Montana: The Don'ts of Visiting Montana

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Hey there fellow travelers, we are in Montana and want to give you the do's and don'ts of visiting Montana. From taking in the gorgeous nature, like Glacier National Park and Flathead Lake, to the cute towns of Bozeman and Missoula, to the tasty treats of huckleberries and endless meats.
Tourist information on Montana.
What to know before you go to Montana.
Filmed in Bozeman, Montana
Copyright Mark Wolters 2020
#montana #visitmt #visitmontana

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Don't forget to watch @Simply Jocelyn's video on What to Eat in Montana! Another fun video to help you get the most out of your amazing visit to Big Sky Country.


I'm a Native American, my tribe is the Blackfeet Nation from Browning Montana and I just want to say what a great video, thanks for visiting our beautiful state but u forgot the most important "DONT LITTER!!" We hate when tourist come and leave garbage n trash in our state parks n campgrounds.
Thank u n remember, it's a good day to be indigenous...


Just FYI, when you ask someone for a fishing spot, they’ll give you a popular spot. No one, not even the fly shops, will give you the good spots.


I was born and raised in MT, and you could spend years here and still not see everything. Us Montanans really don't like tourists because there is so much disrespect for the land, it's really frustrating. I spend a ton of time in the outdoors hiking, camping, kayaking, rock climbing, etc. and I come across vandalism and litter all the time. I've had to find more secluded fishing spots too because tourists will gut their fish and leave the guts on the water banks, making it unsafe to fish because the smell brings in bears. True Montanans are some of the hardest working and good natured people. Don't give us a reason to dislike you, and we're typically pretty friendly. Safe travels and I hope you get a chance to come back to explore some more. Make sure you check out Lewis and Clark caverns or tour some of the ghost towns too, there's some pretty interesting history with them.


I am a Native (American and Montanan) and think it is an extraordinary state. I have been to all the states and they all have something beautiful, but Montana is not for the faint of heart. The winters are very quiet so if you're used to a city the quiet of it all can make you a little crazy. People move here all the time and then leave. Our property taxes surprise a lot of people. They think they can come here and live cheaply, but it's not as inexpensive as you think. The other thing is that recreating is not inexpensive either. Buying a snowmobile and a boat and a camper can put a little dent in your budget.


My dad side of the family is originally from eastern Montana, and smart many of them still live out there farming and ranching and having a great time. I’ve had it up to visit them on a lot of occasions, and have seen a whole lot of Montana. One thing that I would add to this video is don’t forget about Eastern Montana. The towns are smaller, but just because they’re smaller, doesn’t mean that there’s nothing to do. The historical museums in so many of those towns in eastern Montana are really quite surprisingly good!


I visited Northwest Montana and it was so beautiful my soul was singing praise of the very ground I walked on every minute of the trip.


born and lived in Montana my entire life and I can tell you at least for me that most of my meals are steak or meat-related so I completely agree with that input in the video! :)


Moved to Montana in my 20s and now own a slice of Heaven. Montana has great people and no sales tax.


I just drove back to Indiana from Montana last month. You will definitely go over a hundred miles sometimes with out seeing a gas station and farther then that for some fast food. The thing that amazed me besides the beauty of the state is the job it took to run all that fencing I seen on every road/highway, lol.


FYI the reason they make so many turn-outs is for tourists who can't keep up to the speed limit can turn out and let traffic pass. The rule is if you have more than 4 cars behind you turn out and let the traffic pass. One of the biggest causes of bad accidents is when tourists slow down or hit the brakes hard to see wildlife. Bozeman to Big Sky stretch is the deadliest road in Montana.


I love living in Montana. I moved here in 2003 from Ohio. Every time I go home to visit, I miss the mountains and I can’t wait to get back. There is so much to see Bannack State Park, Big Hole Battlefield, Grant Khors Ranch, Gates of the Mountains, Virginia City, the Capitol is beautiful and you can take a tour of Helena, Mining Museum in Butte and of course taking a ride in the mountains (4x4 is a must). Take a ride through the Big Hole and Beartooth Highway but if it’s close please don’t go beyond the barriers.... it’s closed for a reason, 2 ladies got stuck in a snow storm. Also it will snow in the summer. We had heavy wet snow in June. If you do camp, whatever you take in, you take out.... please don’t litter!!! Enjoy this beautiful state!!!


i learned the size of MT when we got to the border, called our loved one and told them we are almost there, and they replied with " you still have 16 more hours to go!" hahahaha


I loved that sign with Social distancing. Bears 100 Yds Aunt Edna 6 Yds


Pretty accurate. My fellow Montanans would like me to add however, Don't move here; our human to wildlife ratio is already heavy on the people side.


Been watching your videos for quite a while. I live in Germany, but I'm from Montana. I am so proud to be from such a great state.


You are in Bozeman where I live! This makes me so happy knowing you guys have walked the streets that I walk all the time. So glad you have enjoyed Montana.


Seen a sign once say "Welcome to Montana, when are you leaving?"


There's nothing like driving the lone highways in the vast open spaces of Montana. One of my favorite places on earth!


In all honesty as a Montana native, we are super friendly but a little put off by the increasing population. Come visit and enjoy but we like the nature and the more people that move here the less nature there is. It's an incredible place.
