How to know your ideal body weight? | Experienced clinical nutritionist | Zyla Health

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How to know your ideal body weight?

Nowadays, people are very much concerned about their BMIs and they keep calculating it which makes them worry a lot. So, is BMI the right way to find your ideal body weight?

BMI stands for Body Mass Index which can easily be calculated on any fitness application or the internet. As per WHO, if your BMI is 18.5 Kg/m2, then you fall under the category of underweight. BMI between 18.5-24.9 Kg/m2 is normal category, BMI between 25.0 – 29.9 Kg/m2 is overweight and lastly BMI from 30.0 Kg/m2 or more is obese.

But, let me tell you that BMI is not the accurate way of finding your ideal body weight as a person who is falling under the underweight or normal category can have low muscle mass and bone density and high body fat which can be harmful than a person who is overweight having high muscle mass and bone density and low body fat.

Another easy way to calculate ideal body weight is the Broca's index. All you have to do is subtract your height in cm with 100. The result will give you your ideal body weight. For example, if Ms Anita's height is 156 cm, then her ideal body weight will be 156-100= 56 Kg.

Now you must be thinking, “which method is the ideal one?” BCA (Body Composition Analysis) is the accurate method as it tells the percentage of muscle, fat, bone and water in your body. One should have more bone and muscle mass. Overall, if your body fat percentage is less than 25 then you are healthy.

Thus, you must not depend on BMI as it's not an accurate method for finding out your ideal body weight, rather it gives an approximate value. You can be perfectly healthy even if you fall under the overweight category of BMI

Watch this video & let our clinical nutritionist at Zyla explain it further to you.


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