Running Firebase Locally

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In this tutorial, I'll be taking you through setting up the Firebase emulator for local development. The Firebase emulator will allow us to set up some of the Firebase services locally instead of connecting to a live Firebase project.
Over the next few videos, I'll be going over the steps to set up Firebase Auth, Firestore, and Functions using the Firebase emulator. In this first video, we’ll focus on Firebase Auth. If you find this video helpful be sure to leave a like, comment or subscribe if you’d like to see more videos like this.
Firebase Emulator set-up documentation:
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Over the next few videos, I'll be going over the steps to set up Firebase Auth, Firestore, and Functions using the Firebase emulator. In this first video, we’ll focus on Firebase Auth. If you find this video helpful be sure to leave a like, comment or subscribe if you’d like to see more videos like this.
Firebase Emulator set-up documentation:
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