Arcane Vi and Jinx || Sting - What could have been || With Lyric「AMV」

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Witch one is innocent Vi or Jinx

Arcane Series Season 1
Vi and Jinx Music Video
Music : Sting - What could have been
With Lyric

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I don't care if jinx killed me I just want to give her a hug


This song is truly the anthem of Jinx. I love how the studio took a pair of overly sexualized “pixie” girl champions from league and made them such strong and nuanced characters that you love, but also understand why some people could hate them. They feel more human than almost any actual human I’ve seen on screen. I know supposedly Arcane will be an anthology, so we may never get to see Vi and Jinx on screen again, I just hope the 2nd season does them justice by being just as good. Also Silco being 100% original and not in League lore is crazy, fantastic villain.


As anyone who felt misunderstood as a child.... perhaps abused, felt abandoned.. those people... us.... people, see a kindred spirit in Jinx/Powder. We understand Powder's heartache... her innocence that was lost, her childhood that was robbed. It wasn't her fault... none of it was... Yet, she was always the smallest... the weakest... the last... And she grew up with a darkness in her heart.. a darkness that protected that poor scared little child deep inside, who was mocked and bullied and eventually, turned away. The only person to love Jinx for who she was ... was Silco... and when she killed him... It broke something in her. She is truly alone now.


After finishing the season this hits really deep how much pain and suffering both sisters gone through especially Jink.


Jinx was bullied growing up, by everyone around her. She was trying to avenge herself by trying to help. She was a child who wasn’t raised on right and wrong. She didn’t know what the bomb would’ve done, and she always tried her best. After Vi left he, she was destroyed. She was now spending time with Silco, who was also betrayed. She had him in a sad way. I feel more as Jinx then anyone else in the story, so that may be why, but I just feel bad for both. Yet I still feel Jinx more.


This is so dark and emotional. I love it. I can't imagine what Jinx went through, even now since it's continuing, but I understand her pain, I really do. Losing her sister, and her family at once thanks to a mistake. Thanks to that, she turned into a different person, even though people change overtime, But I am a different person too after all these years. I even wrote a poem inspired by Arcane, and I'm scared to share it because people may get the wrong idea, as always, but I want to. This has inspired me, and I love it. I know that Vi's relationship with Jinx will get better.


This song is so good the lines are so powerful they fit so perfectly with Arcane’s ending. Jinx is perfect


Everyone's saying "Poor jinx" but what about Vi? Honestly my heart aches for Vi way more than Jinx especially as an older sister myself. Vi geniunely was such an amazing sister to powder up until that last moment, despite all of Powder's annoying mistakes that cost them a lot. She always tried to include powder. Vi raised powder when they had no parents. Vi had all the pressure to be responsible for everyone. And what do you expect? You expect a kid to keep their cool after they've just seen everyone around them die because their annoying kid sibling didn't listen to what they said? Yes powder was only trying to help but Vi's outburst was justified and completely understandable. And then Vi had to live with that guilt of those being her final words to powder for years, not knowing where her sister is or if she's okay. Powder was everything to Vi and that was clear. Honestly Vi has suffered more than anyone in this show in my opinion. Jinx had Silco to support her. Vi had no one left. Everyone in this show is a victim. And I think part of what makes the show so beautiful is that you can sympathise with and understand the situations of all the characters. But Vi has honestly had is worse than anyone. It's crazy to me cause ik some people who actually villianse her.


You know RIOT did a good f*cking job when everything from the animation, the story, the voice acting and the theme songs fits and synchronizes very well with each other...


This song and clip combination breaks my heart for both Vi and Jinx.


I want vi to have a big moment in s2 where she breaks down and lets all her trauma and pain come out. She's been bottling it up for years and there is still so much trauma we don't know about from her time in prison. She got beat up every day and probably worse. Yall might say that "oh she's strong, she could have just fought off anyone bothering her." That's true to some extent but if it was a big group or if it was the guards, or if she was injured already, vi was really at the mercy of them. In prison the guards get to control you and make you do what they want pretty much. Vi would not have been able to fight much.


Top tier thumbnail, powder x'd out by jinx's colour is cool.


I noticed that most stories from "LoL" characters seem to revolve around family love, extreme passion and political/religious causes. I think the main theme this universe tries to tell us is the world is VERY complicated and different. But you shouldn't give up on it. You just need to find what works best for you.


She loved who she was
He loved what she became


I think it's not about looking for a culprit or a villain in this story. The vast majority went through traumatic situations. Vi was the older sister, and therefore, she had more responsibility on her shoulders, however, she already had a conscience, she knew what she could do with her possibilities, even if it was bad. In Jinx's case it wasn't like that, she was still a girl with many unanswered questions, although Vi did it to protect her, Jinx grew up feeling so different from the rest, with her insecurity and feeling that she couldn't be of help to people she loved. . I empathize a lot with Jinx because it's hard not to feel part of this world or its people.


This song is opening so many emotions rn I just wanna cry and scream rn


SORRY THIS IS SO LONG! GOT CARRIED AWAY. This is fabulous. I would say Jinx is innocent. After Episode 3, she was brought up by Silco who has no boundaries to what she can do. He lets her just roam and be free. This shows her true self but in the wrong form. She didn't know the difference between right or wrong and that sometimes results in her doing what she was brought up to think was right. Shes innocent and Silco is too. There just people who believe that to save their loved ones, sometimes death may be a part of that. Also this is really nice, maybe add some lines as overlays like voice overs of the characters lines from other scenes :).


I haven't actually watched the series yet, but I've been watching plenty of videos so I know what's happening. And as much as I sympathize with both Vi and Jinx, for some reason, Jinx will always be the one I identify with most. She's done bad things, yes, but she wants to be accepted and loved for who she is, not who she could be. I think she fooled herself into thinking that Silco loved her like that, because he 'saved' her when she was a child. But I think that's why she and Vi will never regain their relationship - because Vi wants her sister back, without the schizophrenia and all the bad parts. And that's not possible


The song and the show is unique. It's as if it was created by someone from another world. I've never seen anything better. I look forward to the next sequel. Hopefully it won't spoil like it does with other episodes of other shows. Greetings from the Czech Republic.❤💔


Beat series ever. I only hope they make some more...
