Surface Pro 9 Review

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The Surface Pro 9 has Thunderbolt 4. You can buy an external GPU and plug it into That port and render on that external GPU.


I think the Surface Pros are actually a showcase for Microsoft to show other manufacturers how a Windows 2 in 1 should be, but since then none have really gotten the message.

And I think that's what prevents this format from being what it should really be, since developers have no real interest in it because of the lack of serious manufacturers in the segment.


It's really easy to swap storage yourself on the new Pro. So you can just buy a bigger drive if needed later on. Thats a big advantage over iPad/Mac.


AutoHotKey can send keypresses. You can also compile a macro to an .EXE file. Then, you could set that (should be an eraser) button to launch that compiled AutoHotKey script. Voila pushing the button on the end of the stylus sends a keystroke. You can even include a whole sequence of keystrokes. And even have it do different things depending on which program is running. So, all you would need is to compile three separate Auto hotkey scripts, one for each program you can set that button to, and then you have a set of three macros that you can send to any of your active programs. Of course, you would have to edit and recompile the script every time you thought of a new thing you wanted it to do in a different program. But, hey, at least it would work. And auto hotkey is insanely robust and popular.


I find th SP9 much more appealing than an ipad because now we can desktop class apps while also keep the drawing part.


Hey brad! I'm the surface pro gaming guy and i'm here to say the pro 8 and pro 9 are very capable at gaming at 900p which is just fine for most every you can use an egpu (i've got a razer core x with gtx 1080) I've got lots of videos to prove it too.. if anyone has any questions for gaming let me know..


I originally bought the Pro 4 way back when with a replacement plan cover that I have since used twice now to get the Pro 6 and just today for the Pro 9. It's been a good lineup. Very useable when away from home from typing, browsing, reading (my main use for it these days if I'm honest. Love that kickstand as a hand hold when reading in portrait mode). But I really have still yet to use it for the purpose for which I originally convinced myself to get that Pro 4, drawing. Had a pen the whole time, just never got around to learning how to do it. Maybe this time I will, but it's certainly a good bit of kit with more than just your basic laptop uses, and the full Windows experience make it far more powerful (IMO) than your typical tablet. Still a bit pricy, but I certainly ain't complaining when I have basically bought it once years ago and just upgrade it every few years when the battery life goes to crap and get the new current model for just the cost of the replacement cover.


Still rocking my surface pro 5. I absolutely love it and the surface pen 2. My only complaint is Krita is starting to run slow when I have large drawings and a few different apps open.


I’ve used my Wacom Cintiq 16 and connected to my surface pro 6 to get a better pen experience 😅. Always enjoyed your reviews every week!


Love your reviews, come a long way since that first surface pro 3 one


Ijust got a pro 9 for my birthday for photo editing and I'm loving it


the new surface pros work with eGPU (external GPU or breakout box) so it could do very well for rendering when you have an external GPU


Hi, from an artist (amateur) to a pro artist, I usually draw on my Wacom which I usually have to connect to my laptop. It's very inconvenient to take with me on the go so I was thinking in investing in a tablet for drawing on the go. Now, I'm very used to the way Wacom works and I'm also using Clip Studio Paint for drawing. Can you tell me, from your point of view, how good is the Surface Pro or Surface Studio (idk which one is better) for drawing compared to Wacom. Is it easy to use the pen for shading and colouring and is the pen movement very accurate to that of a pencil on paper? I'm just curious if I should invest in something big like this when I'm so used in the Wacom way. For me it's just pen movement that's very important so it flows nicely like pencil on a paper because that's how I draw digitally as well. I was just wondering if I'd get a good deal with this laptop so I can finally have an easier way to draw and can take it with me wherever I go.


That’s more a monster than a robot, but it works :). I’ve been tempted to buy one, but never bit the bullet. That might change now, though. It’s probably powerful enough now for mid-intensive tasks on the go + improved pen.


it would be awesome to see a device with a gpu and a pen it makes sense the CGI artists need something like that and a drawing display doesn't add any weight or crazy cost to a gaming laptop.


I'm finally at a point where I want a separate PC and laptop (not a super-powered laptop that's doing double time to be a PC). So I think this just might be the perfect solution for the laptop side of things.


I feel like I may have missed this info in the video somewhere, but did the model in this review have an i5 or i7 processor? I'm guessing the i5?

Great video btw, your description of how the stylus handles is really good info


here is a video topic: using a tablet or display to Edit your physical drawings, instead of using a tablet or display to Create your art. i want to draw designs for my own merch but have been struggling with jumping from pencil and paper to digital. i have the digital hardware and software and i've learned how to use them... but i simply Don't use them. why? because i am so used to drawing small on a 9x11 piece of paper with pencil or pen. that is my comfort zone. when i try to create from scratch in digital i struggle. i'm just not comfortable doing that. i don't like the weight or shape of the stylus. i don't like the feel of the screen, etc, etc. but what i've found, is that i can scan my physical drawings into my computer, and then i seem okay with digitally cleaning them up and tweaking them. i don't seem to have any problem doing those steps in digital. in fact, those steps are infinitely easier in digital. but creating from scratch in digital is not in my comfort zone yet. i wonder how many people are in the same boat as me


i have a surface book 2 and a surface pro 5, looking to upgrade it to the 9, the only reason i use the book as my main is the gpu. but surface pro is maximum portability, light weight, cool factor, its so comfortable and feels much sturdier.


So... Do you not use layers when you draw? I couldn't help but notice that, when you drew the "hand flames, " you had to erase the overlap by hand.
