Why the Trenches Were the Most Dangerous Job in WW1

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World War 1 was a brutal and bloody conflict that saw casualties mounting on all sides, but perhaps the most dangerous position during the war was deep down in the trenches. Check out today's epic new video to find out what really made life in the trenches suck!


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for me, the Christmas Truce was the saddest thing. It showed morality was still there. They were normal people that could have been friends, but were forced to become enemies. For the soldiers, the worst day was the day when they bought good food, because it meant that they would be going up the next day. My family survived both of the world wars


WW1 doesn't get any recognition, but the lives of the men who served in it were unbelievably brutal. Keep up the good work


The fact that they lived like that for 4 years is just insane. No wonder they got shellchock, or what we now call PTSD. The constant artillery bombardments, poisonous gas, machine gun fire, hand to hand combat with whatever you could find or use, living in mud, fecies, urine, dead bodies, diseases, rodents eating your enemy and your own troops, things like that does make most people go insane and lose their minds, and they couldn't go back, lest they were tried and executed for treason or desertion. No wonder they chose to go on, go forward no matter what. They didn't want to end up in prison or get executed for treason and desertion. They also didn't want to die because of the enemy killing them. The fact that you don't want either of those two options, just give you one thing to chose. You had to carry on, no matter what. It's sad that it came to nothing in the end. World war two came some 20 years later, so the question was to them if it was worth it in the end. They couldn't predict WW2 of course, but still


This whole description of the soldier going through no man's land/the trenches would make an amazing novel or short film honestly. I'd pay to read or see that


This might be the best Infographics video I’ve seen yet. The narration was top notch


The Mud. Reading about and seeing pictures from WW1 made me literally fear the mud, how it would literally just swallow up Solider’s, some to never be found


Think of how insane that is. Doing all that over and over again. A friends dad who served in WW2, he told us (right before his son..whom was my friend..went off on deployment) the dead were the lucky ones

Never figured out what this meant until my buddy took his own life because of PTSD. He was battling depression from his dad passing and losing his leg in a IED incident


Just listening to this, picturing myself in this story as he speaks was an emotional experience. And I’m not to emotional. Great story telling. Love this channel


Wow, I cannot tell you what I just felt hearing all of this. I truly felt like I was there. My deepest respects to every soldier out there fighting for just causes. My heart was moved, I couldn't fathom experiencing anything like that.


Increíble job with this. I’ve developed a new found respect for anyone who went through or is going through this.


I am 56. I was born late to parents who lived through the Great Depression. My father fought in the Pacific during WWII. In my youth, we knew a sweet, kindly man who had fought in WWI. My father, a veteran of the horrors of the Guadalcanal (Solomons) campaign, held him in the deepest respect. Rightfully so.


Wow, this was so well narrated. Incredible first hand point of view, and very realistic! Love this


Modern generation: I hate being out in the open

WW1 Veterans: *First time?*


fun fact: a song named "Wo alle Straßen enden" (Where all streets end) is a song about ww1 german soldiers singing about the horrors of trench warfare and even tho the song sounds VERY militaristic, in the song its about war being a horrific thing instead of being glorious. (I think thats what its about)


Please do more ww1 stuff it’s really interesting


Up til WW1 battles lasted anywhere from an hour to, at the very longest, a couple days, with a very few exceptions. In WW1 the shelling alone would go on for 2-3 days, and then the actual fighting would begin. The combat from beginning to end could be weeks. That's why the PTSD was so common and severe. In all of human history nobody had seen anything like it. Industrialized warfare was here.


Fairly good video. However, one of the biggest issues old soldiers use to talk about (since most are dead now) is the mud and the necrotic effect it has on skin after days sitting in it.
Their skin would literally slough off due to sitting in the mud so long. While many survived this, it was probably the biggest thing the survivors remember. Sitting in 6 inch deep mud for days to the point their skin just comes off.
Get it isn't as horrific as dying from a mortar or grenade, but the survivors (since not dying) saw that as the most horrific thing they experienced.


It absolutely baffles me as to how humanity has allowed themselves to be subjected to this kind of horror throughout history...


This was one of the best videos I've seen from this channel in a while.


My grandpa served in Vietnam, he never saw any action but had horrendous PTSD because most of his time was spent wondering when the Viet Cong were going to hit his base! wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy!
