jesus says,

"If you love me you will obey what I command!"
John 14:15


The majority will condemn what you say because they are complacent living in sin. They love not their neighbor, nor do they bear any fruit. They condemn you because you remind them that scripture condemns them. And so they shut their ears and cover their eyes. They pray to God, for God to act, because they are slothful and selfish. They feel no need to look any deeper into the actual meanings of what scripture says, because if they did, it would confirm their fallen state.


Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: 1Cor 15:1-4


No one thinks they are earning their salvation... this man does not think he is earning his salvation by obeying God...  IF YOU LOVE ME YOU WILL KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS..


Faith is not at work but you may juice works of thing but faith itself is not at work but as far as rewards are concerned if you don't produce any works of faith then you probably won't receive any rewards


So many people commenting here are deceived by the greasy grace doctrine, being " led away with the delusion of the LAWLESS" 2Peter3:17 They say they love Jesus but ignore what he clearly taught ( if thou wilt enter into life keep the commandments) Mat 19:17 and what the preponderance of scripture clearly teaches. They are going to hear Yahushua (jesus) say to them " I never knew you, depart from me you who work LAWLESSNESS " Mat 7:23


Be careful what comments you post as fact and instruction, as by doing so you are establishing yourself as a teacher and will therefor be judged more harshly. Just as it was with Abraham who was justified by faith from his past wrongdoing but then rewarded because of his obedience to God’s commandments, so will it be with us.


Glory be to God. I only recall reading in Christ alone. Not church alone...etc. Examine ourselves with scriptures to see if we are in the faith. Unless if one would be satisfied with the faith of a devil. Seek ye the Lord.  To have good, mature faith in our Lord who was slain and is worthy of our faithfulness for He is faithful. I try to be faithful but its always under scrutiny for good reasons. I thank God I never have to question His faithfulness and truth. Worthy to receive power, glory, and honor forever. Great is the Glory of God The Father and Lord Jesus His Son forever and ever.


this is the KJV
Hebrews 10:14
For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.
1john 1-9:14
for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son. 10He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son. 11And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 12He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. 13These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. 14And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:


Remember the gospel is all about trusting in what Jesus did for you on the cross that is the faith that the father is looking for putting your faith in the finished work of the finished work not working for salvation no man can go to heaven if he's working for salvation


Excellent teaching ! Salvation is a free gift, but even a free gift must be recieved for it to be ours.
The word " recieve" in the new testaments original Greek means, " to take hold of". We " take hold of" the free gift of salvation by obeying Acts 2:38.
Being saved also means being born again and just as physical birth is the end result of a process, so is spiritual rebirth.


I'm looking fir kire 8f his teachings. Isn't his chanel

Or something????
What is it?


I constantly hear my friend say. Jesus fulfilled the law so we don’t have to live under law because no man could live by the law… If I bring up works my friend says, we live under grace not law and we all fall short of the glory of God


Faith alone is not enough. It is *_through_* faith that we realize we must make a decision: to obey God and seek to do His will, or else to remain separate from God and continue on our own path. It is faith that makes the choice real to us, then we must choose. The verses below feature obedience, not "faith alone":

"For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?" (1 Peter 4:17)

"In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ." (2 Thessalonians 1:8)

Abraham's example illustrates the difference between "faith alone" and faith followed by obedience. Abraham was promised blessings if he would leave home and journey to the promised land. Without any faith, he would have shrugged off the promises as unreal and that would have been the end of the story.

But even with faith Abraham could have said to himself, "Well, even though I trust God's promises I'd really rather stay home, in my comfort zone, so I'm not leaving." Would he have received the promised blessings? Of course not.

Abraham *_obeyed._* He acted on his faith. He left home, journeyed to the promised land and received the blessings:

"By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went" (Hebrews 11:8).

*_By_* or *_through_* faith he realized he had a real choice to make, and he *_chose to obey._* The Lord explained to Abraham's son Isaac that Abraham received the promised blessings because of his *_obedience:_*

"Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws" (Genesis 26:5).

The apostle James wrote "Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and *_not by faith only"_* (James 2:24). Abraham's obedience was his "works." He *_believed_* in the true, complete sense of the word _believe:_ he committed himself, he *_acted_* on his faith. In the source New Testament Greek texts, "faith" and "believe" are different words; "faith" (pistis) is a noun, "believe" (pisteuō) is a verb.

"For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also" (James 2:26). Faith without commitment, without action, is useless. Nothing changes. If Abraham had stayed home, his faith would have been dead, useless. Abraham acted on his faith; his works, his obedience brought life and completion to his faith, making him a believer. James wrote:

"Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect? And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God." (James 2:22, 23)

So what does God want us to do today? How do we believe, how do we "act" on our faith? God "now commands all men every where to repent" (Acts 17:30). That is how we can receive mercy:

"He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy." (Proverbs 28:13)

With the ransom Jesus made available on the cross, we can be redeemed from the death penalty (Romans 6:23) we have earned for our past sins. That redemption is mercy and is available by grace IF we'll choose to turn from sin, turn from sin that earned us the death penalty to begin with.

If we choose not to turn from sin, we'll remain unredeemed from the death penalty earned for our past sins and will surely perish in death for those sins. That's why Jesus warned, "except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish" (Luke 13:3, 5).

At first glance "except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish" appears to contradict John 3:16 which says we have to believe in Him: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

If "believeth" means no more than "have faith, " or think something is true, then there certainly *_is_* a contradiction with "except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." But "believeth" goes beyond just "have faith." It is *_through_* faith that we realize we have a real choice to make: whether or not to believe, to commit ourselves and act and obey. We must truly "believe, " we must act on our faith, obey and repent to avoid perishing.




you are in error, Paul writes "if it by grace it's no longer by works, if it's by works it's no longer by grace " and to "he that worketh not his faith is credited as righteousness " you are transmitting heresy


One Reality
Thank you for this short video of yours sir. I met a young man who has his own YouTube page and normally when I bring him up like I am now to you I do not tell the people the name of his page but a sense he devotes 90% of his video excerpts to exposing "false teachers / wolves in sheep's clothing", I'm going to go ahead and tell you the name of his channel which is "Beyond My Vision."
He is a die-hard Salvation through faith and faith alone. He uses mainly two scriptures and that of course is John 3:16 where it mentions nothing about repentance or obeying the commands of God, and also in acts when Paul and Silas {forgive me for not being able to capitalize the words that I need to capitalize such as the book of Acts for example wow they're it capitalized, LOL, I normally anything that has to do with God's word or relating to him I like to capitalize it but I just want you to know I am forced to use the voice activation system and that is why and I know it may not be a big deal but I find it about most important to forgive me please};
He also loves to use the verse where Paul and Silas are singing praise and worship songs in the Midnight Hour with in the jail because they felt blessed that they were counted worthy to be persecuted for the name of Christ and his gospel and the earthquake came and Shook and all the doors of the prisons were swung wide open and the Jailer came trembling and fear and when he saw that no one had escaped he fell before Paul and said "what must I do to be saved?" Paul Answers by simply saying "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved, you and your household."
I believe that God was already at work within the jailers heart because of what he had been witnessing through Paul and Silas and repentance was already at work within this man, and he began to see something within Paul and Silas that he never seen before but something that he knew he wanted and he had to have. So the Holy Spirit was already working conviction within his heart that led to a genuine repentance but it cannot only end there and that's when after repentance was already with in his heart he fell to Paul and ass now what must I do to be saved? To finish the salvation work was to now believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to Salvation and eternal life, as he is the way the truth and the life and no man comes to the father except through him.

I spoke to this young man on the phone for about 5 hours one day where I started to pick up little things and then the next day I spoke with him on the phone also and that's when it all came out and he began to curse at me and he kept on saying I feel convicted to tell you this and I feel convicted to tell you that and I feel convicted to tell you this and I don't even think that this young man understands with the word convict means because he felt no conviction what-so-ever apparently to say what I am saying is BS except he did not abbreviate those words as he also dropped a few f-bombs on me and then kind of made fun of me because of the medication that I have to take for my panic attacks. And when I said to him how he was convicted to talk to me the way that he did and yet did he not feel conviction to apologize for cursing me out and basically making fun of me? He would not apologize and even before we hung up I asked what he pray and he would not. He loves to get on to his YouTube channel and put these teachers that preach even a tidbit of Salvation by works and he loves to put them on blast and expose them but the way that he does it is not with a righteous indignation it's a prideful prideful head knowledge where you can see it's more than just anger it's a almost like he's taking it personally because of his pride issue. I remember even speaking to him and the subject got brought up about the gifts of the Spirit in 1st Corinthians chapter 12, before I was even able to finish my sentence he cut me off by saying he believed he had every one of the gifts of the Spirit. LOL. I felt like asking him did he also have the gift of humility? SMH.
Now I do not believe that a man is saved by works alone and when I say that I mean a man is not saved because he goes to church every Sunday or because he's involved in some kind of ministry maybe he goes and feeds the poor Maybe a a woman May teach Sunday school class, maybe he brings clothing to the homeless, he gives his arms he pays his tithes, basically living the life of a Pharisee kind of like when we read about the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican who on one side of the altar was the Pharisee who was so full of "I's", as he said I thank you Lord that I I'm not like that public and / sinner over there, and I thank you that I fast twice a week and I thank you that I give a tenth of my first fruits and I and I and I and Yet it says that the sinner/publican, was so broken that he was unable to even lift his eyes toward Heaven as he beat his breast and all he could say was have mercy upon me o God a sinner!!!! And the Lord said which one do you think went away Justified before God?
So I do not believe we are saved through our personal good works as if we could stand before God on that great and Dreadful day of the Lord and say but Lord but Lord but Lord didn't you see the days that I went and fed the homeless and gave them close to where? Didn't you see that for 25 years I went to church religiously every Sunday even that one Sunday Lord when the air conditioning system was broken the church and it was 90 degrees outside, Lord didn't you see the great sacrifice and persecution that I endured to go and be into the house of God on that particular day? And it reminds me of what Jesus said when he says that not everyone who calls me "Lord will enter into the kingdom of heaven. He says, I tell you the truth, many will come to me that day and they will say "Lord! Lord! did we not prophesy in your name? And in your name that we not drive out demons? And did we not do Mighty miracles in your name?" And Jesus said I will tell them plainly, "Verily Verily I say unto you, "Depart from me I never knew you ye workers of iniquity, for you did not do the will of my Father Who sent Me."

The thing is, you can give people like this young man passage after passage after Passage, but their deceitful hearts that is deceitful above all things according to Jeremiah 17:9, have them so deceived that it's almost like some kind of blockage that will not allow them to receive and they try to use their intellect to depict and dissect the passages that make it more than evident and more than apparent that faith and works are both two sides of the same coin.
I've always known that and John 3:16 the word believe was not a noun but was a verb, an action word.

I have been studying God's Word for well over 20yrs now, & I had the awesome privilege to go thru the late Pastor David Wilkerson's 12 month Christian Program known as Teen Challenge.
I had learned so much through that program and what God has been doing through that program that was a result of 1 act of obedience when God called a young David Wilkerson to NYC to confront the most notorious violent street gang of that time in the late 1950s where they gang leader Nicky Cruz was forever converted and saved miraculously by the love and the power that comes from the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I wish I could say ever since I graduated that program 20 years later I have been walking Faithfully with the Lord, but I cannot say that as I have walked with God for a season and then I would go back to my old ways of drug addiction and it would always seem that way for the past 20 years, something took place in me however only about 5 or 6 days ago in the middle of the night and I believe for the first time in my life everything I've ever known about God's word was nothing but a bunch of head knowledge but I know in my heart and in my spirit that whatever took place within me between God and I five or six nights ago the Holy Spirit broke through and caused all of that head knowledge to become heart knowledge and heart Revelation that I am seeing leading me into a transformation as God is in his way conforming me slowly but surely into the image of his son Jesus Christ. IDK why it took 20 years but God's ways are not our ways nor are his thoughts are thoughts for as high as the heavens are to the Earth so are his ways and our ways and his thoughts and our thoughts.

I thank you for this video that you have made and brought much clarity and it's sad that people don't understand that you are not teaching a Works salvation but you are teaching how faith and works go hand-in-hand, that there must be evidence of a converted born again heart where God gives us a heart transplant as he takes out of us our Heart of Stone and replaces it with a heart of Flesh and as we begin to hate the things that we once loved and we begin to love the things we once hated and neglected. Salvation is a work of the ministry of the Holy Spirit from beginning to end, but there is a responsibility on our behalf and Jesus said if you love me you will obey my commands. So that causes me to think if we do not obey his commands then we do not love him and if we do not love him then we hate him, how can one think that they will spend eternity with the King of Kings if you hate him? One of the greatest evidence that we are born again is that we will desire above all other things to obey his commands and his commands are not burdensome, for his yoke is easy and his burden is light.

This doctrine that is being talked which is become known as easy believism it's also known as free Grace Theology.


one reality i used to be decieved also into thinking i could save myself by my efforts, and my filthy rags of righteousness, its a lie my friend, you need to trust Christ alone before its to late.


1st John 5:18
"We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not..."

1 John 1:8
“If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.”

So which is it? Does the Bible contradict itself here? Absolutely not. This is why it is imperative that we RIGHTLY DIVIDE the Word of Truth (2 Tim 2:15). This is one example of many in Scripture that cause confusion when one does not understand the "doctrine" of Standing vs. State.

My STANDING is my eternal position in the eyes of God. It is fixed. Settled. Never changes. It is God's heavenly perspective. It is how God sees me judicially.

On the other hand and just is real is my STATE Which is temporal. Variable. It is how you and I view each other.

My STANDING is how God sees me. My STATE is how you see me.

When God sees me He sees the Righteousness of Christ. Perfect. Sinless. He sees me through "rose colored glasses", through the precious blood of the Savior. In God's eyes I'm RIGHT NOW seated in Heavenly places! (Ephesians 2:6)! My soul is saved. It CANNOT SIN.

MY STATE... In my flesh, now that is a different story. YOU see me in my own righteousness. Isaiah 64:6 "...all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags..." Romans 7:18 "For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh, ) dwelleth no good thing..." My soul is saved. NOT my flesh.

I'm only partially redeemed. Not fully. I have the EARNEST of my inheritance... The down payment... Ephesians 1:14 "Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.

When we rightly divide the Word of God and understand our Standing vs. Our State it clears up a lot. It will keep us from false doctrine. I'm Saved. Sealed. Eternally Secure. That CANNOT change. Knowing this is where peace and joy comes from. Stop looking at your sinful flesh and always wondering if you're saved or not. Stop beating yourself up every day. Realize what you REALLY have in your So Great Salvation! That right thinking alone brings Victory! And no, it's not having a "license to sin" as so many accuse.

God bless!!
