Firebase Emulator Tutorial | Local Development With Firebase

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Hey everyone! Historically working with Firebase has usually been a "test on prod" type thing... This week we are looking into how to use the Firebase Local Emulator for local development. This provides a faster feedback loop and is a much quicker way of developing. Check out last week's video for an intro on firebase.

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Huge thank you to Harris Heller for providing copyright free music.

Hey everyone! My name is Redhwan Nacef (Red for short). In this channel, I'm hoping to share my thoughts on software engineering, coding, management, and all things tech. I hope you enjoy!
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Dude thanks a lot. I did not understand with the documentation at all how to actually connect the app front end to the local emulators suite. Your solution is easy to follow.


Really needed this video. Can't find any easy to follow ones like this on Firebase Emulators, on Youtube. If you make more videos on this topic(or anything regarding firebase), I'm sure we would watch it


Thank you! This is going to be really helpful. I’m super paranoid when working on stuff with css where you make small changes then have to refresh to make sure of works. Don’t want to waste my free reads & writes etc locally


Great one! I have learnt Firebase extension event and wanted to test it on emulator suite and here i am.
I also made some firebase videos too recently 😁


Thanks, really great video. Short and sweet and to the point, helped get me up and running quickly and easily


Thanks, now I know how to use very useful IDE shortcut for group copying and group typing - alt+shift + double+click at elements.


I'd love a video about how to do this to run your integration tests as well. i.e. have firebase running in a docker container, and have the app connect to it when running tests. The data can be ethereal between test runs. It would be cool to get this running in Doker to reliably run it locally, as well as in CI pipelines.


Thank you, Works like a Charm. Where did you find documentation for connect? I was reading official Firebase docs and did not find it.


How to configuration in react native sir?


$ firebase emulators:start
i emulators: Starting emulators: auth, firestore
i firestore: Firestore Emulator logging to firestore-debug.log
+ firestore: Firestore Emulator UI websocket is running on 9150.
i ui: Emulator UI logging to ui-debug.log
! ui: Fatal error occurred:
Emulator UI has exited with code: 1,
stopping all running emulators
i ui: Stopping Emulator UI
! ui: Error stopping Emulator UI
i firestore: Stopping Firestore Emulator
! Firestore Emulator has exited upon receiving signal: SIGINT
i auth: Stopping Authentication Emulator
i hub: Stopping emulator hub
i logging: Stopping Logging Emulator

I have the same problem as above. pls help me
