Principle of Equivalence and Curvature of Light

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I finally can wrap my head around the Equivalence Principle. A happy thought indeed :)


Awesome sir you are the first person who made me understand what is this equilance principle. Thank you very much.


hey. i am not sure if you are aware, but i recently created website and on it I have it very well organized by chapters and such. you can find the link in the description section.


what do you think about putting all the physics according to chapters, cause now am having difficulties knowing which is which, if its a doable idea .thanks


Every one of Einstein's gedankens is wrong. For example, re Einstein’s silly elevator/chest gedanken for supposed equivalence.

1. Hanging wts will hang parallel in accel, but will converge if in gravity.
2. Clocks will tick at same rate in accel, but will tick differently if at different altitudes if in gravity.
3. Photons crossing the room will all remain horizontal in accel, even tho the ray of light curves down, but photons will not remain horizontal in gravity, they will have a slope parallel to the curved traject if in gravity.

Re 3. Einstein’s elevator/chest gedanken for the equivalence of a curving ray of light in accel & in gravity ignores this lack of equivalence. If we apply Einstein’s gedanken to the bending of light passing a star then no photon passing a star would ever fall below the mid-line of the star. Hence there would never be a focus, hence there could never be a ring, or even a part-ring.

Every one of Einstein’s gedankens is wrong. His prediction of the doubled bending of light passing the Sun is a lucky guess. Likewise his prediction of rings. Likewise his prediction of Shapiro Delay. None of these are a legitimate prediction of any of his gedankens.

The only remnant of his GTR is the slowing of light near mass, confirmed by Shapiro Delay. We need to find the real cause of Shapiro Delay.

If i am kind i can give Einstein credit re the doubled bending of light passing the Sun. But we know that a mysterious half of it is due to Shapiro Delay (Dicke). Hence we need to find the cause of the other mysterious half (hint)(it is due to a psuedo-ballistic bending).

Re 2. I should add that all kinds of clocks must be affected differently by altitude & by velocity. Tests show that some atomic clocks behave nearnuff as per GTR. But we will find that GTR does not apply for most kinds of clocks, eg tuning fork & balance wheel clocks.
