Q&A: Prophet Adam and Theory of Evolution!

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How does Prophet Adam fit into the Theory of Evolution?

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He didn’t really answer the question. I’m still very confused.


Fun (long) fact.
In the abbasid empire/caliphate (i think around 800 to 1300 years ago) there were Muslims known as the Mu'tazilites. The Mu'tazilites were basically Muslims who believed in reason and other stuff. A lot of scientist in this period were Mu'tazilites, not all.

They actually had a theory of evolution. They believed organisms or "creation" adapted to its environment, and thus eventually adapted into different species.
They believed we humans descent from animals, and animals from plants, and plants from raw materials.

Normally, you would see a lot more Muslims hold this belief to this day. But in a later period, the abbasids had tyranical rulers who persecuted Muslims with other beliefs, mainly from ummayad lineage. One of those people was imam Abu Hanifah. He was an Islamic scholar who didn't have the same believes as the Mu'tazilites. He was unjustly arrested and died a martyr after a long period of torture in prison. People recognized that this was unjust. Imam abu Hanifah thus eventually gained popularity while he was captive. People followed imam Abu Hanifah more. Until the Hanafi school in Islam eventually took over the region and the Mu'tazilite sect disappeared.

"Hanafi" derives from his name, imam abu "Hanifa".

Al Jahiz, who lived in 776-868CE, is an example of an Islamic scholar, writer, Arabic grammarian and zoologist that wrote about and described evolution and natural selection in one of his 200 books.


I don't worry too much about that. There is a lot of symbolism in the Bible. I think the theological, moral, spiritual, and prophetic message is what is important. The Biblical story teaches us a lot of things about the importance of couples staying married, how special man is to God as compared to the animals, prophecies pertaining to Christ in the story, etc. The Trinity is implied in the words, "Let Us make man in Our image." Even some hints of the blessedness of the afterlife for believers can be found in the story. As for 48 chromosome apes giving birth to 46 chromosome human babies, I still wonder how that is scientifically possible.


The Quran stresses the requirement that if we do not have knowledge on something, " Go seek a person of knowledge, an Alim."
On the topic of Evolutionary biology there, in my opinion is no greater person in the field than Dr Rana Dajani. She is a Muslim. We as an Ummah should be blessed to have such intellectuals amongst us. Those who can help remove the utter stupidity that prevails in several areas, amongst the Muslim masses. It is people like her who i am sure Allah swt admires because they do the task of upholding and propagating the truth. Dr Dajani gives a beautiful, articulate and thought provoking talk on Evolution and human evolution. She is absolutely correct in her analysis that humans are "not outside of this process." We are a part of it.
Allah Creates, He is Al-Khaliq, Thee Creator and Evolution is the Tool that Allah uses to create everything. Even the Universe evolves!!


They had to post the video without the answer. Subhan Allah


I'm a Kuwaiti Buddhist but I recognize the fact that evolution and Islam CAN go hand-in-hand because it doesn't have to be factual, it can always be a metaphorical or semi-metaphorical story


To the questioner, watch brother Subboor ahmad's video on this


The idea of adam and eve was enough for the people of old centuries to believe where we actually came from, but when the group of people actually started to find the truth and just don’t believe in what is just written they found the roots back to their ancestors with proof and found the truth on their own with logic and justification.


We did not descend from Apes. However we do share a common ancestor.
In fact if you compare the DNA of humans, Chimps and Gorillas, then you find a closer DNA match between Humans and Chimps than you do between Chimps and Gorrilas!!
Darwin never claimed we descended from Apes, his adversaries however mocked him and assumed the idea.
By the way, it wouldnt take much for scientists to create a chimp that could talk, its well within their capabilities. They already know what is needed for this to come about!!!


No doubt the science has taught people that the humans with brain can do anything on their own with a vision and aim to develop something with logic and it requires centuries to develop something with answers and justification to shut those who tries to reveal the unknown truths on their own way within years in the form of book.


That way you can never explain the birth of jesus. You need to believe in Quran as facts as it is above science.


A scholar in any religion is the same as a scholar in Zues or Odin or any other myth. Choosing to major in theology or becoming in scholar in religion is like marrying your kidnapper, because you are becoming an expert in myths you were brainwashed in as an innocent child. originally from Karachi Pakistan and Teer Haripur Hazaara, now ex-Muslim Atheist, ,


I do love the way this gentleman speaks, a lovely quiet calm. A quranic literal interpretation of adam cannot sit within evolution, they both can't be correct. One is wrong


Plz read this
Three things in scientific light:
1)Hypothesis:: An imaginary answer purely based on human imagination, may or may not be correct.like people used to think that lot of coal is burning in sun, ofcourse it proved to be completely false.
2) Theory: when a scientist on the basis of evidence or proofs available to him at that time forms a opinion regarding something. Other scientists after him may accept or reject it based on proofs available to them at that time. In a theory many links are not attached properly so it may be accepted or rejected with time on the basis of evidence. Like a theory that universe is filled with ether which was rejected after been believed to be true for many years.
3) Proof: when a scientist proposes a theory and then proof it under laboratory conditions and Results are verified.like Nuclear fusion in sun that is verifiable under laboratory conditions.
Hence conclusion is Darwin proposed a theory, it is still being researched so discussion on it is useless as even scientific community has difference of opinion on it..


How to ask a question at Quran speaks website?


Evolution theory explains how evolution takes place but it does not explain what is it that started and drives evolution. Could it not be that it is the soul's intelligent consciousness that triggers and drives evolution? Consciousness is the engine of evolution. Science cannot measure consciousness.


Salam guys in the new series called Gaia they talk about the origins of humans and some theories about humans. It talks about UFO's, Aliens, how aliens may have tampered with human DNA or even made humans who have alien DNA. What do you guys know about these theories is there any evidence supporting it.


I don’t see any evidence for anything un-natural, therefore I am not convinced that there is anything unnatural or supernatural like gods, spirits, miracles, magic, ‘jadoo’, ‘jins’ and ‘rooh’ and gods . originally from Karachi Pakistan and Teer Haripur Hazaara, now ex-Muslim Atheist, ,


Molviii Berra gark kr dia tum ny Adam and Eve ko hii Kahanii bna dia Linguistic bna dia wah bhai waH ap k Emaan


Muslim scholors are so desperate that they refer to haroon yahaya who by the way is facing charges and his book are completely falls
