Child Asks: Why Does God Allow Children To Suffer?

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A 12-year old girl who used to live in the streets brought the nation to tears as she asked tough questions at the papal event at the University of Santo Tomas. Her honesty and her pain caught Pope Francis off-guard. Yumi Lugod has that story.
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The beautiful little girl asked a good question, but asked the wrong person.


why are many people confused?? if you would conclude he whole Papal visit in the Philippines, he wasn't there to just talk about the scripture or teach, he was here to be here, to be with the people, to send a message that even if we're far away from Rome, we are with him as the head of our religion. He came with humility and passion, he was here as our brother in faith.

why are you confused? because the Pope's answer was unclear? it wasn't if you understood it, that no matter what we do, there will be suffering because of other people and Pope's message was to trust God, that's being courageous. why are ya'll confused don't you understand things??



It is the life experiences that we thought could break us that made us stronger and closer to God. We can inspire people who are going through struggles we already surpassed.

Additionally, instead of thinking “Why did God allow this to happen?” We can reflect on the people that God is using to help us get out of that situation, that someday you will be able to pay it forward.


Anak.... Mga magulang natin ang Mananagot sa Inaabot ninyo.... Sana Mga magulang. Magising na tayo Habang may panahon pa.


It shows how our faith has no answer to this profound question. And it's terrifying that we follow Church teaching in complete darkness and so often while experiencing suffering as well! How the same God Almighty (Almighty!) who once said: "Let children come to Me", can agree on suffering, humiliation and degradation of the most vulnerable little ones??? How easily does the Holy Father speak of teras and compassion, but how hard it's for Him to truly ponder on the question...


To me, the message seemed quite clear: we should act out of kindness even when we don't understand the reasons why evil exists, and that crying does indeed ease the burden of those in suffering.
I found it very wise that he did not reach for scripture-based notions of sin and evil. It would be extremely cruel to just answer this child with some variation of "go read the scriptures". But probably that would be the answer from some of the in the comments here.
For shallow agnostics and atheists, clearly, the priority is mocking notions of god or religious institutions as opposed to truthfully consider this kind of suffering and if there is something to be done about it; remember some people lived through situations of total despair and fear and only faith kept them going. No phylosophy wannabe podcast while jogging would take you through that, believe. I am an agnostic but that was not a short, easy trip; I have learned to despise any shallow take on religious belief.
Some people here are answering as if the question was "Why is there evil in the world?". We all know the answer to that. The question is deeper than that and it was brave of him to admit it has no answer, not in the scriptures nor anywhere else


When you have the ability to prevent evil but choose not to, that makes you a monster, not a god!


These are one of such Big Question in life, the young lady ask and had a answer from the Bible: if God is love, why does God allow suffering?

The answer is because we are living under the system of wicked, which is the "Satan the devil", People thought that God was Ruling or Govern the world right now but that is incorrect because according to 1(first) John 5:19 "the WHOLE WORLD is lying in the power of Wicked". It explains why we are experience suffering (Pain, Sickness, mourn and death) bc we are living the world under the control of devil/Satan. He is caused of all the suffering we experienced.

Also People said and thought we experience suffer bc we're testing by God, that is incorrect because according to James 1:13 "When under trial, let no one say: “I am being tried by God.” For with evil things God cannot be tried, nor does he himself try anyone." It's very clear that God didn't or doesn't give test to anyone to led someone will took evil things, he is not the responsible of all suffering to mankind.

What's now? Is it all of this? Is there a hope? Yes there is hope
According to Revelation 21:4 it says "And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”
what a wonderful hope such a happy to know God will do this very soon, God will make new Heaven and Earth, it means he make a best new Kingdom or Government to mankind he let his Beloved Son to rule his Kingdom so that he will crush or shutdown the current ruler right now which is the devil, and all people will remain all Good the bad one's will be rejected they simply get destruction of not exist anymore, people will live in peace happy and everlasting life, and this will be happen very soon because we are under last days.
You can read your own BIBLE with my verses shown, now all this is true because Revelation 21:5 state "And the One seated on the throne said: “Look! I am making all things new.” Also he says: “Write, for these words are faithful and true."

"✍️ Write for these words are faithful and true


My answer to that question is IF GOD LET US SUFFER THERE MUST BE A GOOD REASON


Dahil sa pita ng kamunduhan..Ng katawan..Ng kasalanan..Hindi Ito hinahayaan ng Diyos, ito ay kilos ng pita ng biktima ang kabataan, magulang, pamilya at lahat..God has a purpose.
Glory to God!


I'm a little confused. Is a like to this video liking the girl's question or the pope's answer, which wasn't an answer?


To have free will one must allow for chaos.


Jesus is the only way to salvation. Repent of your sins and trust in Jesus Christ. God bless yall!


There are so many crimes done to children everyday. Where's this god? This is the same god that burns atheists in hell even if an atheist is a good person


And the pope said to the little boy, 'these feelings, they are alright, just close your eyes.' only for the child to never be found again.


You have all these people looking at you for the answer and don't tell them anything about Jesus? Just "keep crying and be courageous"? Really?


Pope francis pls come back here again here in the Philippines.


Because there is no god. That is the truth.


Why should he answer He is not God. On the first place who make those kids suffer ? Those people who do crimes are people who lost their faith God cannot go down and slap them. There is no answer not even if you change the question bakit natin hinahayaan ang kabataan maka ranas nang kasamaan ? Wala ding sagot dyan kahit itanong mo pa sa kahit kanino circumstances happens but its not Gods will its mans Decision and God can only save them through the holy spirit through other people who may represent God. or surely those who suffers will be blessed in Gods kingdom which he has control of. If all people are united in one common good then we are in heaven as we will be sharing and looking at each others welfare and goodness and not racing to be the.richest man in the world


Children suffer bc the children that suffered without help grew up to be adults. Either that or some people are straight up demons the, selves :/
